Merry Christmas my dear friends!
I have had some time after work every night this last week and I managed to scrape a whole chapter together! So here it is! I hope you like it!
After the door closed and Jade was alone again she let out a heavy sigh. She pressed her hands against her face and then pulled them downwards, making her face disfigured by her movement.
Once again she wanted him and once again she was left alone with her core screaming for release but not getting it.
It felt like William had been here for a second or two and she was completely undone by him. In every kind of way. Her body was a mess and her mind as well. Again he had told her that he loved her. It had made her warm all over and this time she had wanted to say it back... But she hadn't even gotten the chance before he was out the door.
Jade made sure that the door was locked and then went over to the window. She stood where William had been standing the other day.
She rested against the cold stone wall and studied the withered gardens outside. Her gaze floated over to the woods. They looked cold and unwelcoming in this season. Instead of the thick warm greenness that the woods had exuded in late summer, when she had arrived, they were now a cold brown and had a sort of blackish tone to them.
As she studied the dying nature outside, her mind drifted off to problems she now faced when William was gone.
Even though William hadn't told his father about the North yet she had a bad feeling about the girl with the wild green eyes. Jade was shook by Elizabeth's behavior and even though she might be exaggerating a still felt unwise to not take the woman's concern seriously. But Jade couldn't fathom how the girl was supposed to hurt her when Loren was always by her side.
I should probably take Elizabeth's concern seriously... She thought and let her eyes rest on the spot in the garden where William had given her the answers she had craved.
I wonder when he will be back... She thought to herself and sat down by her desk.
There was nothing to do in her chamber, except relive all the moments she had shared with William in here. Leaving her and the area between her legs in a shriveling mess...
"What is this about, father?" William asked impatiently as they got up in their saddles.
William noticed how Dimma was eager to go as usual. The horse jerked his head around to let William know it. He comforted the horse with two slow strokes on his neck as he watched his father, waiting for an answer.
"We have to go and see to the villages that were burned down by the raiders." His father answered and there was a serious tone to his voice.
William narrowed his eyes, confused by his father's explanation.
"What is there to see? They burned down." William stated as they rode out into the city together.
They were followed by two dozens of soldiers on foot. The sound of their marching reminded William of the peace and quiet he so longed for up in the North. The only sound up there was the occasional howl of an owl and the scream of a fox. He couldn't wait to come back and take Jade with him up North.
"It is important that you learn of to care for your people and your future kingdom, my son." His father responded and woke William from his thoughts.
William rolled his eyes mentally.
Please do not give me a speech right now... William groaned in his thoughts. He wanted them to fill with Jade but instead he was going to get his father's long speech of how William needed to take his preparations seriously.
"It is not enough to just show up when their troubles have escalated. When you are king you have to make sure that our people will see you as their leader, not just a crown and a title. Let them see you and talk to you. This will earn their respect and loyalty." His father explained as his eyes swept over the streets he reigned over. He then turned his gaze towards William and he exuded the true essence that a king should have. In his father's eyes rested a sense of pride and responsibility. Something that William admired in his father... but he sometimes struggled with it these traits himself.
The future was still not set for him... He wasn't sure if the people would follow him like they did his father. Everyone loved the old man. The people loved how just and honest his father was... and they respected him for taking such good care of his vast kingdom and its people.
William himself was currently seen as his father's hot tempered son. A young man with dead eyes and whom was a bit of loner... That was until he had brought Jade home ... Now he was the prince that had a feisty temper and a future wife of a lower class. The part concerning Jade did not bother him at all. What other people thought of Jade's origin didn't make him doubt his choice in her. He already knew she would be the most fitting queen this kingdom had seen. Now everyone else just had to realize this.
William smiled indistinctly by the thought of Jade sitting next to him, on her own throne. There was no doubt in his mind that she would be a very suitably queen. She had all the qualities he deemed a queen should possess; a sharp tongue, fire and complete distaste towards those who disrespected her.
Due Jade's hatred towards being treated unjust ,because of her origin, she would be seen as a woman of the people. This would earn her their subjects respect. Not to mention her sharp tongue and fiery temper, those attributes of hers would make her great and powerful.
People - be it royals, nobles or common folks -would all learn not to be on her bad side. They would treat her like she deserved to be treated; as his queen.
William's smile grew wider when he imagined Jade cut off a lord with piercing words and ice cold eyes just because the man had said something she didn't agree with.
They won't stand a chance... he thought contently to himself.
However, no one respected William like they did his father. Not yet at least... Perhaps that was why his father was so angry with him for neglecting his duties, because his actions were immature and would not grant him the people's respect?
"I know father. You know I take my duties seriously...." William said and shot a look back at the castle when he thought his father didn't notice.
He was wrong.
When William turned his head back he met a pair of cautioning eyes that told him his father had noticed.
"I would have believed you if you hadn't just looked back..." His father muttered and raised an eyebrow, making him look rather unimpressed. "What are you so worried about? The girl?" He continued.
"I am concerned for her safety." William answered shortly.
"The girl is fine here!" His father exclaimed and threw his arm out in a sweeping motion towards the castle walls.
However, William was more concerned that there might still be a threat within them. A threat his father most likely wasn't even aware of. And what terrified him even more; a threat he hadn't identified yet.
"Do you not trust Loren to keep her safe?"
"I don't trust mother." William said and gave his father a look that told him that William was well aware of his father's displeasure for when he spoke of his mother in such a way. His father waited patiently for what he was going to say next, like he knew there was more.
"Jade has been acting strange..." William added and turned his gaze towards the road in front of them.
"Oh? How?" His father asked and sounded genuinely concerned.
"Do not think of me as disrespectful for asking... but what do you care?" William asked and narrowed his eyes suspiciously towards his father. "You haven't acted like you care about Jade the last times we have spoken... Why do you care now?"
"I... eh... I might have been a bit hard on you." His father confessed. He nodded at William and then at the road, signaling that he wanted to ride ahead so they would get some privacy.
William nodded in response and they rode ahead until they were out of range from curious ears and minds.
His father put one of his hands on his hip and turned his upper body slightly towards William. Before he spoke his eyes studied the city life around them. Bystanders kneeled and curtsied for them and his father was very particular about acknowledging almost every one of his subjects.
As they reached the gates of the city he finally spoke.
"I know I was hard on you about marrying the girl... sooner" His father sighed with his head lowered for a moment. "But son... I cannot stress the importance of the fact that you have to start-"
"Yes, I know this already." William interrupted and raised his hand to make his father stop talking.
He didn't need his father to preach about the urgent need for heirs again. If Jade and William hadn't been interrupted every bloody time they had become intimate with each other, then who knows? Maybe there would have been a child on the way already? William grinned internally by the thought, but didn't let it reach his face.
"I wanted to do things my way... and in my time, for Jade's sake." He continued. "I told you this already."
"I know." His father sighed. "I know the girl needs time... but how much more time could she possibly need? I see the way she looks at you now..."
William turned his eyes towards his father who was already watching him. The old man's eyes were oddly optimistic.
"What are you talking about?" William asked, and temporarily played the fool.
Obviously he knew that Jade had warmed up to him, but he still wanted to hear his father's side of things. The old man's left eyebrow rose intrigued. He smirked at William because his son had showed emotions for once.
"The girl looks at you differently now, son. There is a cordial joy in her eyes whenever they turn to you..," His father answered and it filled William with joy.
This was proof that he could finally be sure that Jade felt the same way he did. That she wanted to stay!
"And also, she seems much more comfortable around you... You must have done something right or said something that appeased to her fiery nature."
"Apparently." William answered shortly in order to conceal his happiness.
All this hard work with Jade had paid off, all of his patience had not gone to spill... He tried hard to keep his mask on, even though his father could read him like an open book. He didn't want to show it in front of everyone else around them.
"I think she is coming around..." he muttered.
"Don't act like you didn't almost devour the poor soul in the library the day we got back from killing the raiders..." his father chuckled and let his eyes take in the road ahead of them. The tone in his voice was smug and made William's eyes narrow in annoyance.
William kept his eyes straight ahead while trying to control the impulse of saying something snide in return. He could have thrown something at his father for clomping in that day.
William felt blood rush to his crotch as a fantasy of him taking Jade on that library table flashed before his eyes. Her silent moans echoed in his head and he had to shake them out of there not to get a full hard on. The sound of Dimma's trotting against the road filled his ears as he tried to get Jade out of his mind.
"And I have heard of the little visits that have been payed to her chamber..." His father continued with a bantering voice.
Please stop talking... William begged internally when another memory flashed by and tormented him. The one where he had almost spent the night with her.
"We haven't done anything... sinful." William said in a low voice and clenched the reins in his hands.
Yet... He absolutely hated that he had to admit this to his father. Why couldn't the annoying old man just mind his own business?
A mocking laughter was the only response from his father. William threw a sideway scowl at him. He did not believe his son, not a single word.
"Mhm..." He mumbled. "You do know that I too was young once?" his father chuckled. "I know what happens during visits like-"
"Would you please keep this knowledge to yourself?" William begged. "That part of your life concerns me as little as that part of mine concerns you." His words brought a heartfelt laughter out of his father.
"Well, just make sure that you are married before the little ones come... I don't think that a child born out of wedlock will improve your reputation." His father chuckled. "I, on the other hand, couldn't care less whether you consummate your union before or-"
"Stop talking, father! I beg of you!" William exclaimed, causing his father to laugh again from his son's uncomfortable state.
The girl was guarded day and night. It was impossible to get close no matter how hard one tried. The girl had waited by the prince's betrothed's chamber but had been forced to withdrew back into the shadows every time that damned guard or governess were with her. She had even tried to sneak into her room but failed. They must have been alerted of the last time she was there and got caught by the prince himself and the girl... and because of it the door was now always locked.
Three days passed and the girl did not get a single chance. No matter how she tried.
"I think the worst danger is over..." Jade sighed when Elizabeth came with her breakfast in the morning. She closed the door behind Elizabeth who placed the tray of food on her desk. Jade walked over and sat down while her governess carried out her chores. Jade threw a quick look into the bowl in front of her. In it a large portion of porridge stared back at her food a bit disappointed. It was porridge...
"Five days has passed and nothing has happened." She mumbled to herself and leaned her chin into her right hand. "That alone should be proof enough."
Elizabeth shook her head slowly in response, as she had done the day before when Jade had come to the same conclusion. Or at least tried to convince Elizabeth about it being so.
"I am not taking any chances with you, child." Elizabeth said bitterly. "That girl is still up to something. I know it."
"But Elizabeth, William has been gone for days, and he might even be gone for weeks! You cannot keep me locked in here until he gets back..." Jade sighed. "Loren is always with me, so there is no need to-"
"I am not having this discussion, Jade." Elizabeth snapped and shot off a very stern look in Jade's direction as she was making her bed. The look didn't bother Jade as much as the usage of her name. Her governess rarely called her anything other than 'child' or 'dear', so no matter how bored Jade was, this threat was apparently still hanging over her head.
"Can you please tell me something then? So I don't have to walk around completely oblivious?" Jade asked and stirred the porridge in front of her slowly with a wooden spoon she had been given. She wrinkled her nose at the bland smell from the porridge. It still wasn't a choice of food she preferred. A piece of bread would have been better...
"What do you want to know, dear?" Elizabeth asked and Jade heard how she flicked a new fresh sheet in the air before laying it out on her bed. A small puff of air hit her from Elizabeth's motion. She turned her head to throw a look on the woman, afterwards she turned her gaze back to her food.
"Tell me about the girl." Jade stated. "How is she even a threat? I mean, Loren is three times her size so I don't think she will be a match for him."
"Loren can take care of her, that is true, but I'd rather not risk his life." Elizabeth said with the tone only a mother could carry. This was the first time Jade could truly sense their bond as mother and son. They had done an exceptional job in hiding it from her in the past.
"I didn't mean that we should venture with his life. I would not forgive myself if anything happened to him because of me." Jade said and held up a scoop of porridge close to her mouth. She carefully blew it not to burn herself from the steaming hot porridge. It was true though. Loren had grown on her despite his cynical view on life. Despite his dryness she knew he was a good man that she should consider herself lucky to be protected by.
"I know, dear." Elizabeth mumbled almost too low for Jade to hear. The sound of a very heavy sigh reached Jade's ears and she understood from it that Elizabeth probably stood with both her hands on her hips, looking for any unacceptable creases in the bed. The woman could not leave a single crease visible. It was simply not acceptable in Elizabeth's world. Sometimes Jade wondered if it was a way for Elizabeth to occupy her mind instead of worrying. A way for her to cope.
"Where is he by the way?" Jade asked and reluctantly stuffed the spoon of porridge in her mouth. The taste left her equally as dissatisfied as the smell of it had done.
"Sleeping." Elizabeth answered simply.
"Bless him. I wish he didn't have to work so hard. I don't need to be watched all the time... Does he have any time to himself at all?" Jade asked and continued eating.
"He loves his work." Elizabeth stated. "It is his biggest achievement and he takes great pride in it." Jade couldn't miss the pride in the woman's voice. "But no, he doesn't have any time of his own other than the one he spends sleeping." Jade shook her head while exhaling slowly.
"Maybe I should ask William to get me another guard." She said. "So the poor man can get some rest..."
"Loren would not accept that." Elizabeth stated and it was obviously it was not just Loren that wouldn't accept that. There was someone other than him that took pride in his specific line of work. "He considers being the prince's personal guard, and now yours, the greatest of honors."
"How did he become William's personal guard?" Jade asked curiously and tried to let the gloomy thoughts concerning the servant girl go with something a bit more cheery. She didn't know all that much about Loren since he was a master at avoiding her questions.
"He worked very hard and proved himself. He has ever since he was a boy..." Elizabeth answered. Jade put her food away and turned around. She was tired of the short answers from her governess.
"Are you going to act normal or are you going to be this short with me all the time?" She asked. Elizabeth smiled faintly and gave Jade an apologetic look.
"Loren... and William grew up together." She explained. Jade raised her eyebrows in surprise from the uttering of William's name on Elizabeth's lips. "They spent every day together as children." She continued and a memory seemed to play in her head because she smiled with warmth spreading across her face. "They were practically inseparable from the age of four and five."
Jade smiled at the thought of William and Loren being children, running around laughing and playing.
"Do not misunderstand me... but how come William and Loren were allowed to play together? Since the queen dislikes me so much I could imagine that she wasn't too fond of Loren either?" Jade asked.
A sudden look of sorrow mixed with something that Jade thought was contempt appeared in Elizabeth's eyes and it spread to the rest of her face. She pressed her lips together and clasped her hands.
"The queen didn't take much interest in the prince when he was little..." Elizabeth sighed with a voice filled with sorrow.
"That still doesn't answer my question." Jade said quietly and felt her heart break for William.
"The queen did not want to see her child..." Elizabeth ignored Jade's words. "From the moment he was born, his mother did not look at him until he had taken his first steps. She never cared about whom he played with as a child." Elizabeth finally answered Jade.
"How do you know this?" Jade whispered and felt her eyes water slightly. No wonder William comes off as such a cold and distant person! His own mother rejected him... Jade blinked away her tears and suddenly felt very grateful for her own mother's love. It didn't matter that they were poor. Her parents had given Jade all she needed in life and all of their love. I have to ask for their forgiveness when I see them again...
"I know this because I am the one who raised William." Elizabeth answered. Jade blinked in amazement at the woman in front of her. "William and Loren are practically brothers. That is how they see each other at least. That is how I see them." Elizabeth stated and her voice now exuded the very essence of motherhood.
I hope you liked this chapter!
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(Optional I promise, lol)
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