Chapter 4: Facing the fangirls
Naruto wss in school and Kira was left alone in their apartment, feeling bored, Kira wanted to go see what a 'school' was, so she went to Naruto's school, hoping to meet new friends on the way.
On her way there, a certain fangirl noticed her going to the school, mistaking her for wanting too visit 'her' Sasuke, and decided to tell the others to warn them.
"Ah, you must be Kira, Naruto's friend?" Kira looked up to see a man with a chunnin suit, a smile on this face as he crouched down to look it Kira eye to eye, which she smiled happily.
"Mhm! And I will try and join the skwol and be with Naru-kun and Ducky-chi and maybe be stwong like Zombie-tan! Who are you by the way mister?" Kira tilted her head as Iruka laughed, apologizing for his late introduction.
"Ah, I'm Iruka, and if you really want to join the school, you should study and train efficiently, then maybe the hokage will let you in and take part in school activities." Kira nodded and fist pumped the air, shouting:
"Then I won't stop until I have reawsed my goal! And that's my ninja way bewieve it!" Kira grinned, Iruka laughing and patting her head, before saying bis farewell as he head for the hokage tower to report something.
At the same time Iruka left, the fangirls sprung out of hiding, surrounding Kira who looked shocked and scared.
"Hey you! Stay away from my Sasuke-kun!" A chubby one yelled.
"Yeah you stay away from my Sasuke-kun!" A blonde one sneered, glaring at Kira, who looked confused.
"Uhm...who's is he, you or you?" Kira asked, pointing atthe two who spoke making them both angry and bicker, the other fangirls joining as they fought who has Sasuke.
This made Kira have a chance to escape, as she ran upwards to a tree and jumped from its branch to a roof and ran, jumping roof to roof until she reached her destination.
Going down from a roof, Kira sighed in relief, as she wiped an invisible sweat from her forehead.
"Phew, who knew twaining chatra conroll can help you not only in condat but in estaping as well.." Kira mumbled, going to the school and seeing Naruto in his classroom, doing signs for the transformation jutsu.
She watched as he transformed into the hokage, but he didn't look like the hokage, making his classmates laugh at him.
Puffing out her cheeks in anger as she glared at everyone who laughed at him especially the dog looking guy yet Sasuke noticed that she was outside the window, surprising him, yet he didn't say anything.
Suddenly, Kira heard two people talking about her, and she heard:
"Look at that girl, no family, no money, no nothing. What is she doing here Anyways?"
"Yeah, shouldn't she be on an orphanage all locked up and taken care of?" The sound of taken care of didn't really sound nice to Kira but rather harsh and malicious.
Deciding she had enough, she just walked to the swing and waited for Naruto and maybe even Sasuke after their class.
School ended with a ring of a bell, as students began to file out the school and Sasuke ran out the academy doors to find Kira, who he spotted was on the swing, looking down as she swung to herself.
Worried, Sasuke went to Kira, but was blocked by his fangirls, their obnoxious hearing irritating his ears but he couldn't say anything rude so that they won't be hurt, so he stayed silent, trying to find some sort of opening.
Yet he did not fail to notice as one of the fangirls pushed Kira off the swing, making Kira fall on her back, luckily her hand saved her fron the impact yet she was just sitting there, her eyes all blank and casted downwards on the ground.
Angered, Sasuke pushed off the fangirls off of his way, not caring about their plastic 'ouches ' or 'owwies ' because he was just pushing on them softly, and crouched down and lent a hand to Kira, which made the fangirls gasp and mutter death threats to Kira.
"Hey, Kira are you okay?" Sasuke asked, to which Kira looked up with a teary face, yet she forced a smile on her face as she looked at Sasuke.
"I'm okay Ducky-chi..don't worry about it....oh look! There's Naru-chi! " Kira stated quickly as she stood up, thanking Sasuke for helping her and ran to Naruto who looked surprise to see her. Yet Sasuke still looked worried, as he remembered her glossy, teary eyes that was already ready to let the tears fall.
"Kira-chan! Whyare you here? You should be back to the house, it's almost 12 noon!" Naruto exclaimed, happy yet at the same time worried.
"I wanted to spend time with that also bad Naru-kun?" Kira cried, her grip om her arm tightening as she stopped herself from crying.
"No no it's not! I was just asking, but hey! Wanna go back to the apartment now, or would you want to go to the playground first?" He asked, trying to cheer Kira up which worked as she smiled and nodded, already dragging Naruto to the playground, managing to drag Sasuke with them too.
"Race you to the slides!!" Kira yelled as she let go of their hands once she reached the playground. Running to the stairs towards the slides, she went through the tunnel and climbed on the monkey bars, finally goingqto the slides and slid down, laughing as she went down the slide happily, Naruto and Sasuke following afterwards.
"That was fun!" Kira smiled, and the two nodded yet glared at each other afterwards.
"I know I know! Let's play hide and seek!" Kira exclaimed, Naruto grinning in excitement.
"Alright! Then Sasuke will be the catcher!"
"Huh?! Why do you get to choose?!"
"Because last time we played, I was the catcher! And before that it was Kira!" Naruto pointed out, making Sasuke pout and cover his eyes as he started to count, Naruto and Kira separating as Naruto hid somewhere and Kira hid behind a bush.
Unluckily, two fangirls were right behind her, and one, the pink haired one held her and closed her mouth to avoid her from screaming as the blonde one glared at Kira, her hand already in fists.
"Don't go near Sasuke-kun you pest!" She punched Kira on the stomach making her scream but they were muffled as she punched her over and over again, Kira desperately trying to get off of the pink haired girl's grip and avoided in using chakra, yet it was no use, and about the 12th punched did she scream and close her eyes, going limp on the girl's grip.
"Oy pest wake up!" The pink one yelled, shaking her yet she wasn't waking up.
"Wake up!" The blonde one yelled, slapping Kira yet she still wasn't waking up.
"Ino she isn't waking up..." The pink haired girl exclaimed nervously, putting down Kira's unconscious body on a tree and backing away slowly.
"Let's get out of here Sakura, before anyone else sees us..."
"I agree."
So the two bitc- mean girls ran away, at the same time Naruto and Sasuke came to look at the bush, only to see Kira bruised and unconscious.
So, want to let the two b- mean girls (ya know who they are) be discovered of their actions? Well i do! And they will deserve it... Ahahhahahahahahahaha- ahem...
Sorry whoops, i kinda got away there..Anyways!
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