William carried her out of the carriage, out into the rain. He walked quickly, with determined steps, towards the inn. Inside, he summoned one of the girls who worked there with a quick and demanding call. A young thing hurried over to them while drying her hands nervously on her apron.
"What can I do for you, sir?" She asked, having sensed the lack of patience in William's tone.
"I want two rooms. Now." He demanded without giving her a chance to say anything but yes. She nodded and immediately let them upstairs.
In the room, William put Jade down on the bed. Then he handed the girl the coins they owed the inn keeper, while Jade reveled in bed's wonderful softness. She was immensely looking forward to going to bed.
Before she knew it, William got down on one knee in front of her. She leaned back, feeling uncomfortable by his intense and scrutinizing gaze. It felt like the air had vanished out of the room. Neither of them said anything and a strange tension lingered between them. His eyes followed her face for a moment and then widened as they reached the wound on her cheek.
William reached out to touch her but she quickly winced away. A bothered and slightly embarrassed look appeared in his eyes. He quickly lowered his eyes towards her hand instead. Before he reached for her hand, there was an exchange of looks. He was asking permission to touch her. Jade didn't moved this time. She was quite taken by this side of him. Could he be kind underneath that hard exterior?
He slowly and carefully took her hand in his, turned it over and examined her wound. Jade grimaced when it stung at his touch.
"I am sorry..." He mumbled quietly, deliberately avoiding to look at up at her. Jade, however, kept her eyes on him the whole time. She held her breath while he examined her hand, almost scared to breathe as he touched her.
He pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed her wound meticulously with until most of the blood had been cleaned away. He threw the handkerchief to the side and then took the liberty to rip off a new piece of fabric from the already torn hem of her skirt. Jade let out a frustrated puff of air but didn't yell at him for ruining her skirt even more. He shot her a look and even though there was still darkness in them, she could see that he didn't want to hurt her, or ruin her skirt for the fun of it. He placed the piece of fabric in her hand and closed it for her.
"Keep it there until it stops bleeding." He instructed her quietly.
"Thank you." Jade whispered while retracting her hand from him, avoiding to look directly at him. It felt like he could see right into her very being with those dark blue eyes. There was something about him that made it feel like he was able to read her every thought.
"I'll ask the inn keeper's wife to bring you some food before I lock the door." He said, rose to his feet and walked towards the door. "I'll tell her to tend to your wounds as well."
"Where are you going to sleep?" Jade asked without giving her question a second thought. It was quite a strange question, which answer didn't concern her at all. She hoped he wouldn't think her immodest for asking such a private question. It made her nervous and she instantly knew that she shouldn't haves asked him.
It didn't help when he stopped and turned in the door. By the look on his face, he was surprised by her question, but pointed through the open door to the one opposite to hers. "In there." He answered simply. There was a hint of weariness in his voice.
Of course he is tired... He fought of the men all on his own, and then sat in rain all the way here.
"Good night." William said, pulling Jade from her thoughts.
"William?" She said his name shyly, almost pleading for his attention. She didn't want to annoy him with more intrusive questions. The last thing she wanted was to accidentally cause his bad temper to arise, but she still needed to ask him if he was alright. Even though she didn't like him, he had saved her life today. The very least she could do was to see if he was hurt or not.
"Yes?" He asked, sounding curious rather than bothered by her questions.
Jade swallowed her pride and decided to show him a hint of compassion and gratefulness. He had after all saved her life today... and her honor at that. He waited in silence as she squirmed a bit, trying to get the nerve to ask him.
"Are you alright?" She finally asked and nodded at his dirty bloody shirt. There were no tears in it but it did show remnants from the ambush in form of various stains. His trousers were in a much worse state than his shirt though. There was a large tear in the right leg which went from the upper part of his thigh down to his knee, stopping where his boot started. The boot had been scratched severely as well and the leather was beyond salvation.
All of this damage to his clothing, but Jade still couldn't see any blood that looked like it belonged to him... If one didn't count his bloody knuckles and his lower lip which was a little bit swollen. He must have gotten into a fistfight and not just used his sword during the attack.
"I am fine." He cleared his throat and lowered his gaze as she looked him up and down. It seemed to make him uncomfortable that she was examining him so meticulously, primarily for wounds.
After a moment of silence, William turned and disappeared out the door.
I would feel bad for him if he wasn't so annoyingly rude and distant. Jade thought.
. . .
The inn keeper's wife brought Jade food. Jade was starving and couldn't care less about how it must have looked while she ate. She hadn't eaten since the dinner with her family.
You only have yourself to blame for this. You could have just eaten the porridge this morning instead of throwing it on the table. She thought when her initial thought was to blame William for how hungry she is. It isn't his fault that you are so hungry that you're eating like a starved animal.
The meal was a delicious stew with meat, potatoes and vegetables, and some bread on the side. A part of Jade wondered if William had deliberately ordered her the most expensive thing they had. The dish in front of her wasn't a something her own family would have been able to afford if they had stayed at the inn. They would only have afforded some porridge and milk.
Even though her hunger was only hers to blame for, it felt like she had been forced to stand up against him. She needed to show him that she wouldn't be pushed around like a servant of his.
After Jade finished eating, the inn keeper's wife tended to her hand and cleaned the wound. It hurt something awful but the woman was so careful and kind that Jade swallowed the urge to wince and cry. Afterwards, she took care of the cut on Jade's cheek. This time, it stung so bad that Jade gave out a weak cry in pain.
From across her room she heard the sound of William's door opening, slamming shut and footsteps leading up to her door. She kept her eyes at the door, waiting for William to rush in, but he never did. Did he rush out of his room because I screamed? She wondered in bewilderment of his actions. Shortly after, she heard his door close again. From the sound of it, he did it slowly as if he did not want her to know that he had come to see if she was alright...
Does he actually care enough to check on me when he hear me cry out?
Jade's mind wondered off into wishful thinking, feeling a little comforted by the thought of William caring for her like this, if he did. If he even has feelings that is... A snide voice in her head whispered. She got discouraged thinking of him as a person without feelings. That would be terrible. A part of her wished that he did have feelings... then maybe they would grow into something that could be kindness.
When Jade had finished her food, she insisted on taking her plates downstairs. She didn't want William to lock her in the room again.
The woman objected when Jade took the plates from her and went towards the door. To her disappointment, William was already on the other side when she opened it. The scent of him hit her first. She stared into his massive chest and slowly raised her gaze to look at him when she realized how close they stood.He seemed a bit surprised, and looked it as well, when she met his gaze. He obviously hadn't expected that she'd try to leave the room.
For a moment, Jade thought she could see some sort of admiration in his eyes, then she saw that he was holding a key in his hand. Their eyes met again and now his were hard and determined. Jade clenched her jaws.
"Really?" She growled, nodding at the key. William didn't answer her so she took a step back, to avoid standing so close to him. He nodded at the inn keeper's wife to leave, but not before taking the plates in Jade's hands with her. The woman gently took the plates from Jade and disappeared out the door. Meanwhile Jade and William did not break eye contact.
When they were alone again, William reached for the door handle, closed the door and locked it. There were no feelings in his eyes when he did it. Not even remorse or sadness. Just plain coldness and indifference.
I can't believe that bastard locked me in again! Jade bellowed in her mind and it felt like her head was going to explode with anger.
Without being able to control her temper she slammed her right palm against the door. It shuddered slightly. The clinking sound of the metal door handle moving with the vibrations of the door filled her room for a moment. She had felt caged and uneasy. She heard William insert the key into the lock and turn it.
How can he do this? How can he lock me in again? After what happened today, why would he do this to me?
Jade paced back and forth in front of the door and suddenly completely exploded with anger. She slammed both of her hands against it and sighed heavily when the result it was the same as a moment ago; nothing. She placed her forehead against the wood. Please let me out. She pleaded in her thoughts and scraped her nails against the door.
"William? Please? Don't lock the door." She begged, loud enough for him to hear.
There came no answer from the other side of the door. Instead she heard the floorboards beneath his feet squeak as he moved a little. She gasped quietly. He actually stood outside and listened to her, slamming her hands against the door between them.
"William!" She said assertively. Still no answer. The only thing she heard was how he walked to his own room and closed his door behind him. To her big surprise she heard it being locked as well.
Is he worried for his own safety as well as mine? Did he lock me in here for my safety or to keep me from running away? She wondered and removed herself from the door. Will it always be like this? Is this my life now? Being locked inside a room by my future husband?
Jade went to bed with tears streaming down her face just like the night before. The bed was warm and soft but she couldn't fall asleep even though she was exhausted. Her head was full of images from the ambush. She could still hear their war cries in her head. Instantly, the horrific image of the man towering over her appeared in her mind. The horrible feeling of his hands making their way up her legs and thighs played before her closed eyes, causing the streams of tears to gain new velocity.
She sat up and took William's cloak off. Her vision was blurry from tears as she undressed herself. Carelessly, she dropped her clothes and the cloak onto the floor in one big messy pile. It smelled strongly of wet dirt, and wet fabric. She grimaced when it reminded her of her attacker.
She turned her back to the pile of wet garments and let out a sniffle, which quickly turned into several and finally into sobs. She felt so alone and deprived of her individuality. No one listened to her, not her parents, not even her the man she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with. How could this be her life?
Jade cried, silently, when she thought about that she would spend the rest of her life with the man in the room across from hers. Her heart sunk when she thought about their upcoming wedding.
. . .
When the sun rose Jade hadn't gotten any sleep. She sat up with a knot in her stomach, her heart felt empty and her eyes dry. She didn't possess anymore tears. Exhausted, she got dressed and sat down on the bed again, waiting to be released from her new cage. She longed for the sound of the key turning the lock. God, how she hated to be locked in like this! It made her skin crawl.
It didn't take long before someone knocked on the door and shortly after unlocked it. Jade didn't move. She knew it was him on the other side of it.
When she didn't answer, William stepped in. There was a distressed look in his eyes which turned calm as soon as they found her. The expression on his face immediately turned stoic and he looked at her with a strangely cold expression in his eyes.
He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Although, he looked cleaner than last night. The hair on the other hand, was a wild mess. It looked like he had tried to comb it with his fingers. Did he take a bath and not ask if I wanted to take one? She growled as her gaze went over him once more.
The dark eyes examined her harmlessly and then ment hers. They locked eyes for a second. It felt like they were looking at each other for a very long time, but it wasn't more than a second. Jade couldn't help but to admire his appearance, but she also couldn't help the anger that crawled underneath her skin as she watched him.
It's a pity he is so unpleasant to be around, because he is nothing less than incredibly handsome. She thought reluctantly. She pushed the thought away and tried to remember that she was still upset with him for locking her in here.
"Breakfast. If you planned on having any today." He said shortly and left.
"I'd rather not." She mumbled when he was gone but went after him.
When Jade got downstairs he was already sitting at a small table. There were two bowls of porridge put out for them. Porridge again? She thought and instantly wanted bread. She was used to eating bread in the morning and she would gladly have some now. It seemed like every inn served this tasteless grayish goo.
William ate with good manners. He didn't spill one single drop. Jade felt a bit discouraged, she didn't know how to eat like him. What if she spilled? Even just a little? What if he saw? What would he say?
She took her seat and grabbed her spoon a bit nervously. After a couple of seconds she decided to just eat like she normally did; letting her hunger decide the speed. It took about one minute before she felt how he threw looks at her. What she could make out of it was that he wasn't impressed by her manners. William obviously didn't find them adequate.
Of course, she finished eating before him, she took mouthfuls of porridge, not half ones like he did. He eats so slowly... is he not hungry? She wondered to herself.
"It must take you forever to eat..." She said and pushed her bowl away when she was completely finished. He didn't look at her. Instead he scooped up the next portion of porridge.
"I don't devour my food." He answered coldly. "It wouldn't kill you to pace yourself while eating." He said and nodded at some drops Jade had spilled on the table.
A wave of rage surged through her when he so clearly indicated that she ate like a pig. She exhaled angrily and got up to leave.
"Stay here." He demanded sternly. His voice was so harsh that she almost felt obliged to do as he said.
"Why?" She asked and inhaled deeply to keep her temper in line. "Will someone attack me in broad daylight?" She spat, placed her hands on her hips and shrugged her shoulders. This time she got a reaction; William turned his whole body towards her and the eyes were wild with fury.
"I am serious. Sit down and wait until I am finished." He growled, deliberately ignoring her question.
"I will leave if and when I want to." She hissed and walked out.
"Jade!" He snarled after her. She heard how he quickly got up when she reached the door. She ignored him and opened it. She turned her head and saw him, still standing by the table. Her heart started racing when she met his gaze. Even though she felt like a cornered animal, on its way to flee for its life, she didn't lower her gaze. She gave him an equally dark stare as the one he was giving her.
William broke eye contact for a second to see if anyone was looking at them. Jade took this as her chance. When he looked up again she was already on her way out the door.
"You do not decide whether or not I can leave." She growled quietly. The inn keeper passed her in the door and he looked confused by her words.
Jade didn't make it past the inn's corner before she heard the door being ripped open. William came after her with hard steps and grabbed her arm roughly. She whimpered in pain and raised her other hand to slap him. Unfortunately, William caught it just in time. Like he had foreseen her reaction.
"You are really starting to irritate me, Jade." He growled and pushed her up against the inn. Jade avoided his fuming stare to let him know that she didn't care. "Are you listening to me?" He asked threateningly and pushed her harder against the wood behind her. She lost her breath due to his use of force.
"HEY!" Someone suddenly yelled at them. Both Jade and William looked towards the one who had called out to them; A man, fat and with flustered cheeks, stood on the steps to the inn. In his hands he held two buckets of raw meat, dripping slightly with blood. "Treat the girl with some respect!" He yelled, clearly worried about Jade. Maybe he had daughters of his own and felt bad to see her being treated like this? She exhaled in relief and glanced at William. He had his eyes on the man but didn't seem the least compliant to do as he was told.
"Mind your own business, hunter. This does not concern you." He growled back. Still, he released Jade in one swift movement that made her cry out silently in fright. She could feel blood return to her fingers while she massaged her sore wrists.
"Watch your tongue, boy." The hunter huffed and took the last step up the steps. He put his buckets down and drew a dagger from his belt. "I sharpened it this morning. I would hate to waste it on your stupid face for not treating your girl right." He said. It was clear as day that he was threatening William. A long silence rested between them until the hunter put his dagger away. "You do not hurt a woman." He muttered before picking up his buckets. He seemed content that Jade was alright and went inside the inn.
Jade watched as her savior disappeared. When the door shut she felt William's eyes on her. Burning her. Slowly, she turned her face and met his stare. He was breathing heavily but didn't grab her again.
"Get moving." William muttered after a couple of seconds. He gave her a light push towards the carriage which was parked at the side of the inn.
"Do not touch me." She hissed back at him.
The horses were tended to and fed. They looked well rested and eager to leave when William went up to them.
Jade didn't wait for his help. Instead she stepped inside the carriage and tried to find somewhere to sit where there were no arrows. It proved almost impossible, she pulled out two arrows form a relatively clean part of her old seat and sat down best she could. The seat was soaking wet, it must have rained last night.
. . .
The horses were much quicker and alert than last night, maybe because William was spurring them on and because they had had a good night's rest. Still, William spurred them on. As if they weren't going as fast as they possibly could. She heard how he used the whip to get them to go faster.
The sternness in his voice made it ache inside of her. She could only imagine how he would treat her, or their future children, whenever they had been brought into this world...
"Will he be this way with them? Will he hit them?" She wondered and looked out the window.
They had left the woods and entered into society. Jade couldn't make out more than the cobblestone beneath them and the stonewalls passing by. The people they passed didn't even get as much as a glimpse of her because they were busy throwing themselves out of the way. William didn't seem to care if he was going to run anyone over.
"What if he hits your children and screams at you for not raising them properly?" She mumbled to herself. She wondered off to even darker thoughts. What if he raped her pregnant over and over again until she died giving birth to another one of his heirs?
She shook her head when she painted the most horrible picture she could in her head. The calm and peaceful life she had lived at home was over. Now, she would fall asleep every night, afraid that he would climb into her bed to do whatever pleased him. She did not, and would never, have a say in anything... And if she did, it was not matter to him.
Why not just kill me now? How could mother and father think that he was a good match for me? Do they really think he will treat me good? Father would have seen through him, wouldn't he? Wouldn't he protect me from someone who meant me harm?
"Or is it because of me?" She exclaimed and she ran her fingers through her hair. Is he cruel and condescending because I have been so reluctant? Is it my fault? It cannot be solely my fault! I still don't want this and I should be allowed to express it!
Jade kept asking herself question after question but didn't get any wiser.
The carriage slowed down and she felt the terrain beneath it change. She looked out and they were crossing a drawbridge over a moat. She threw herself against the other window to get a better view of the moat. It was very broad and the drawbridge beneath them looked like it could hold for heavier transports than the carriage.
Jade raised her gaze and discovered that it wasn't a moat they were crossing over. It was a river. The river slithered around the front side of the walls in front of the castle.
As soon as the carriage had crossed the drawbridge Jade could hear soldiers call out to each other to raise the bridge again.
"Caged again." She mumbled depressed and leaned back again.
I am making some changes from my original script, and I hope you like it. I am finding it a bit hard to keep inside the 2000 words range, so it might be longer chapters in the future.
Hope you liked it!
Updated: 8th of September 2020
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