Chapter 21: Parental guidance
Even though Damien's look of exhaustion and disappointment as Lucius stepped into his office was nothing short of priceless, Lucius had already committed to glaring at the man.
"A month." He put the pet carrier in his hand down. "I was hardly gone for a month and suddenly people are dropping like flies, werewolves are roaming the streets, and the town is littered with Dinthia-worshipping dandruff?"
Damien's eye twitched, but instead of giving Lucius a scolding about his absence from his job, he looked down at the large carrier.
"What is that?"
"They're babies." Lucius waved his hand dismissively. "We'll get to them in a bit, after we've discussed what's happened while I wasn't here."
"Isn't that a cage?" Damien didn't even sound surprised anymore, but looked unusually concerned. "Are you keeping babies in a cage, Lucius?"
"It's a pet carrier." Lucius held it up for display as if it made things better. "I put a blanket in there."
Damien stared, surprisingly appalled.
"But they're not pets, for Dinthia's sake. They're human. They're human babies."
"That's still up for debate."
"And where did you get them?" Damien continued his criticism. "Did you leave town so you could find children and put them in cages?"
Lucius huffed.
"There's such a thing as taking care of babies who aren't yours by blood, and if I was going to steal babies, it would not be these two."
"So you're willingly taking care of them... While also putting them in a cage."
"Carrier, and it's not so much willingly as... Having to."
Damien looked like he didn't want to know more, but out of that surprising concern he still had to ask.
"Why do you have to? And what are you planning to do with them?"
"Well, why I'm stuck with them is none of your business, and I actually thought of a silver lining regarding what to do with them." Lucius put the cage down, patting the top of it. "I'm gonna say they're Anthony's."
Damien's expression immediately darkened.
"Turns out Lucia was pregnant when Anthony left, which is why she had to go away in an attempt to hide it until they were out." Lucius exaggerated a heartbroken look. "Except she couldn't give them away once the time came, loving them too much and not wishing to lose the proof of her and Anthony's love."
"Are you serious right now?"
"So now the whole town will, instead of judging poor Lucia for falling in love with someone who abandoned her after causing something like that, will throw a pity party and sympathise. Feeling so sad about her being all alone like that..." Lucius rested the back of his hand against his forehead. "... That is, unless... Anthony returns to take responsibility."
It wasn't the first time Damien's stare had suggested Lucius' insanity, so it changed nothing.
"And you're the only one who knows where he is, so don't you think it would look tragically heartless to not help me find him? It's not like you're the one who forced him away, right? Because that would truly be heartless and look very bad, especially after abusing Lucia with the whole branding thing and all." Lucius smiled triumphantly. "People love Lucia, and you wouldn't want to get on everyone's bad side, and since Ethan told me you've agreed to leave me alone you're not getting rid of me in the first place either."
"Just because I agreed to let you live it doesn't mean I have to endorse any ridiculous lie you try to feed people." Damien's eyes narrowed. "And regarding said agreement, that goes for Anthony too. I'm not bringing him back."
"I'm protecting him." Damien wouldn't let Lucius speak. "You would end up hurting him, and while I have to play nice with you I can still make sure you do as little damage to the town as possible, so don't get comfortable."
Lucius curled his lip, unimpressed.
"I could also tell everyone they're yours."
A slight shift in Damien's eyes betrayed his composure.
"You wouldn't."
"It would be more believable, after all." Lucius shrugged, hiding his smugness. "Most people we know are aware Anthony's not into women, and with your aforementioned abuse and trying to coerce Lucia into marrying you, it sure sounds convincing... And bad for your image."
"Just because Lucia's gotten a foothold with the public it doesn't mean they'll believe anything she says." Damien, however, did not look quite so sure of himself. "I'm still a respected man and if it's my word against Lucia's—"
"Not just Lucia." Lucius went for the finishing blow. "Frey is more than happy to support it, actually preferring that option rather than the Anthony approach."
At last, Damien fell into silence. Oh to be Frey and have a terrifying presence even when not around.
"So?" Lucius tried to sound innocent. "What do you think?"
Damien's glare was bone chilling, and it took all Lucius' discipline to not turn his eyes away. In the end, however, Damien released a low, exasperated sigh.
"If young Lord Clausson is willing to take your side in this, I'd rather have people believe they're Anthony's. Though as you say, people know Anthony would not have any romantic interest in Lucia so the rumours might affect me anyway."
"People can like men and women, Damien." Lucius rolled his eyes. "Sometimes it takes a while—or a murderous water spirit— to figure it out, is all."
A whine from the carrier made them both look, and Lucius gently bumped the thing while hushing whichever child was responsible for the interruption.
It did not help, and as expected, one whine soon grew into two and they both increased in strength.
"They keep doing this," Lucius complained while leaning down to make a poor attempt at rocking the carrier soothingly. "Even though they recently ate and changed nappies."
"They're on a thin blanket in a cage, of course they're crying." Damien stood from his desk to go forward and open the carrier before Lucius could protest. "They need physical contact."
He picked up one of them.
"Here, you hold this one." He picked the girl up to hand her over before placing the boy against his own shoulder.
Lucius couldn't lie to himself. There was a slight comfort in holding the warm bundle of softness, but he'd never show that to the man in front of him.
Looking closer though, Lucius wasn't so certain there would be any judgement as something in Damien's expression had shifted towards anguish, and he held the boy tight.
It served him right.
"Reminding you of something?" Lucius couldn't help himself. He had no sympathy for the man, no matter how much he suffered.
"Don't," Damien muttered, looking like he was considering putting the boy down again before deciding against it.
Despite the temptation, Lucius did not get the chance to scold Damien on the topic before the door behind him flew open.
"Ladybug! I heard you were back and didn't die!" Catherine burst into the room, eyes darting around before landing on the babies in Lucius' and Damien's arms. She proceeded to look around, noticing the carrier before turning back to the two of them with an increasingly puzzled look.
Which was a worrying look, given it was Catherine.
"Is something wrong?" Lucius had to ask, against his better judgement, and Catherine quickly shook her head, though her confusion did not let up as her eyes lingered on the children.
"It's just..." She tilted her head. "... There's two of them?"
"You knew about this mess?" Damien's voice grew accusatory. "Why?"
Catherine's eyes wandered in Lucius' direction, and he gave her a discreet, sharp shake of his head, so she pinched her lips together.
"Catherine." Damien stared her down, and Catherine squinted in reluctance before opening her mouth.
"... Tea time gossip?"
"Transparent lies aside, the fact that Catherine was aware of this is far from reassuring." Damien redirected his scowl back to Lucius. "What is going on with these two?"
"It's not reassuring," Catherine agreed, but seemed to have missed the first part by not listening. "Given what's going on in this town right now."
"I don't know why that would be bad for these two, Lady Marberry," Lucius pleaded through his teeth with a strained smile, but Catherine did not pick up on it, or she didn't care.
"Well, you must have noticed something is off, right?" She quirked an eyebrow, grimacing as Damien glared at her again. "They're not exactly... Normal."
"They're..." Lucius began, but trailed off. What could he say? What would Damien do if he found out?
"No strange, nightmarish visions?" Catherine suggested. "No blood related misfortunes? I suppose one wouldn't show any signs this early, but—"
"You know about that?" Lucius nodded down at the baby he was holding. He didn't know why he was surprised anymore, but the fact that Catherine knew that much about the spawn was, as Damien had already stated, concerning. "About the blood?"
"Ah, so this one has tainted blood," Catherine confirmed, stroking the girl's head but Damien was not having any of it.
"Cursed children are the last thing we need right now. The inquisition is already breathing down our necks and if they find the slightest reason to stay around, we'll never be rid of them."
"That sounds like a tall order for this town." Lucius made a face. "But I doubt they'll find a reason to investigate babies. We'll just keep them out of their way. What worries me more is Richard and Ethan."
Damien's eye twitched, unsurprisingly.
"The creature is here?"
Lucius nodded.
"So I reckon we'll need to hide them somehow."
"We won't be doing anything." Damien's signature cold voice was back. "If you want to defend that lifelike that's up to you, but leave me out of it."
"Let's not have that ancient conversation now." Catherine tried to dismiss the tension building. "I do however think it would be best for Luna's sake that supernatural people stay away from her."
Lucius blinked.
"Just that her blood is bad news, so it's best to keep her away from them."
"I... Never said her name." Lucius was certain, seeing how he had almost forgotten he'd been forced to name them.
"Oh." Catherine placed a finger against her lips. "I suppose you hadn't... But she does look like a Luna."
Lucius stared at her with narrowing eyes.
"And what about that one?" He nodded towards the boy. "Got a lucky guess there as well?"
Catherine tilted her head, eyebrows knitting.
"... Mica?"
"It's Noah." Lucius wasn't sure whether to be relieved or frustrated that she'd guessed wrong, but Catherine nodded comprehensively.
"I see, well, there's nothing wrong with that either."
"With all due respect, Lady Marberry, would it kill you to tell us what you know?" Lucius went back to his earlier frustration, offended that Catherine seemed to have information she wouldn't share about his children— or, the Scourge's children. "Maybe in more ways than incoherent rambling?"
"You're the one who doesn't want me to talk about it because he's here," Catherine protested while nodding towards Damien, and Lucius threw his free arm out.
"Except you're still talking about it, just in a very confusing way!"
"Fine, then I'll be quiet." Catherine stuck her nose in the air, and Lucius had a feeling he shouldn't push his luck with the easily offended lady, so he gave up with a sigh. His still recovering body did not have the energy to stand there while he asked a myriad of questions anyway.
"I don't want to stay longer than necessary." He looked around for a place to sit. "We just need to figure out what to do about the inquisition and then I'll be out of here, so get me a chair, will you?."
"You can stand." Damien had no interest in being hospitable. "It's not like you've gone through actual childbirth."
"Of course not, they had to cut them out," Catherine began but Lucius gave her another hushing look.
"Oh no, did they have to make a cut?"
New presences in the room made all three of them jump, and Lucius smiled nervously as he turned around to stand face to face with Valdís and Claus.
"Lady Magnusdóttir." He couldn't help but look sheepish. "How nice to see you again. I assume you're here to pick up Frey?"
"Yes, we were told he'd be back by now." Valdís smiled, but Lucius wasn't sure if he could trust it, not just because it was doubtful Frey's parents had been fine with the kidnapping thing, but also because Frey's deceitful act had to come from somewhere. "He was supposed to stay here a while longer but since he left we've just missed him so much, so we're bringing him home for a week or two."
Lucius swallowed.
"I, uh... I'm so sorry about how it all happened, it— It was urgent, and... It seemed like we had no choice."
"Well, we would have preferred it if you'd said something," Valdís agreed, but did not seem as upset as Lucius would have expected. "But since Frey agreed to it, how could we not let him help you with your predicament?"
"Yes, well... It was much appreciated." Lucius breathed out on the inside. Thankfully the cheese puff had been kind enough to pretend he hadn't been kidnapped.
"But that aside, I believe congratulations are in order. "Claus gestured to the babies with a beaming grin. "And you said you weren't having any."
"I suppose some otherworldly force had other plans." Lucius tried to return the smile while Claus said hi to the baby girl.
"Now what's this about being cut?" Valdís asked after having said hello to the little ones as well, and Lucius searched his brain for a good reply.
"Well, see... The children couldn't quite... Be born the usual way, so they had to make an incision."
Lucius didn't need to look at Damien to know what kind of exasperated glare he was sending, but at least the couple were on his side.
"That must have been a frightening experience." Valdís' face was nothing but sympathy. "Not to mention dangerous, but I've heard twin births can be difficult that way."
"And you must be exhausted," Claus added, looking around the room. "This happened so recently and you can't possibly have recovered properly."
He fixed his gaze on Damien.
"You haven't offered her a seat, at least? Honestly, Lord Hargreaves, she just gave birth to your childr—"
"No," Lucius and Damien said in horrified unison before clearing their throats.
"They're... Actually Anthony's." Lucius went for another embarrassed grimace, and the couple exchanged confused glances.
"They are?" Even Catherine, who very well knew the actual situation, looked confused and Lucius rolled his eyes on the inside. How had she not considered the fact that he had to blame the twins' existence on someone?
"Is that so?" Valdís raised her eyebrows. "Frey was under the impression they were the older Lord Hargreaves' children."
Why was Lucius surprised? Naturally, Frey had run out of niceness after not accusing the group of abducting him, and now the rumour spreading had begun.
"Well-read as he may be, I don't believe Frey has much knowledge when it comes to adult relationships and children."
"A misunderstanding, then." Claus shrugged it off with a smile matching his wife's, but didn't seem satisfied with the answer either. "But... I'd heard the younger Lord Hargreaves had left town."
Lucius didn't need to pretend. The heartbreak in his eyes was real, and Claus looked aghast.
"But that's not... Why he left, is it?"
"I'm sorry to interrupt your heartfelt conversation," Damien said at that, forcing an apologetic frown before the coldness took over his eyes again. "And I don't mean to turn you away, but I have a lot of work to do and I imagine Frey has packed his things by now."
"Oh, we should probably leave soon." Valdís' eyes widened in realisation and she turned to her husband, who did not look as willing to leave the topic of absent partners, but finally relented. "If they really are closing the town, we should be on our way before it becomes a whole process."
Lucius recalled the paladin's reaction to Frey upon their return.
"I wouldn't worry about that." He stifled a curl of his lip. "I believe they know who you are."
"We shall hope so," Claus agreed before turning for the door. "Now then, I hope you have a lovely time, Lady Cromwell. Do cherish your little ones."
They both gave small waves to the twins before leaving, and Lucius released a sigh.
"Alright, let's get this over with, as much as it pains me to want your help." He didn't grant Damien the honour of eye contact. "I know you're a Dinthia lapdog but even you must find the inquisition inconvenient, so let's get rid of them."
"I'm not going anywhere near what you consider 'get rid of'." Damien gestured around the room, and Lucius realised he'd forgotten to insult the significantly smaller mansion The BBT had relocated to. Still, it would have to wait.
"I'm not saying 'get rid of' as in kill anyone." He could understand the suspicion though. "I'm saying we'll get to the bottom of what's going on, solve it ourselves, and they can be on their way."
"As much as I can agree the inquisition may be bad for business—"
"And they're so depressingly colourless," Catherine felt the need to chime in, and Damien rolled his eyes before continuing.
"— I do think they're the effective option. They're trained to take care of the unholy or supernatural, so werewolves should pose no bigger problem."
"But Derek is also trained." Lucius couldn't believe he was suggesting the involvement of said man. "Derek can track down werewolves and maybe not even have to kill them. He's great at keeping things alive too, right?"
Damien gave him a long, condescending look.
"And you think Derek, who makes most of his living killing supernatural creatures, who keeps things alive specifically for torture purposes, would help these creatures? Or are you hoping for a violent outcome?"
"Popping their eyes out should give him some satisfaction," Lucius suggested. "And it forces them into human form, so they're easier to deal with."
Catherine gasped, raising a hand to her mouth.
"What an awful thing to suggest."
"Better than killing them, still... I think." Lucius pouted. "And if Ethan can go through with it I'm sure Derek can too."
Both Catherine and Damien looked taken aback.
"The... Creature did that to a werewolf?" Damien stared in disbelief, and Lucius folded his arms.
"Why so surprised? He's a bloodthirsty monster, after all, isn't he?"
Damien sighed through his nose, refusing to give a reply by getting back on topic.
"I'll talk to Derek. See what can be done from our side."
"Better than nothing, I guess." Lucius turned his head to face Catherine. "Lady Marberry, I know this comes on the heels of betrayal, but is there any possibility I could borrow your necklace again?"
"Oh, sweet ladybug." Catherine placed a hand against her heart. "I'm afraid it's not in my possession anymore."
Lucius pursed his lips. He'd guessed it would not be so easy to slip under the inquisition's eye, but there had been a glimpse of hope if Catherine had chosen to forgive him for blowing her things up.
"Well, I'll find something else to wear." He ignored Damien's once again narrowing stare while Catherine nodded.
"I doubt there's anything to worry about." She pinched Lucius' cheek. "If people are going to look at something it's your pretty face, not whether you're wearing a necklace or not."
Lucius tried to examine her face. Was she implying the inquisition wouldn't notice if there was something off with him even without the necklace, or was she just complimenting him?
"Alright, time to be a parent again." Damien held a squirming, mewling Noah forward. "And make an effort this time."
"There's a blanket in there," Lucius repeated, but before he could receive Noah with his other arm, Catherine had snatched him up.
"I know he's yours, but if I can offer some unspecific, non-experienced advice, he might sleep better with curtains drawn and the door closed." She gently booped his nose before snuggling him close. "A music box to drown out other sounds is not a bad idea either."
"Unspecific, huh?" Lucius didn't bother to raise his eyebrows as she handed him over. He knew any further answers would be frustratingly incoherent. "Any advice for Lady Bloodbath?"
"Socks on her hands."
Lucius blinked.
"... Socks?"
"All babies are prone to scratching themselves as they flail around." Catherine shrugged. "It goes without saying it would be especially inconvenient for Luna."
"That's... Surprisingly decent advice." Lucius was almost disappointed. His curiosity had finally gotten the best of him.
Catherine ruffled his hair.
"You'll do just splendidly. I promise they'll grow on you, much like they di—"
"Ah, yes..." Catherine placed a finger against her lips while rethinking her words. "... Much like they've grown on me... Already, that is...."
"Will you two get out of here already?" Damien rubbed the bridge of his nose. "If you have to fumble for excuses and poorly masked lies in my presence, why not just leave?"
"I don't have anything to say on this matter anyway." Catherine did not stop with said lies, even as she turned to leave. "I don't know anything about babies, and I don't know anything about the oddities of these ones either."
She gently patted the carrier.
"You take care now, little ones," she chirped before shifting her eyes towards Lucius. "And you too, ladybug."
"Do you also get a headache whenever you've been around her for a prolonged time?" Lucius had to ask after the door closed. "Or does she make sense to you?"
"I tend to ignore most of what she says by now." Damien relaxed his shoulders as the room got a little quieter. "If it's not relevant to our mutual interests, it doesn't matter."
"Asshole even to your friends, I see."
"Are you just going to stand there forever?" Damien gestured between him and the children. "I'll talk to Derek and tell you what we come up with, alright? So get out already."
"Fine." Lucius raised his chin, picking up the carrier. "I'll see you around, Lord Hargreaves."
"See you around, ladybug."
Seems like we're getting somewhere with this story at last! Still not done with Grace but I seem to be slowly shifting between them. As always, I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts!
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