chapter {1}
Guaranteed adventure
----chapter 1 - the flute of the phoenix -----
Magic creatures ruled the Earth for a long time before humans even created elementary creatures
Known as - Phoenix, Dragon, Snakes,Mermaids,Unicorns and Pegasous
And the most dangerous Oni
Because of the Oni created a great war that destroyed everyone and they were sealed
Phoenix - a flute | Mermaid - Crystal | Dragon - Necklace | Unicorn - Sword | Pegasus - bracelet
Children start laughing "this can only be a lie!" says a child "this can't be fantasy" says another child "what idiocy!" Children laugh and run away
The white-haired man with a hat was telling the story and was shocked by the children's reactions 'he sighs' he will turn around
"is it the Snakes?" He turns around and sees a cute little blond green-eyed elf "the Snakes?" The older man asks "yes, snakes, mystical animals are so incredible!" says the youngest well excited The older smile at the younger
The oldest kneels to the youngest "What's your name boy?" The youngest smile even more "my name is ..... Lloyd!"
6 years later
The blond haired boy In green clothes sitting on top of a tree resting he opens his eyes "what a beautiful day" he murmurs
"LLOYD !!!" he looked down had the very little elves calling him to smile "LET'S PLAY!" Children yell "YES I'M GOING" says Lloyd gets up and jumps off the tree and falls to the ground
The children run and hugged Lloyd he laughs "Lloyd you will not believe I took my tooth alone!" Says Lerry Proud of himself
| Lerry -6 years old - boy- child at the orphanage |Brown Hair Purple Eyes
"Seriously Lerry, this is really cool!" Lloyd says awkwardly Percy laughs "I had my teeth out by myself since I was 5" says bragging
|Parcy - 7 years old - girl - Child at the orphanage |blonde blue eyes
"Ha! Very funny Percy" says Larry nervously "please guys let's not start a war" says Dani
|Daniela -6 years old - girl - another child from the orphanage|White hair green eyes
"someone said fight !!" says Melina agitated "Melina what we said about war" Says Dani soothing Melina whining Lloyd laugh
Melina | 7-years-girl-child from the orphanage | Red-haired green eyes
"I hate fighting!" Says the youngest Karmy she runs to hug Lloyd "I hate to fight Karmy too" says Lloyd stroking her head
Karmy | 5 years -girl- child from orphanage | Brown hair light red eyes
"ok let's play catch-catch I START" says Lloyd the kids quickly start running Laughing Lloyd runs after them
After 4 hours playing with the Lloyd children rest lying on the floor looking at the sky with their eyes closed
"Lloyd" Lloyd quickly sits and looks back Wu was "Uncle Wu" Lloyd murmuring I smile and sits next to Lloyd
"I haven't seen him so quiet in a long time, did something happen?" ask elder Lloyd shakes his head negative "I don t know....I had a dream..."
"dream?" Who raises an eyebrow "yes a dream where everything was on fire destruction Then a big fire bird passes through the skies" says Lloyd looking up at the sky
"dreams can mean a lot of things maybe I think you should pay more attention" I agree with Wu
I get up "I'm going to get some wood" Wu wave with the head I smile and leave
and leave
Began to rain
After picking up all the wood on the way home Lloyd felt a chill run through his body and a burning smell he tried to ignore it more suddenly he heard a scream
He quickly lets go of the woods and runs to his beloved home
When he arrives he couldn't believe what he was seeing his whole village was on fire tear appeared on his face he quickly ran through the village on fire
He entered the orphanage with his hand over his mouth and twisted a lot because of the smoke
What he saw broke his whole heart the children were all dead yes dead all bloodied others with their heads separated from the body was a great terror for Lloyd
He was shaking he quickly left and went to his that was on fire where he and Wu lived "UNCLE !!" He quickly scream
"Lloyd .." he hears his name very quietly he starts looking for his uncle "lloyd" he calls him again Lloyd looks around and sees his uncle bleeding
"no uncle please don't leave me" pleaded Lloyd when he saw his uncle sitting on the floor bleeding a lot "who did that Uncle?" asks Lloyd in "human" tears says Wu cough "not in time Lloyd take the flute"
Wu extends his arm with the flute in his hand to Lloyd "this flute is not Uncle Wu can not it is very valuable to you!"
"it is right but i was waiting for the right moment to give it and i know that this is not the moment i expected more please take it and find the phoenix"
Lloyd takes the "phoenix?" "Find it, it would protect you at your destination" says Wu as Wu closed your eyes "WU NO PLEASE WAKE UP! NO"
lloyd hugs Wu Crying a lot
Wu really died? The chapter was sad I know UnU
Just to leave no doubt at the time it started to rain it put out half the fire so Lloyd didn't burn•
Until the next chapter
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