Chapter 5: Comas
The beeping of the heart monitor continued, as Sasuke, Naruto and the hokage waited, worry etched in their face to what they were informed awhile ago.
"KIRA!!" Sasuke and Naruto ran towards Kira's unconscious figure, Naruto carrying her as Sasuke took a sprint towards the hokage's office, Naruto running towards the hospital after seeing her injuries, as he ran towards the hospital, a woman followed him, curious about the girl.
The nurses saw Kira in his arms and immediately snatched her and put her on a bed, rolling the bed towards the emergency room, Naruto not noticing the woman from earlier
Naruto wanted to go in yet, the nurse prohibited him and told him to wait outside.
He sat down , the woman sitting two seats away from Naruto, as the hokage and Sasuke entered the hospital, looking worried and the hokage started throwing them some questions, which they answered to what they know, the hokage trying to contact Kotetsu through his messenger bird.
Suddenly, the door of the room where Kira was opened, the doctor coming out as the nurses scurried Kira to a room, the woman standing up ams followed, yet the other's didn't notice.
"Hokage-sama, I have bad news." The doctor stated, fixing his glasses as the hokage nodded for him to continue.
"Well..we have fixed up some of her wounds and bruises, and they were not that severe but we have noticed something, she has been having what we call as, comas, though not those long term comas but rather, short term comas that happen in a specific time every day." The doctor lookef at the three and asked,
"Who lives with the girl?"
"I do! Believe it!!!" Naruto yelled, as the doctor looked down, inwardly sneereing at the boy.
"Well then, have you noticed that she has been 'sleeping' for short period of time like it has been scheduled?"
"Yeah! Though I think she's just tired and all..." He mumbled, Sasuke glaring at him.
"You idiot! Don't yoy know that's already an irregular thing for people?!" He stated angrily, Naruto glaring back.
"Well I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm not a genius like you mr. Know it all!!" He said back, both boys already ready to punch each other when the hokage stopped them.
"Children stop fighting, it's not anyone's fault. Is there a cure for this sir?" The hokage asked, putting a hand on each of the boys' head to stop fighting.
"Apparently not, but the good news is, it will get off of her eventually." The three of them sighed in relief, as Kotetsu barged in, huffing as he looked around, spotting the hokage as the hokage began to explain, walking towards Kira's room on the way.
As they reached the room, the woman came out, the four looking at her suspiciously as she smiled at them, before walking away.
"Who was that?" Sasuke asked.
" Does it look like I know?" Naruto exclaimed, huffing.
"Don't start this again, come on let's go inside and take a seat." The hokage sighed, along with Kotetsu who sighed as well.
As they entered, they saw Kira's small figure, the heart monitor beeping, asthey sat on the chairs beside her bed, waiting.
A few hours has passed, and Kotetsu left to continue his duties, promising to go back later on his break.
End of flashback
Now as they await for her to wake up, the hokage was called for a meeting, and excused himself to the two boys as he left, leaving them alone with themselves.
Silence was the only thing between them as they waited, the sun already going down, and now, Sasuke waa called to his home by Itachi fetching him, Sasuke hesitantly going home.
Now Naruto was left, and he grinned as he saw the time.
Kira 's eyes fluttered at the same time the same woman from earlier came in, eyeing Naruto.
"Hm? And who must you be little boy?" The woman asked, taking steps towards Kira's waking form as Naruto stood up alerted by her actions.
"I'm Naruto! And that's what I wanted to say about you lady! Believe it!" Naruto exclaimed, pointing at the woman who smilee at him, picking up Kira in her arms as she cradled her like a baby, who happily held her as she smiled, eyes still closed as her geip on her dress was tight.
"I believe it alright.." The woman chuckled, putting a strand of Kira's hair to Kira's ears, as she began to wake up.
"Mm...Cornelia?" Kira mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she yawned, looking behind the woman 'Cornelia' she saw Naruto, making her smile sleepily.
"Naru-kun..where am I?..." She whimpered, as Kira looked around the dimly lit room.
"You're in the hospital you remember what happened to you before you fainted or something? Because you had lotsa bruises..believe it!" Naruto exclaimed, worried.
Tears suddenly well up in her eyes as she buried her face to Cornelia's dress, sniffles were heard in the room, as Cornelia petted Kira's hair, soothing her.
"Shhh sweetie..calm down..can you try to explain what happened? So that the mean people will be scolded." Cornelia said, yet in her head she wanted to do more than scolding.
"T-they..beat me..with ouchies..i dun know why..they said I was pest..i tried escaping..dun wanna hurt them..then I..i.." Kira hiccuped as she tried to form sentences, Cornelia and Naruto listening intently, Naruto already making a fist as he grit his teeth.
" you know who did this to you?..did you hear what their names are?" Naruto exclaimed, trying to sound calm but feom gis shaky breaths and long exhales, Cornelia could see that he sure hell wasn't calm.
"Ino? And are you sure it's Salula Kira?" Cornelia poked Kira's stomach, making her giggle through her tears as she held Cornelia's finger with her hands.
"Mhm! I sure it means cherry blasams!" Kira said, suddenly being happy as Cornelia poked her in the nose, Kira pouting.
"You mean Sakura? So it's Sakura and Ino...!" Naruto shouted angrily, Kira looking worried as she wriggled from Cornelia's embrace, Cornelia getting the hintas she put her down, Kira running to Naruto as she hugged him.
"Naru-kun, anger will only cause you to do bad things, anf I know you can't really fight anger but think about it..okay kay?" Kira asked, Naruto nodding as he hugged Kira.
"Thanks Kira-chan." He smiled.
Cornelia sniffled at the drama happening as ahe hugged the both of them, Naruto and Kira squeaking in surprise but then they all laughed together, bringing out grins on their faces.
"Want to go to my house for tonight children?"
"Sure!!" Naruto and Kira grinned, fist bumping each other.
"Well then, let's go home."
And they walked side by side, Registering out Kira as they went towards Cornelia 's house, wanting to take a rest for the day, and as for Kira, she will watch the stars as she gathers their light in her hands, the twinkling of the stars ever so curiously growing the curiosity of little Kira.
Pic on top is Cornelia!
So so how'd you guys like it so farrrr
Do you like Cornelia being added to the story? Any reactions to the said character of the story?
Anywho, please do always remember to:
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