Chapter 2
The weather is sunny with no clouds in sight, and the temperature is 80° with a light breeze.
*Italics are the prince's thoughts*
(Johnathan enters from the left and is having a talk in his mind. He will run into someone that may or may not be a good person)
2 hours later
J: I can't believe he let me leave. He's supposed to tell me to stay and prevent me from leaving. However, that won't stop me from finding the love of my life and having a wonderful family with her. And I will love her for who she is a person, and hopefully, she will treat me the same way.
(Suddenly, Johnathan hears someone calling out.)
E: Help! Someone, please help me! Please! Is anyone out there?
J: I'm here. Where are you?
E: I'm stuck in a tree.
J: Ok. I'll be there in a second.
E: Please hurry.
(After a few minutes, Johnathan arrives to see a woman caught in a rope trap. He cuts the young woman down.)
J: Ok. Just be still.
E: Thank you.
J: You're welcome. How did you get stuck in the net?
E: I am a runaway maid. I come from a big royal family. I am not considered part of that family though. I was tired of being told what to do, so I put poison in the tea for the King of England. The Queen found out, and had hunters go ahead of me, and set up this net. And before you ask, I take this path every day when picking berries for pie.
J: For the time being, I am on my own as well.
E: I'm so sorry. Who decided that you were to be on your own.
J: My father did. He is the King. I took the suggestion because I want to find a woman that loves me for who I am, and I want a family made from love.
E: Oh. I'm so sorry. I guess that makes you the prince?
J: Yes, but there is no need for formalities. You can just call me Johnathan, and how do I know I can trust you? Do you have anything to prove you are a maid, or that to won't use this information against me?
E: Ok, and you can call me Elizabeth, and my clothes pretty much prove that I am a maid. Besides, would a royal have a bread crumb, a tattered dress with ashes, nest hair, and no tiara? Most importantly, who would believe that a lowly maid such as myself would speak to a royal such as you? I never spoke this way to the family I previously worked for.
J: I suppose that's true, besides you appear to be telling the truth. But, Elizabeth, why are you escaping your duties in the castle?
E: I shouldn't be telling you this. For all I know, you could be a spy for the British King, and give him information on the English King.
J: I understand that. I probably shouldn't have said anything about my life, considering we are strangers, but maybe we can be friends and learn to trust each other. Andi promise that I would never lie or deceive anyone, not even you.
E: I would like to be friends. And we will just let time tell whether I trust you or not
J: I understand. Strong relationships are built on trust.
E: They certainly are.
J: I had some coins that I stole from my father. Maybe we can run away together, and make our own rules
E: I'd like that very much.
Hey guys and girls. I'm back. Sorry about not having a chapter for 2 days. I was busy unpacking from a trip and I was not feeling well, but I'm better, and I am back to writing and posting chapters.
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