Chapter 12
Minerva stepped into the kitchen, putting a hand on her heart and took a calming breath. Her mind was turning over everything she knew as she retrieved a small glass filling it with water. It wasn't much, Severus hadn't shared as much as she would have liked about Hermione's condition. She knew she wouldn't receive a daily report or anything but she had hoped she'd been aware of some progress. At present she was just glad she had woken earlier than usual. She didn't dare think what could have happened had she not arrived as promptly as she had.
She pursed her lips a bit as a frown crawled across her face. The man was stubborn enough, he probably would have forced himself to remain conscious even as his body shut down. She sighed softly as she tried to think of something positive. He did call out to her. He did ask for her help. She nodded her head, it was a personal development on his part. He had never so much as asked for someone to pass the gravy let alone help him in his time of weakness. She looked towards the sitting area with a soft smile. He had certainly changed the past few days. Like something was loosening the tight vice he kept around his heart.
"Mi-Hermione?" She called softly as she returned to the sitting room. She decided to drop the formalities given the situation, hoping to coax the girl into a more relaxed state. The girl in question was laying very still, so still, in fact, Minerva's heart skipped a beat thinking she had stopped breathing. Though when the girl let out a soft sigh, her beating heart calmed.
Hermione didn't jump as she called her name this time but rather lazily shifted her eyes around following her movements. She stopped scratching momentarily, a tiny bead of blood caught under her finger nail from opening the healing scab. She heard her name through the soft buzzing in her ears. She paused in her scratching to turn her head towards the voice. Her hand still stretched out holding onto Snape's index finger.
Minerva had given her a potion of some kind before moving to retrieve some water. It had lit all of her nerves on fire. It had burned hotly but faintly like the feeling you'd get if you stuck your hand on a live electric wire. It ran through everything; she even would have sworn to feel it through every one the hairs on her head. She hadn't made a sound through the process but her toes had curled and her had chest tightened.
In the end, she did feel marginally better. Though it had tasted most awful. Like cherry flavored charcoal, it left a horrible taste in her mouth but she didn't utter a single complaint as part of her knew this woman meant her no harm.
Her thoughts were more clear and she was actually able to lift free arm to her face and shift her legs into a somewhat more comfortable position. The grip on her professor's hand tightened as she regained a moderate amount of strength. The woman, who introduced herself to be Professor McGonagall, moved closer to her now. She still felt a bit wary but it was ebbing away slowly.
She believed completely that Professor Snape would not have called someone dangerous to them in the current situation. That thought alone, gave her comfort. She had felt the trust and respect he had shown her during their argument. Though still her own mind failed to retrieve its own consolation.
"You must be a bit uncomfortable." Her voice was gentle but very close, Hermione jumped ever just so having lost track of her movements but didn't pull away this time. Minerva smiled gently at the small victory and slowly waved her wand in a lazy but exacting circle, "Alright now here we go..." The lounge started to rise up underneath the girl, bringing her to a more comfortable upright position. The chair groaned and creaked from its transformation but otherwise didn't resist.
Now Hermione sat, her legs slightly bent over a hump, her upper body elevated, high enough to simulate the real act of sitting up in a chair. Minerva did take note that one of her finger nails was slightly discolored and made a mental note to discern the reason at a later time.
Hermione winced only slightly as the shift happened. Her legs protested the movement more than most, though burning feeling died out quickly. She was able to pull her arm into her lap now, the blanket having pooled in her lap, allowing her arm to rest comfortably. She took a slow deep breath using the back of the chair to keep her head up and turned her eyes towards the dark shadow that obscured the light that had been shining so warmly on her face.
"Now, I'm sure you have a lot of questions." Minerva said as she picked up one of Snaps frock coat buttons from the floor and transformed it into a comfortable cushioned stool. "But, there will be time enough for that." Her voice was soft as she watched Hermione's emotionless face. "For now, I'd very much like it if you'd drink this." She came just a bit closer, hesitant as if she were approaching a stray animal. "It's water." She clarified moving her offering to rest in front of her charge. "It should help." She added softly as she watched Hermione shift her head looking over the top of the offered water.
The girl blinked slowly, before trying to lift her hand. It made it halfway before starting to tremble. She gritted her teeth and willed it to move. Minerva noticed instantly and reached over taking gentle hold, guiding her hand to take hold of the glass. She would have bet her morning coffee that she saw a very Snape-like sneer appear on the girls lips but it vanished too quickly for her to be sure. So then, with Minerva's help they brought the cup to Hermione's lips.
Her lips twitched as she felt the cool of the glass against them, she took a small sip coughing just a bit. Her throat didn't want to cooperate. She grimaced slightly before pulling it back to her lips again. More prepared for her bodies reaction this time, she took a reasonable drink. The liquid felt warm, like a soft burn as it slid down her throat. It left behind a cool tingle as it's natural magic got to work. The second and third sips were much easier, the muscles in her throat more responsive the more she drank. It tasted glorious, her body immediately wanting more.
It took some time before she licked her lips out of reflex and finally couldn't stomach anymore. She turned her head away as the glass was half emptied. Her stomach surprisingly didn't revolt. She made a face opening her mouth and attempted speech once more
"Tha..nk...s.." Each sound was more difficult than the last her throat protesting the movement. She heard the glass be moved to the floor.
Minerva gave her a gentle smile and reached over to give her forearm a soft squeeze. Hermione jumped slightly from the unexpected touch but didn't pull away. Slowly, she pulled her hand from under Minerva's only to take hold of it. She searched for the elder woman's face as she felt a surge move through her. Like a door being blow open and closed, a brief wisp of a thought like a loose page in a summer breeze wafting along in the wind. Her eyes widened as she searched the darkness in front of her try to hold onto the feeling. It was in that time that she felt over encompassed by a new feeling. A feeling so painful, so deep she leaned forward releasing Minerva's hand to clutch at her heart.
A small cry passed her lips as she dug her nails into her skin. Her face showed a complex mixture of pain, anger and sorrow as she tried to come to grips with the overwhelming power of it. Tears started to well in the corners of her eyes from the power of it. At the same time, Snape shifted in his chair. His brow furrowed with sorrow; his lips pursed tightly as he turned his head more into the arm of the chair. His chest shifted and his hand twitched in Hermione's grasp as his breathing increased.
"Miss Granger?" She reached forward gently trying to pull her hand from her heart. "Hermione?" Minerva leaned forward, urgency in her voice, imploring her to respond. Her eyes seemed to move as if seeing something that was only for her and didn't react to her presence. Hermione let out the softest of breaths as her hand released to fall limp in Minerva's hold. The headmistress sat her arm gently into her lap searching her face again.
"Hermione answer me dear. Can you hear me?" She gave her a gentle shake at her shoulders, watching her head roll heavily to the side, a lone tear rolling down the slope of her pale cheek. Minerva swallowed thickly and reached up to her neck pressing aged fingers onto the vein. She held her breath as she moved them just so. Finally, they hit the mark. The vein's pulse was strong and steady. Minerva could have cried as she pulled her hand back. She raised her wand to run another diagnostic spell but paused remembering the rebound from before. She swallowed softly and looked towards her eyes, they shone with unshed tears, unfocused, soft around the edges and motionless.
Minerva gently took hold of her chin, thumbing away another stray tear absently as she waited to see if she would react to her touch. Hermione's eyes remained still, it was then she took note that Hermione had released Severus' hand. It hung limply between the two chairs, with a bit of dried blood from the horrid words of a madwoman. Minerva swallowed thickly as she looked towards Severus. His brow had furrowed more deeply, the look of restful sleep having disappeared from his features as he struggled inside.
Severus stood before the house that had started it all. His heart beating a vicious rhythm. Its exaggerated structure and deeply shadowed frame creaking in the storm heavy winds. He had stood before it so many times before, countless nights, he knew this scene well. The faint sound of an orphaned child breaking through the darkness called out to him, pulling a pain so deeply buried inside to the surface.
Severus felt himself lured forward into its depths. Stepping in slowly, the shattered remains of a happy life crunched beneath the heel of his boot as he rounded the landing. The wave of trepidation that filled him, kept him in place as he stood, staring up at the twisting stairs, he knew-he always knew-what laid at the top. He closed his eyes as his contrition washed through him. The sound of Harry was filtering down slowly winding itself around his heart.
He took each step carefully, his hand leaving behind consternation on the banister as he forced himself to ascend. The dread that weighed down his heart slowed his body as neared the final judgment. He reached out slowly, his long fingers pushing open the half hinged door.
The crying in his ears swelled as he pushed through. He saw her instantly, her sightless eyes staring right into his soul. He'd felt it then, the resounding crack reverberating in his darkened soul, as he collapsed sideways to support his grief upon the scorched door frame. He collapsed beside her, all sound drifted from him. He pulled her in close, his hold unwavering as he let out his own cry of grief.
As he released his lament, the image around him started to melt to a more recent memory. As he clung so tightly and rocked her body in his, tears heavy with regret called out into the heavens. The walls of the nursery slowly started to melt away and Harry's mournful cries flew away on unseen winds.
A large door appeared behind him; a brilliant light filtering in through the seal casting him and his sin in it's dark shadow. He pressed his cheek tightly to the top of her head, refusing to let her go, his tear-filled eyes hazily taking in the change of the floor. The soft carpet melted away to a deep grey stone, the light from behind accenting the dark cracks. He choked back a sob and closed his eyes curling his frame around her more tightly. He would protect her, now and forever. His arm wrapped around her back, his hand cradling her soft red hair.
Then, ever just so, the most gentle of touches reached the back of his own head. A sudden rush of peace pierced through his heart rattling his core. The hand that held him was petite, smaller than he remembered Lily's hands to be, it slipped its way into his inky black locks. An arm, just as slender pressed into his own and kept him close.
He sniffled softly a new scent reaching his nose, it wasn't hers-he knew-slowly his eyes opened and in a flash, the light shook and surged, the door behind them breaking free; blinding everything but two deep chestnut eyes, haloed in massive curls, staring unwavering into his own.
He found his arms empty and himself on his feet. His head turned in pursuit of his missing crime. The brightness dimmed and he found himself standing in a field of beautiful green grass and endless periwinkle blue skies. He raised his shaking hands up looking upon their innocence. His black clothing had vanished away leaving him a long light grey tunic, a chain of silver wrapped about his waist to keep the it in place. His heart beat fervently as he lowered his hands down, his mouth slightly parted as he looked just ahead.
She stood before him now, haloed in that beautiful peace. She smiled gently and stepped closer. All the pain that had filled him slowly flowed away as he reached out towards her. She said nothing but spoke so many things to his heart.
As Lily bridged the gap, her fingers twining in his, he felt over whelmed with a serenity he had never once in his entire life felt before. Tears of pure release fell from his eyes as the feeling wrapped around, him secure and safe, his eyes closed as the feeling started moving through the cracks of his soul, turning those furious red lines a pale blue. When he opened his eyes, he started slightly. No longer was Lily taking his hand-no it was her-it was the one who he'd chosen to selflessly risk his own life for.
Hermione stood, dressed similarly to him, though her tunic was a brilliant white, fluttering with her hair in the gentle breeze. She said nothing as she pulled his hand closer to her. He swallowed so thickly as he watched her approach him with no fear, no wariness, no anger nor hatred. She smiled most beautifully at him as she laid her hand over his heart. Her eyes turned up from under her dark lashes and she gently pulled their twined hands down to rest between them. The hand on his heart spread out it's fingers lightly running over the fabric of his tunic. She was waiting, waiting on him, watching those complex features of his face turn.
Severus took a shuddering breath and looked just over her head. Lily stood there, smiling so proudly at him before slowly turning away disappearing into the light. His mouth moved to call out to her but his tongue stalled, the hand on his heart wasn't holding him in place but he still felt it, he felt its need to keep him there.
She needed him, he was needed. More now than ever in his life, he was needed by someone who meant him no harm. Someone who needed him just as much as he wanted to be needed. All-encompassing with a purpose greater than himself. A promise, of something more. His head turned down looking upon those riotous curls. His free hand rose and rest calmly against her cheek. His heart skipped a beat as he awaited her judgment. Her eyes remained fixed on his as she every so lightly leaned into his touch, those soft brown eyes closing with perfect trust.
Severus woke with a soft gasp starting slightly in the chair. His face felt wet and he instantly reached to rub his eyes, finding tears on his fingers. He snarled slightly, before that same peace from before softened his features. His jaw twitched a bit as he looked down at the shining remains of their connection. Why on earth had his dream turned in such a way? He had never had any of his nightmares take such a daring twist. What had summoned the girl to his mind?
His teeth ground slightly as the very idea started to bring a churning feeling in his stomach. She was his charge and nothing more. This girl was no more there for him than anyone else in his life had been.
"Severus?" Minerva rose, great concern on her features, "Severus, are you alright?" She started to stand to go to his side when his hand raised to stop her. He said nothing as he brought that hand to his face rubbing his tired dark-rimmed eyes.
There was a moment of heavy silence before Severus grunted, pulling away the blanket with great prejudice letting it fall to the floor. He pulled his legs from the extension resting them over the sides as he ran his fingers through his hair where her touch still lingered; his head hung low. He just wanted silence, and calm controlled thought. Minerva seemed to take the hint as she carefully sat back down. His eyes catching the movement through his curtain of hair.
"I'm going to shower..." He grumbled pushing himself to his feet very carefully. He'd not rested for more than 4 hours though his body was surprisingly light, filled with a new sort of strength that a heavy soul such as his hadn't felt in a very long time.
Minerva pursed her lips, pressing them tight as to control her tongue. She watched him move to the stairs, something seemed lighter in his step as his strong facade fell away. She wanted very much to help him up but knew that he still would have enough energy to push her aside. He always seemed to have energy to push others away. Her face turned to sadness as his form finally disappeared up the stairs.
She let out her own small huff and turned her eyes downward, Hermione had the faintest of smiles on her face. Minerva's eyes narrowed just a fraction, before a smirk came slowly to her own lips. Her chest puffing up with pride, "You clever girl." She whispered.
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