Right, I can't wait so I'm uploading this chapter even though I was going to wait a couple of days! This is not a part of my original story and I think that is why I'm so excited.. I really like William's POV... Enjoy! (I enjoyed writing it!)
When they arrived home William was exhausted. The journey from the next kingdom had been terrible. The soldiers slowed them down due to the fact that they were walking. All he wanted was to see Jade and they had been delayed not a day but two due to this.
William was riding in the lead with his father. The old man looked concerned. The eyes were looking forward but not on the road. They were somewhere else, as were his mind.
"What is on you mind, father?" William asked in a low voice so no one else would hear him. "I can see that your mind is elsewhere."
"I am concerned about this whole matter..." his father muttered.
William sighed but didn't let anyone hear it. He knew exactly what his father was talking about. They had left about two weeks ago because his father had received a letter. It was from King Sirion who reigned the kingdom adjacent to his father's. The queen there had learned of William's choice in bride and had gone completely out of her mind.
It hadn't surprised him at all though. The queen and his mother had planned for him to marry one of Sirion's daughters for as long as he could remember.
However, he hadn't expected that he would have to go there with his father to explain himself. It was none of their damned business who he chose to be his bride. William's father had dragged him to attend an audience to settle things. It had consisted in the queen pushing her daughters on William one by one at different dining occasions and interrogating him about what was wrong with them. It had made both William and the princesses very uncomfortable. It had all ended in William excusing himself after finishing his food and the queen urging her husband and William's father to condemn his choice and behavior. Fortunately, for William, his father took his side every time and tried his best to ensure the queen that her daughters were lovely, but just not right for his son. This had proven to agitate the hag even more.
"Mother probably sent a letter..." William said with a bitter tone. His father nodded.
"Probably... I don't know how this will turn out, my son. Sirion was very upset about the fact that you won't marry one of his daughters." His father mumbled.
"What could he possibly do?" William asked. "He won't start a war because of it. And Sirion did not have a problem with my choice, it was his wife talking."
"Of course it was her..." His father said. "But it could damage our alliance with them..."
"I don't care..." William mumbled. "I'll deal with it later. Since Sirion only have daughters, I doubt that their future husbands will take the time to carry on their mother in law's grudges."
"William!" his father slightly raised his voice. He looked at him. "I understand why you won't change your mind about Jade. But I will only tell you this once: It is of great importance that you take your future role seriously. You cannot just run around making decisions that suits you and then not face their consequences. You must act like the king you will become, even now. Your actions will have consequences and especially one like this when a lot of people won't approve of it. Most princes would have just kept the girl as a bedwarmer, but since you want to make her your queen, you have to make sure that our alliances stands strong and that this won't affect our kingdom's future!"
William turned his eyes back to the road. He was so sick of this argument. Perhaps he was too immature to see it from his father's side. Sometimes he just wished that he didn't have his title at all... All these responsibilities would drive anyone insane if the person had a mind of their own. It was so important to keep peace and make sure that alliances were upheld.
What good is an alliance if the other part of it threatens to break it just because I choose my wife for myself? William thought.
He wouldn't change his mind because some old hag had planned to give away her daughter to him... He despised their daughters. They were dull, shallow and couldn't think for themselves.
When they rode into the courtyard Elizabeth was waiting at the steps of the entrance. William got a feeling that something was wrong.
The way she looked after him and the way she held her hands close to her chest were not her usual proud posture. Elizabeth usually looked like a mountain wouldn't bother her if it so came down on her.
He got off his horse quickly and walked up to her.
"What is it?" he asked softly but a bit worried. Elizabeth seemed bothered by the fact that he could tell that something was wrong.
"She left with one of the riders a while ago... They haven't returned and I am starting to worry." Elizabeth answered.
William's chest felt like it shrunk and it became hard for him to breath. But he didn't show anything outwards.
"What do you mean?" He asked. "For how long have they been gone?"
"The girl wanted to see the city." Elizabeth explained. "The queen gave her permission but I didn't want her to go alone so I sent Stroem with her."
William closed his eyes for a moment.
"Elizabeth, you know that my mother wouldn't care of Jade got lost or raped out there. Why would you let her leave?" He asked. The old woman shrugged her shoulders and looked very saddened by what he said.
"I am sorry, your grace. It's just that she was getting a bit restless. I thought it would be good if she got to do something that she wanted."
"Fine." William said quietly but distressed. "For how long have they been gone?" he asked again.
"I am not sure..." Elizabeth answered. "An hour, maybe two?" she said. "I thought that one hour could do no harm but now I am getting a little anxious."
William nodded and went back to his horse.
"Where are you going?" his father asked as he was patting his own horse on its behind.
"Jade has left the castle with Stroem." William answered quickly. "Elizabeth said that they left about one or two hours ago..."
"Well, it couldn't hurt the girl to see something else then stone and curtains, my boy." His father said and smiled for a second. "Besides, she's with Stroem. He wouldn't-"
"The man has a sore spot for whores and ale. I do not trust him with Jade." William cut his father off, a bit rudely. His father raised his eyebrows in amusement at his words.
"Fine. Do you want me to come with you?" his father asked.
"No, thank you. I just need to make sure she is alright." William mumbled and got up in his saddle and rode off.
The soldiers around them gave him strange looks but turned their gazes away as soon as he met them. He needed to make sure that Jade didn't leave without him in the future. His future subjects couldn't see their future king run after a woman like this. It made him look weak and one that could be used. He simply couldn't afford people thinking that he was lesser than his father...
Elizabeth's words rang in William's ears while he rode down to the city. While he galloped down the streets he searched for Jade and Stroem with his eyes. They were nowhere to be seen. What if she had run away?
What if what Elizabeth had said had actually happened? Maybe Jade had waited for a perfect moment and his absence had been just that?
"I promise you that you will wake up one day and she will be gone!" William heard the words in his head and was sweating underneath his clothes but yet felt cold.
. . .
He found Stroem standing in the streets with a pale face. It became even paler when he saw William.
"Where is she?" William asked him with a dark voice. Stroem hesitated and looked to his side. "Where?!" William raised his voice.
"She was just here, your grace. I was going to buy her some water and when I came out she was gone!" Stroem answered.
"You incompetent fool!" William hissed. "What was she wearing?"
"A dark cloak, similar to yours, and a grey dress." He answered quickly.
"Get yourself a horse." William said harshly.
They searched the crowd but couldn't find Jade. William felt more and more anxious about the fact that Elizabeth's foreboding words could be happening right now.
. . .
They rode to the eastern gate, it was the closest one. If Jade hadn't passed through there, she would still be in the city.
William wanted to gather a group of guards to search the rest of the city but it felt like a waste of time. If it was just him and Stroem, they could probably find her faster... for now.
The guards at the gate were rude and William had not patience for them or their incompetence. It resulted in him yelling at Stroem and then at the guards. Everyone turned to look at them.
Suddenly a man started yelling.
"Guards! He called out and came running towards them. "Guards! Someone stole my horse!" he screamed.
William and the others looked up and watched the man as he sprinted over to them. William lifted his gaze and saw a horse walking away from them. The horse neighed in protest when the rider seemed to give it mixed signals.
"That is my horse!" the man yelled and pointed at the horse William was looking at.
He rode out from the gate a bit and noticed that the person in the saddle had no idea of what they were doing. He quickly recognized the cloak worn by the alleged horse thief. It was similar to his own.
"Jade." He whispered to himself. It is her! He thought and spurred his horse to a violent start and left the guards and Stroem shocked.
The poor horse Jade had chosen for her escape didn't know where to go. She was holding the reins so it would turn to the right and when she noticed she panicked and overdid the maneuver to make it straighten up.
"Yah!" William urged his horse to go faster. Jade turned at the sound of his voice and her eyes were filled with fear.
"Jade!" he called out and she turned her face towards him. The hood fell down from her head and he felt his whole body relax when he finally could be completely sure that is was her. He had found her. The dark brown hair hugged her face tightly and he had to force himself not to smile in joy.
William rode up in front of her horse and it stopped. It was an old horse that didn't have the energy or mind to run off. It was just happy to be standing still. She could literally not have stolen a worse horse...
"Get off the horse." He said sternly. "Before the guards and the creature's owner comes over to arrest you." He added. Jade gave him a look of disappointment and anger.
"What are you doing here?" she asked but didn't do as he had told her.
"I could ask you the same." William answered her and looked at where they were as a gesture relating to his question. "I am not the one who just stole a horse and ran off from Stroem. What the hell do you think you are doing?" he asked. She closed her mouth and lowered her gaze to the neck of the horse she had stolen.
No words came out between her lips and William figured that it was for the best. He wouldn't appreciate it if she would confirm his fears of her actually trying to run away. Even though this whole situation told him that Jade actually had tried to run away just now.
Without a word Jade got off the horse.
William didn't say anything. He just reached out his hand towards her. Jade rolled her eyes and admitted to herself that she was better off going back with him. She took his hand and let him assist her up behind him. Just as she passed his face on her way up, she thought she could see him smirk.
Is he smiling? She wondered. How can he be smiling when he just scolded me?
. . .
Later that day Jade was sitting in her chamber with her dinner, still in the clothes from earlier. Her governess wasn't speaking to her. Apparently she was very disappointed and cross with Jade because she had tried to run away.
A servant had brought Jade her dinner. When Jade had asked why she was to eat it in her chambers alone when William was home she got the answer that he didn't wish to eat with her this evening.
"Well, I don't want to be here... But we can't all get what we want can we...?" Jade mumbled when the servant closed the door behind himself.
When the sun had set Jade decided to go and find William. She didn't want him to have the last word, be it through the servant. She took a chance and went to the library to see if he was there.
When she entered she wasn't so lucky. It was pitch black and no one was there. She walked back to the entrance hall and got a hold of a servant.
"Where is the prince?" she asked politely and the girl eyed her up and down.
"As if I would tell you..." The girl hissed at her.
"Excuse me?" Jade asked surprised. The girl didn't answer her, she walked away and into another room.
What the hell was that about? Jade wondered and looked after the servant. What is her problem?
Jade went out to the courtyard and was immediately met by two guards. They placed themselves in her way.
"You should not be out here, miss." One of them said without looking directly at her.
"Don't worry. I am not going anywhere." She ensured them in a sigh. "I am looking for the prince. I asked a servant but she didn't want to tell me where he was."
The guards gave each other a look and then answered Jade.
"Come along."
"She did what?" His father chuckled after William had explained today's events.
They were in his father's study, alone. William's mother had gone to bed early, thankfully. He hadn't told her about what had happened but she would probably find out through one of her servants.
"She stole a horse." William answered him and tried his best not to smirk.
Even though Jade had tried to run away, he was impressed by her courage. His father burst into laughter and drank a mouthful of his ale afterwards.
"You leave the castle for a moment..." his father chuckled. "She is a feisty one... I'll have to give her that."
"She is smart..." William mumbled. "She was trying to blend in and it almost worked... If she hadn't gotten on that poor excuse of a horse, she would have been long gone by now..."
"How did you find her?" his father asked curiously.
"Jade cannot ride..." William explained. "It was very obvious when I saw her on that horse... That and the fact that the owner came screaming at us that his horse had been stolen." He said.
"Poor thing... Maybe we should have Loren teach her?" His father laughed quietly.
Loren was William's personal guard and the only one he actually trusted. Loren would be the only one he would ever trust with Jade's life from now on, if he had to... Especially now when Stroem had proven himself incapable of the task.
His father could be right though...Maybe if Jade got a little bit more freedom, be it through riding, then maybe she wouldn't try to run away.
However, it would be a good idea to at least make sure that Loren would be Jade's guard instead of his own. Loren would never be as stupid as Stroem...
"I think you should be careful..." his father suddenly said while watching the flames in the fireplace. William glanced at him. He appeared to be thinking of something.
"Careful?" William repeated. His father looked at him for a moment and then at the flames again.
"Yes." He began. "I completely understand why you chose Jade... but like I said: She is feisty. The girl has courage. However, I think you should take this little adventure of hers seriously." William immediately didn't feel so relaxed anymore.
"Would you mind getting to the point?" William asked politely but was a bit bothered by his father. What was his point? Could he get to it so William could tend to what needed tending to?
"I suspect that today wasn't the last time she will try to leave." William's father said with a low voice.
"Do you think I should have done something different?" William asked and changed the course of the conversation.
His wasn't talking about today's event anymore. William could sense that his father's words did not solely concern Jade's attempt to run away. Did he mean to tell him that he had done something wrong by bringing her here? This was something he had thought about even before he had gone to Jade's home.
"Should I not have brought her here?" he asked.
"I am not sure." His father answered. William gave him a confused look. "Of course the girl is more than welcome... but it seems that she doesn't want to be here." He mumbled and drank from his cup. William grimaced but only because he was sure that his father wasn't watching him.
"I know." William mumbled. "Do you think I should have introduced myself before bringing her here?" he asked. He had given this a lot of thought. Maybe he should have talked to Jade first and not her father. But his manners and gut had told him to show the father the respect he deserved. William wanted to marry his daughter, was it not right to speak to him first?
"I think she would have wanted that, don't you?" his father mumbled.
"Why are you saying this now? It is too late now."
"I am telling you that Jade is a girl with a mind of her own and I can tell that she wants to be treated just." His father answered. "I am not saying that you should have wooed her before bringing her."
"That wouldn't have been appropriate." William stated quickly. "I cannot, as a future ruler of this kingdom, run around after a farmer's daughter for everyone to see..." he mumbled.
This was in reality what he had wanted to do. The first time he had seen her he had wanted nothing more than to talk to her and no one else. It was his cursed title that kept him from just letting her know what he wanted.
"I know this, my son." His father said and chuckled. "I am aware that you take your duties to our kingdom seriously but the girl has obviously shaken you to your very core... It would not hurt to let her know this as well... I think that if you let her in and let her see the real you... She won't be so reluctant."
Sometimes William was impressed by how perceptive his father could be. How had he figured out this much about Jade? He hadn't noticed them spending any time alone so how did his father do it?
Suddenly someone knocked on the door. William didn't get up from the armchair he was sitting in. Instead he drank his ale. It would probably be his mother coming to scold him about Jade's behavior...
"Enter." His father answered uninterested and put his cup against his lips again.
"My king." A guard said. Before the guard could tell him his errand, William's father started smiling from ear to ear and immediately put his cup down.
"Well, if it isn't our little horse thief!" he exclaimed.
William immediately sat up straight. Fortunately for him, the back of his chair was facing them and no one had seen his reaction.
"What can I do for you, my child?" his father almost sang the words out to Jade. William ran his fingers threw his hair and then got up. When he turned around Jade was being escorted towards them with a guard on each of her sides.
"I would like to speak to your son, your grace." Jade answered politely and even curtsied at William's father when she was close enough.
I really hoped you liked this chapter. I love to write from Williams POV as well... I feel that you need to see his side of it all as well.
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