Human First Name:Maruto
Human Last Name:Hirmada
Saiyan Name:Kakarot/Kakarotto
Nickname:The Descendant of a legend,Oozaru, Legendary Super Saiyan,Saiyan from Earth,Prince of all Saiyans,New Saiyan God,Future God of Destruction,Future Grand Priest.
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Blue
Race:Full blooded Saiyan
Age:16 to 17
Casual Clothes
Casual Clothes
Saiyan Battle Suit
Personality(to friend,loved ones,and people he respects):Kind,caring cocky,arrogant, rebellious and serious at times, respectful,mature and immature,Arrogant at times,a lone wolf,Serious when he needs to be,a big brother/father figure,jokester,and loving.
Personality(To enemies and people he hates):Hateful,disrespectful,noncaring,pissed of easily but tries to keep cool, really rude,really serious in fights.
Likes:His Family,Naomi,Rias and her Peerage,Sona and her Peerage, Protecting his family and friends,his loved one,fighting what's right, training,sports,teasing his friends.
Dislikes:Pervets(except for his Cousin),people who are to confident about themselves,people bad mouthing his family,threatening the people he cares about,losing the people he cares about.
Full Powered Base Form
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Stamina
Enhanced Reaction Time
Enhanced Senses
ki control
Ability to fly
Zenkai Boost
Spirit Control
Instant Transmission
Alpha physiology
Absolute intelligence
Supernatural body
Supernatural combat
Meta combat
Super eating
Ki constructs
Ki weaponry
Ki artillery
Ki combat
Ki attack
Mind Reading
Ki transmutation
Ki mixture
Ki aura
Ki empowerment
Ki embodiment
Sex specialist
Sex empowerment
Seduction intuition
Talent embodiment
Supernatural cooking
Super ki Attacks:
Super God Fist
Super Dragon Fist
Kaioken Assault
Kamehameha Boost
Meteor Blow
Meteor Strike
Meteor Crash
Super God Shock Flash
Bending Kamehameha
Spirit Bomb
Kaioken Kamehameha
Ki Explosion
x10 Kamehameha
Destructo Disc
Burst Kamehameha
Evil Eyes
Energy Shot
Energy Wave Combo
Solar Flare
Soaring Fist
Final Bow
Wild Hunt
Divine Kamehameha
Raid Blast
Galick Gun
Flash Strike
Finish Breaker
Shine Shot
Earth Splitting Galick Gun
Big Bang Attack
Big Bang Barrage
Counter Burst
Focus Flash
Tail Slicer
Blazing Attack
Burst Stinger
Super guard
Arm Crash
Riot Javelin
Tyrant Lancer
Ki Blast Canon
Double Sunday
Saturday Crash
Shining Friday
Savage Strike
Spirit Stab
Burning Attack
Burning Slash
Shining Slash
Big Bang Kamehameha
Bluff Kamehameha
Afterimage Strike
Atomic Blast
Super Mad Dance
Spirit Blaster
Punisher Shield
Assault Vanish
Ultimate Ki Attacks:
Dragon Fist
Divine Lasso
Super Kamehameha
x4 Kamehameha
x20 Kamehameha
Breaker Energy Wave
Super Black Kamehameha(Evil Attack)
Super Black Kamehameha Rose(Evil Attack)
Godly Display
Super Ki Explosion
Full Power Enegry Wave
Super Spirit Bomb
Energy Blast Volley
Warp Kamehameha
Final Flash
Final Shine Attack
Super Galick Gun
Prominence Flash
Saiyan Spirit
Brave Heat
Vacation Delete
Giant Storm
Meteor Burst
Spirit Sword
Final Kamehameha
x100 Big Bang Kamehameha
Solar Kamehameha
Spirit Kamehameha
Burning Strike
Heat Dome Attack
Sword Of Hope
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