What does beauty mean to me?
It depends on how one comprehends beauty
True beauty is hard to find
The poorest pauper can have the purest mind
Whilst the handsome prince has a soul so unclean
I sit and wonder what does the story
The Prince and the Pauper actually mean
"Ah, come on! I totally woulda won, you cheated!" Cobra exclaimed, pushing Sting away with his foot as they both sat in front of the TV with controllers at hand. Sting grinned as the TV blared with the words "THE STINGER IS THE WINNER!" Which was a totally bad pun.
"I won, fair and square."
"They're cute!" Midnight said as he stared at his boyfriend and friend, former enemies now weirdly bestie's, argue about who had cheated in the game. A smile lingered on his lips as he sat on the couch behind them, waiting for his turn. He was going to show them who was boss.
"Hmm, yeah..." Rogue muttered, a small smile glued to his lips.
Months had passed since the day Rogue had realised that his mother was dead and that he was indeed in love with Sting Eucliffe and the feeling was mutual. A lot had changed, from Cobra and Sting being best friends again to Rogue actually speaking more even if it was only to people he felt comfortable with. Gajeel had even become Rogues personal fake body guard, protecting him from creeps, aka Sting, which was amusing in many ways. And Freed and Laxus- well they were doing what they always did- being awkward cutie pies who were totally in love but this time they were dating.
Eventually the two love birds were left alone after Cobra and Midnight had left. Sting shuffled closer to Rogue, with a suppressed grin and tried a low and seductive voice: "hey, now we're all alone..." Rogue burst into a fit of giggles as Stings attempt, although was really hot, his face was too priceless to not laugh at. Stings pouting sent Rogues giggles to a halt.
"Cute," he whispered. He lifted his hand and brushed the end of his fingertips on a tanned cheek. Scraping his nails on it gently, Sting shuddered at the touch but leaned into it instinctively.
Sapphire blue orbs met ruby red ones and time did what time always did for them; it stopped. Fireworks didn't explode this time but that simple touch caused a star to burst. Sting leaned in forward and their foreheads were pressed slightly onto one another and they were mesmerised by the beauty of the other. Shock and awe tingled across their bodies as they wondered what good they did to deserve the miracle that sat before them.
A tragic life filled with what was thought to be endless sadness and regret.
One boy who was a prince who lost everything due to his own ignorance and foolishness. Who lived his life in pain and anguish. Losing something as precious as family and destroying it because he spoke too much. He continued life lying to everyone and himself till one day he stopped and fell in love with a boy, only to see him again-
And a pauper who lived in the streets. A mute boy who met a rich family and was able to live along side them as charity. One who lived in denial of his own mothers death and fell in love with a rich boy he had met years prior.
It was already written in the nights stars, that two opposites would attract and that God did allow some miracles to happen.
A chaste kiss was pressed on their lips and a new galaxy formed somewhere far away, as the one they undeniably loved, loved them back.
'I love you,'s were pointless because they already knew so well...
And it was night in Magnolia...
Natsu would have never of thought that, the one he loved had a grandson and that grandson had lived in his own hotel- which was named after his dear Gray. Ironic, I know. He had named a park after his lover, a park he so dearly loved with his heart but had never stepped foot in once.
So here he was, outside the gates under a crescent moon and blue clouds. He knew all to well what he would find.
It wasn't a miracle or fate. It was just something that was meant to be.
A man- with hardly any clothes on- humming a song. A song that he had hummed to his children and grandchildren as a lullaby. A song with no lyrics but so much heart and soul.
"Hello, pleasure to meet you. Sorry, I'm half naked. The names Gray, hmm, yet I feel like I know you."
"I know all too well old friend, I know all too well,"
A/N: the end and yeah. That took too long to write. Ah jeez. Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks to anyone who put up with my shit writing and infrequent updates.
Sorry and thanks for reading!!!
End: 29/05/16
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