Chapter 28
Finally it was the school day. It was weird of me to be exited about it but today's reason is that my favourite cousin Luke is coming to my school and he'll finally meet my friends!
I put on my usual clothes aka dark gray top and black ripped jeans, putting my hair into a high ponytail. I put my convers on and went into my bathroom to brush my teeth.
After that I took my bag and went down stairs to be greeted by my family.
"Goodmorning Samantha!" My mum said cheerfully as always, placing a sandwich on a plate in front of me where I decided to sit.
My sister was sitting on the left of me, eating her cereal while reading a magazine. She had her hair down, -today she decided to straighten it- she had her usual make up and dark purple long sleeve top on and dark blue jeans, with black slippers.
"So are you exited to hear that our cousin is coming to our school?" I asked Alice, and she paused and looked up from her magazine to look at me.
"Sorry, what cousin?" Alice asked, raising a brow.
I smirked at her, and she realised who it was and almost choked on her food.
"This is going to be fantastic" she replied with total sarcasm and our parents just laughed.
After breakfast, Felix came by to take Alice to school.
"Hey, you ready to go?" He said while coming in, and waving at my parents and smiling and waving at me which I did the same.
"Yep!" Alice said, closing her magazine and standing up, going up to Felix to hold his hand, and they left, saying a goodbye.
Soon enough I left and went to knock on Lukes door to get him out so we can walk to school as well.
I knocked on his door and finally Luke opened the door.
"Come on gorgeous, we have school" I said while letting out a chuckle and he just laughed and took his bag and we went walking.
"So how are your friends? Are they as crazy as you, or am I better off taking a pillow with me, just in case I fall asleep?" Luke said while grinning at me and I rolled my eyes.
"Don't worry, you'll really enjoy their company" I replied and nodded.
Finally we arrived at the school and came in to get him registered at the office and get him a time table and a locker key.
Afterwards I dragged him around the school to show him slightly around and showing him all the classes and finally we went to meet with my friends.
"Hey my people!" I yelled and the group turned towards me.
"Oh hey Sam!" Rachel said and then she noticed Luke behind me.
"Hey Rach. Guys, meet my cousin Luke!" I said and smiled widely and he came out from behind me.
He noticed Rach first and came up to her and took her hand while kissing it.
"Hello my lady" he said and smirked and Rach was in total shock.
He finally let her hand go and waved at the others.
"Hello to you all. You must be the crazy people that hang out with the hotness behind me I am guessing" Luke said and Sam laughed and they laughed along.
"Yeah we are...I mean" Thomas replied and then he realised what he said and blushed while it made me blush.
Luke looked at me and him and he just smirked.
"You guys are adorable, I could just squeeze your cheeks" Luke replied laughing while squeezing my and Thomas cheek and we just laughed awkwardly.
Luke got to interact with the others as well, but not with Vicky nor Zack because they weren't in school.
Thomas POV
After school I decided to visit Vicky in the hospital to talk thing through. While I was walking I was stopped by a female voice calling my name.
I turned around and I saw no other than my twin sister Helen walking towards me.
"What's up Helen?" I asked looking towards her.
"I want to talk to you about something" she said, and I looked at her puzzled.
"How do you feel about this whole thing with Vicky and you getting married?" Helen asked, and I sighed.
"To be fair, I don't know what to think. If my dad told me that 2 years ago I would be all up for it since then me and her were still dating and we planned on marrying each other since we were kids, but it all changed, and I don't have the same feelings towards her like back then. I see her more as a best friend than a girlfriend, or even wife for that matter. She loves Zack and I am not gonna lie, I have an eye on someone else myself" I said, slightly blushing and rubbing the back of my head.
Helen just chuckled and shook her head.
"I understand that. And I think you should do something about it. I'll try to help you but I can't promise anything. You should do things that you think are best. Talk to our father about it, as much as I know it's not to your best interest." Helen said, and I looked at her with wide eyes.
Hold on. Did she just offered to help me and give me advice?
"Wow, what happened to you?" I asked and she just looked at me confused.
"What exactly do you mean?" Helen asked, crossing her arms.
I chuckled at her reaction.
"It's weird because you've never offered to help me nor give me advice for that matter, that's why I am asking" I replied and she shook her head.
"Thomas, I am not a cruel person and I care about you, whether you like it or not. You were always smarter than me, that's why I never gived you advice. I saw that as something quite pointless because you were way smarter and knew things better. As for the help part. Guys don't need girls help, don't they not?" She replied while smirking and I laughed.
"Whatever" I said and then hugged her.
She was shocked at it but hugged back and after few minutes we let go.
"I'll go see Vicky now, talk things through with her" I said and she nodded and after saying our goodbyes we walked different ways.
Finally I arrived at the hospital and walked towards Vickys room and walked in.
She was sitting, reading a book. It seemed normal until I saw that a bit of her book was covered in frost and some of it was even frozen.
I also noticed that she was tearing up as well.
I quickly dropped my bag and quickly walked to her and sat next to her on the bed, facing towards her.
"Hey what's wrong?" I asked worried.
She looked at me and dropped the book, putting her hands on her face.
"My powers are acting weirdly because of the poison and I am scared that they will get out of control again and I'll hurt someone" Vicky replied sobbing and I didn't hesitate to hug her.
"Hey, it's fine, you won't hurt anyone, your powers aren't out of control. You are just tired and your body is trying to get use to it all and it's trying to get ride of the poison. It's normal" I replied, rubbing her back and she nodded slowly trying to calm down.
She use to have a slight problem with her powers, not a major one but that's what made her not want to make friends. Even with me.
Her father brought her in to my house because he had some business with my father.
Helen was away so the only person she could hang out with was me.
The staff showed her the way but she was really shy and didn't really want to come in.
We were about 4 at the time.
I saw her with one of the staff and quickly put my book down and came up to her and placed my hang out for her.
"Hey I am Thomas Nekton, and you are ?" I said smiling and she looked at me, and looked away while hesitating to shake my hand, but proceeded to do it anyway.
"I-I am Victoria Snow" she replied, with a shaky tone. Her hand was ice cold and I didn't understand why because it was summer and the outside was boiling.
"Why are your hands cold, if I may ask?" I asked curiously, will the guy who brought her here left.
"Oh wouldn't believe me if I told you" she replied, looking at her hands and I smiled.
"I would believe you with anything. Especially a pretty girl like you" I replied, and she looked at me smiling slightly and blushing. (Author: Smooth Thomas, very smooth)
"Okay, well I have ice powers" she replied, looking away after she said it and I looked at her in shock.
"Wow, like a superhero? Let me see!" I replied exited and she looked at me in shock but then she moved her hand slightly and made a snowflake that flew around me until it slowly melted.
"That was amazing" I said and smiled, and she smiled at me.
~Flashback ends~
I pulled back from the hug and then she layed her back down.
"Now we better talk about this whole thing" I said and Vicky looked at me and nodded.
"This is annoying! My father is all up for Jack being with Eliza and he doesn't destroy their relationship, and he even knows I am dating Zack, but because of Zack's parents being not good with my father, he ignores it and says that the relationship is none existent. It's so unfair!" Vicky yelled, frustrated.
"I get you. Although I am not dating anyone, I like someone. But my dad never looks at Helen. Probably because he knows that she has high standards and isn't into being in a relationship. But when it comes to me making decisions about things, it's basically forbidden." I sighed and Vicky nodded in understanding.
After a while of trying to figure things out, which didn't go well because we had no clue what to do, Vicky asked me to get her, her phone.
I picked it up and looked in it to look at the time but then I noticed missed calls.
"Hey Vic, you have missed calls" I said and she looked at me in confusion.
"What you mean? Who from?" Vicky asked.
"Oh.... they are from Zack" I replied, with a nerves face. She looked terrified herself, I walked over and given it to her, and she took it.
Vicky POV
I didn't know what to do when Thomas told me Zack called me.
What am I going to tell him?!
After Thomas finally left, I decided to take my laptop from inside the night stand looking thing, and turn on Skype.
My brother brought it for me, he knows I have to do things on it and I'll get bored easily.
I logged into Skype and clicked on Zack's picture which was actually a picture of me and him which was really cute.
Once I was on his profile I clicked the phone button and it started calling. I quickly plugged in my headphones and put them on so I wouldn't disturb anyone with the noise.
Finally Zack answered and we both put our cameras on.
"Hey Zack!" I said and smiled, and he looked at me kinda confused.
"Hey Vic, what's up?" He asked, looking at me. He knows me too well honest to God.
"Nothing is up, just the usual" I said innocently, and he raised his eyebrows.
"Suuuure, you are a terrible liar" he replied and I giggled kinda nervously.
"Everything is fine honey, I swear" I replied, smiling the best I can and he sighed.
"Vicky what's wrong?" Zack asked not giving up and I sighed and broke into tears and started telling him everything.
"Soooo... you know how my father? Well he's friends with another man who has a business just like him and they both decided to connect their businesses, but the only way to do that was to connect their families, so they both decided to get their youngest children together so they can get married. So basically now, me and Thomas are forced to get married to each other by our fathers" I said, almost loosing my breath and Zack looked at me worried.
"Oh wow, that's a handful. Well did you speak to anyone about it?" Zack asked and I looked at him surprised.
"Apart from people who are involved in this whole circus and you, no. Aren't you mad though?" I asked confused, while he just chuckled and shook his head.
"Nah, I trust you and Thomas and I know that you guys can fix it or something. Besides I kind of predicted something like this would happen sooner or later, knowing how much your father hates me. So don't worry about it. At least you told me and that's all that matters, but I suggest you tell the group about it. More people knowing will make a better brain storm of thoughts on how to deal with the situation. I also suggest you talk to Sam for obvious reasons" Zack replied calmly and I rolled my eyes and giggled.
"You are right. Honestly I don't know where I would be without you. Come back sooner please" I said and he laughed lightly.
"I'll try my best, btw where exactly are you?" He asked and I chuckled.
"In the hospital, got poisoned by someone putting something in my wine that caused me to faint" I said and waved my hand like it's nothing.
"Say WHAT?! Don't act like it's nothing!! Jeez are you alright!?" Zack freaked out and I nodded and giggled and he sighed in relief.
After the call I layed down and looked around. I was so bored and annoyed at all of it so I decided to turn on the TV for the news. When I did so I saw that the water team has attacked again.
I smirked to myself. It was the perfect opportunity to have some fun again.
I was finally in my house, laying on my bed on my phone. I was hanging out with Luke but he decided to walk around San Francisco by himself because sometimes he just likes listening to music and looking around.
I still haven't told him about my powers and guilt grows inside me everytime I think about it.
I don't know how he would react and if he would look at me the same if he knew.
Suddenly my phone rings and it's Hiro, so I swipe to answer.
"Hello, Sam Brewer on the line, how can I help" I answer, with a goofy grin because I love saying random things when he calls me.
"It's not time to goof around. The water team is on the move again. Move your butt Sam" Hiro says and I roll my eyes.
"Fine fine" I replied and transformed into my suit and went jumping out of my window, towards the city.
Few minutes later.
I arrived at the spot Hiro told me and Rach the water team was at.
"They are honestly playing on my nerves" Rach said and I nodded looking around and finally I saw the team walking towards us.
"Well well well. Who do we have here? Of course our dear superheroes that protect this city like it deserves it" Dr Phontus said chuckling and I rolled my eyes.
"I don't have time for your poetic entrance. You've already ruined my day" I replied and they laughed, and quickly attacked us with powers.
So the battle began.
I used my lightning powers to fling them against buildings and they still haven't given up.
I was about to fling Aqua storm across the street until a figure appeared.
She jumped down from a building and once she did a huge blast of ice from under her feet, spread in every direction.
Nice dramatic entrance.
She was wearing a white suit with a belt that had a gun on one side and on the other side it was the same.
She had a belt thing on her back where she had an awesome sword and a bow.
She had white mask, silvery white hair and she seemed to have had the cold vibrations to her.
She kind of looked like Khione but Khione was darker and wasn't as cool.
"Now now, who's your friend?" Dr Phontus asked.
The girl smirked.
"I am your worst nightmare honey" she replied and took her gun and started to fire at them with ice blasts.
Me and Rach looked at each other confused, and when I looked at the water team, I could tell they were struggling, but Aqua Storm seemed of shocked like he knew her.
She did seem familiar.
"Plasma come here!" Rach yelled while shooting her lightnings at them while they started running.
"Hold on, let's run after them first!" I replied and we started running towards where they were running.
"So what's up?" I asked and she looked at me then at the girl who was running not too far in front of us.
"That's Vicky" Rach replied and I looked at her and then at the girl with wide eyes.
"Shouldn't she be in the hospital?" I asked and Rach shrugged.
No one POV
While they were all running across on the road, another figure was trying to cross the road with their headphones on.
It was none other than Luke himself.
He stopped and then the bad guys and good guys run passed him in a huge speed.
"Oh wow...wait isn't that Sam, Rach and Thomas? Hmm weird... oh well, I knew Sam does some weird shit in her spare time" Luke said to himself and crossed the road like it was nothing.
Vicky POV
When I was running and shooting from my guns I noticed that they all split up. Sam and Rach already went after Khione and Dr Phontus so I decided to run after Aqua Storm.
When I tried to see where he went I couldn't find him at all, like he desolved.
Suddenly I felt a pull on my arm and someone dragging me into an dark alley.
I was about to shoot until I noticed who it was.
It was Aqua Storm, looking at me annoyed, pinning me to the wall. What's his problem?
"Wow wow, what's the problem lover boy?" I asked, raising a brow, kinda getting annoyed too.
All of a sudden he takes his mask off and that when it hits me that it's Thomas!
"Vicky what on earth are you doing here?!" He yelled, and I was in complete shock.
"Wtf?!? You are part of the water team?! So does that mean that's your father and sister over there?! Omg I should have known! Also don't tell me what to do! I tried to help the girls, compared to you" I said annoyed pushing him away from me.
"Yes I am part of it and they are who they are! And you should be resting in the hospital! The poison hasn't all gone yet!" Thomas yelled at me and I punched him in the shoulder and walked off.
"Shut up okay! Just leave me be!" I said and then Khione came out of no where and attacked me with her ice magic, but I was able to move away and attack with a bigger power. It was easy for me.
She was still a weakling. She doesn't have experience like me. I am just more powerful than her because my powers were with me since I was born.
I went towards Rach and Sam and stopped in front of them.
"Sup girls. I know I know, long story. Anyway the guys are over there but they are basically out of energy" I replied plainly and walked off while they nodded and walked the other way without asking any questions which was good.
When I walked further away I started shooting my powers, in anger and frustration. Ugh why is everything so unfair!!
I was so distracted that I walked into someone while striking them with my powers to the chest but they didn't flinch nor move a muscle, he was a male that I knew for sure.
When I looked up I saw the most annoyed person in the world.
My brother Jack.
He looked at me and he was not very happy to see me.
"Hey Jack. What brings you here?" I asked awkwardly, and took a step back.
"Just you wondering off out of the hospital" he said crossing his arms.
The only reason why my accidental attack didn't hurt him is because he has the same powers as me. Although I must say he is way more advanced. He can literally wipe away anyone with a blink of his eye.
"I wanted to help ya know" I replied awkwardly and he sighed.
"I can tell you are annoyed at everything and want to find anything that can distract you but trust me that's not going to help you. Now come on. Tomorrow they are letting you out of the hospital. Tomorrow we are having a sibling day just the two of us, just so you can get your mind off of things. Deal?" He said and I smiled and nodded.
I quickly transformed back to my original self and I realised I was in pyjamas.
"Oops" I said and Jack just laughed at me which made me laugh along.
He offered his hand to me and I took it and we walked together to the hospital. Obviously sneaking in because we didn't want any nurses to be asking questions or wondering what was up with that.
After we send the water team back to where they belong to, me and Rach finally had a chance to go home.
However before I went home I decided to visit Luke. It was time that I told him what was up.
I knocked on his door and after a minute he opened the door.
"Oh hey Sammy, what's up?" He asked, grinning.
"I want to tell you something, can we go inside?" I asked and he shrugged and nodded so we went in.
"What's wrong Sam?" He asked and I started to bite my lip and looked nerves to the point I was probably sweating everywhere.
"Well the things is... I didn't tell you that I have super powers" I said awkwardly, and he just laughed and nodded a bit.
"Eh I already knew that, honestly that's so last season" he replied all normal and I looked at him in shock.
"What?! How?!" I asked, freaking out how he knew.
"Eh duh, I was in town and saw you guys. Do you really think your masks make you look like a completely different person? Well damn girl you are so wrong. It was more obvious than the fact that I am a straight white male" he said and laughed and I laughed awkwardly.
"Fair enough. At least that's off my chest" I said and chuckled and he rolled his eyes playfully.
"Also tell your friend Rach she has an nice ass in that suit. Not saying you don't look hot in yours but damn she knows what to wear to impress a guy" Luke said, fanning himself with his hand like a girl that he is on the inside.
I laughed at it and hit his shoulder.
"Okay shut up you player" I said and we just laughed it off.
Things turned out for the better.
Hopefully something won't go wrong.
Another update guys! I am going to impress you all because this time I manged to write over 4000 words. That's honestly the longest chapter in the book.
I am giving myself a pat in the back for that.
See ya.
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