Broken Promise
I smiled inwardly as I got up and strolled out of the coffee shop, after signing a check. The sun was beating down on my neck, as it was mid afternoon. I wiped some sweat of my brow as I huffed and trudged down the pavement. I was especially cautious not to bump into any more pedestrians.
We used to be inseparable. We were two pees from the same pod. Except we didn't look like each other. Twins? No one would believe us when we told them that we were twins. It was a fun game we used to play. Guess what one meant to the other?
No one would even assume we were family much less twins.
Even though it was a shame people didn't believe us. Neither of us cared. It did not matter what others thought about us. The only thing that mattered was each other. All I cared about was looking after my brother, whilst he did the same for me.
It was a good life. A life I wrecked.
It is all in the past. Something to smile back on people would say. For me, something to regret. After all, my life was filled with many regrets.
A choked back another sob. No point crying about it now, I usually say. Unless someone has a time machine... it's pointless.
My trail of thought took me to the clouds and I was oblivious of my own reality and what was going on around me. I soon found myself on the floor and I has scrapped my hands on the pavement floor.
I squinted in the sunlight to try make out who I bumped into.
His long black hair was now cut shorter. Yet it was still all over the place and messy. He wore some black jeans and black high top converses. Also a shirt with the words "Macbeth" inscribed into it and some earrings.
"Sting-" He stood right up and extended out a arm to help pull me up, which I accepted. Some books were sprawled all over the street and I squat down to pick some up. "Thanks!" He smiled at me as I gave him the remaining books that were left on the floor along with the ones he picked up.
"How's it going?" He asked as he walked alongside me. I grinned at him.
"Great? How about you? Haven't seen you since... Three days ago" We both laughed as a familiar limo parked beside us.
"I'm fine. Great actually. But Sting, aren't you supposed to be at your fathers meeting?" I looked away and he nodded. "I see. Don't worry, I won't pry. So how's Rogue?" He asked changing the subject. I smiled at him, quite grateful since he didn't ask too much about the meeting.
"He's doing good. He's at the meeting right now with Gajeel and Laxus."
"Poor kid!" Midnight said with a solemn expression. We both ended up laughing right after.
"... So how's Cobra?" I muttered under my breathe. I always asked Midnight how Cobra was since they were best friends after all. After the 'incident', Cobra and I weren't close at all. To be fair, he hated me and blamed me for everything. He had every right to.
So soon after he became friends with a shy quiet kid called Midnight. He was completely the opposite of loud and boastful Cobra. I thought they looked cute together. After my brother and I, our relationship, nothing lasts for ever.
"He's fine. Don't worry. I did promise you I'd look after him didn't I?" He rested his hand on my tense shoulder that instantly relaxed.
"Thanks Midnight."
"Oh that reminds me. I have to meet up with Cobra, his limo should be around here." His eyes scanned the area till they spotted a sleek, black limo parked at the opposite end of the road. We must of passed it without knowing. "Bye Sting!" He jogged back towards the limo as I waved at him.
Cobra came out to greet him. Then he turned to look at me and he smirked. His eyes glinted with menace. They both got in and the limo drove off.
I lay on my bed my hand holding a picture of my family. The glass was broken. What used to be a heartwarming picture was held up with sticky tape. The tears were visible and it was previously crumpled. Yet it still was in a frame that I put it in
A picture of Cobra and I were blowing out our candles and our parents and Grandpa Natsu were singing happy birthday. The picture was ripped in three. My grandpa was the middle piece. My mother who held Cobras shoulders was another piece. My father and I, who was behind me, were the last piece...
"Happy birthday to you..." They sang. Cobra and I grinned at each other as we closed our eyes and blew out the candles.
"Did you make your wish?" My mother asked us. We both nodded.
"Don't tell us or else it won't come true!" Grandpa jeered as he pulled my cheek.
"I don't need my one to come true because it's already true. All I want is our family to be happy forever!" We all laughed at Cobras announcement. He came and hugged me and whispered something into my ear. "Promise me that we'll be family forever." He stuck out his pinkie and I looped my pinkie around his own.
If only we knew back then. I foolishly made a promise thinking it would be easy. If only I knew I'd be the reason that promise failed.
After all, you know what they say. Don't say your wish out loud or else it won't come true.
A/N: I'm sorry for the long hiatus. I'll be sure to update every two weeks!
I hope you guys like the hinted Cobra X Midnight! It's a crazy ship yet I like the idea of it so I thought I should add it here.
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