The waves of the sea hit the big rock that was below the land where Jack and Elsa were. Elsa laid her head on Jack's shoulder while they both drank their coke.
"You happy?" Wondered Jack out loud.
Elsa who was to dazed out looked up at him with a baffled look. "Yeah, why'd you ask?"
Jack shook his head with a smile. Elsa is the first person he had ever tried to impress and he was glad that she was. He remembered back in camp rock that she was the type of girl who was hard to impress. But now, she was more open to him and always let him do what he wants.
Elsa gazed at the waves while debating whether she should ask Jack about Jim. After talking with the girls, Elsa's curiosity had gotten worse. But what should she do? Should she just blurt out the question and ruin their lunch date? Or should she just keep her mouth shut and not ruin the beautiful moment? Elsa let out a frustrated sigh. Why can't Jack just tell her?
"Hey Jack I-" she began but Jack already had something to say.
"My mom wants to meet you," Jack glanced down at her to see her reaction. "I can't say that she agrees with our relationship but she's happy for us, well me to be exact."
Elsa nodded. She knew it will be hard earning both Jacks' parent's approval but she was prepared to take on this relationship with Jack.
Jack intertwined his hands with Elsa's. "I know it won't be easy but huh...both my parents are very complicated people, especially my dad. He always wants what's best for his family and country. He doesn't care who I date but he does care about who I'm really serious about." Jack gripped Elsa's hand and turned to face her. "He'll be pretty hard to convince and Elsa you'll need to be careful when you see him."
"Jack don't worry," Elsa tried to assure him.
"But I don't care if he disapprove because if he does, prince or not I'm gonna be leaving the throne and come to you."
Elsa widen her eyes and tried to protest but Jack didn't let her speak. "Elsa, Dad can do anything just to get what he wants. When the time comes, we both we'll have to run away together. And I don't care if we're gonna be broke or homeless but I'm just gonna be just fine knowing that you'll still love me."
Elsa gave Jack a sad smile. "I will still love you." She stood up with Jack and they both strolled down the shore.
As long as you love me
Elsa laid her head on Jack's shoulder and let him whisper sweet words to her.
As long as you love me
After 2 minutes, Jack sang to her.
Cars entered the parking lot of Britney's mall while people were entertained by a showman who was doing some martial arts fighting.
Through the glass of the mall, the big four and the girls sat and drank their drinks in boredom. They've waited for 2 hours and still they haven't seen Jimmy and his crew. Merida was starting to have doubts while Punzel hasn't given up yet. The boys felt like it was a waste of their time just sitting and waiting for people who weren't going to show up.
"Where're you going?" Asked Punzel suddenly when Flynn stood up.
"I don't think they're coming," Flynn said.
"Just wait a minute," said Punzel, stubbornly, gripping Flynn's hand when he tried to move away from the table.
"We've been waiting for hours, they're not coming, Punzel," Kristoff spoke with a bored expression.
Anna and Merida watched Punzel as she argued with the boys. They both found it quite hilarious that they were arguing like little kids. Merida didn't feel the need to talk to them since she knew her words wouldn't matter. Punzel never listen to reasons. After watching Flynn sit down again, Merida stood up.
"Oh come on," went on Punzel.
"Don't worry, I'll be back." Without waiting for her to talk, Merida walked out the entrance. But as quick as she had went out the quicker she had came back. "They're here!"
"Who?" wondered Punzel as she turned around in excitement. "Jimmy and his crew?''
Merida couldn't help but roll her eyes. "No the monkeys, of course it's Jimmy, now come on!"
All of them stood up and hurried out of the cafe. Indeed, Jimmy was there. He was with the Miso brothers. They were talking near the book center. Jimmy looked to be annoyed by something as he was scratching his hair in irritation. They turned and began to walk in their direction. Anna and the two girls realized that they're heading to the cafe so they gestured for the boys to go back inside. They took their place near the window. Flynn and the boys pulled their hood lower while the girls took the menus and hid their faces.
Jimmy growled while sitting down, his back facing the big four and the girls. The Mason played with his phone while Zach was ordering their drinks.
"I told her to be here by 11," Jimmy's voice came out a bit deeper. "Of course, what did I expect? She never listen to me."
"That's the one thing about your sister mate," said Mason with a smirk. "She likes taking her time."
"Obviously she likes doing that to annoy me," Jimmy said in vexation.
"Why did she come back?" asked Mason seriously. "I thought she was going with Jon Iro?"
"I think she told him she had to finish school. DDWMS is one of her favorite school, she doesn't want to miss the final year."
"Is that what she told you?" asked Zach with a look Jimmy had seen before.
"Yeah, and I don't believe her. I'm gonna get it out of her as soon as I see her," promised Jim.
"Yeah good luck with that," chuckled Mason.
"You know she won't say anything,'' said Zach smoothly. "Besides, you already know Jack's the reason why she wants to come back."
"Whoa, how can you say that without a thought?" Mason gave his brother a skeptical look. "And why would the reason be Jack?"
"Maybe the same reason as mine," muttered Jim. Both brothers glanced at him.
"What's that supposed to mean?" they both asked.
The waiter brought their drinks and left. The two brothers waited for Jim to answer but he never did.
All the while Jim and the brothers were talking, Punzel and the others were listening closely. They were surprised to find out Jim had a sister that had something to do with Jack - except the big four who already knew.
Anna felt her phone buzzing. She looked at the message and it was from her sister.
E - Are u guys still in Britney's Mall?
Anna replied.
A - Yes, why?
E - Jack and I are outside, we're coming in. Where are u guys exactly?
A - At the eatery cafe
"Guys, Elsa and Jack are outside," whispered Anna to the others.
"We can't let them come here, Jimmy is here," Punzel whispered back.
Anna's mouth was shaped like an o. "I text her where we're at."
"Anna!" Punzel tried to lower her voice. "Text her and tell her not to come."
A/N: Thank you wonderful readers for continuing reading my book!
Sorry for the long wait but I finally have a new way to write on wattpad again so I can publish my new chapters. Thank you for being so patient. 💜💜💜💙💙💙
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