Chapter 13
(Put the music on when I tell you)
Rachel POV
I looked at how this girl and Hiro kiss. My eyes go wide and my jaw drops open. In the corner of my eye, I see Sam , with also her jaw dropped, but she quickly looks at me and pats my shoulder "well, now you know that he is defenetly not....freak they are coming here!!!" She yelled the last part, as she dragged me across the corridors, I looked back and saw that they didn't see us run, so I stopped Sam "okay chill" I said and then I let out a sigh, Sam hugged me and I hugged back. Now I have to let out my stress at something , maybe hopefully there will be a mission or something.
As I pulled back, I saw Sam smiling nervesly at someone and then when I looked back I saw Hiro and that girl, now I could see clearly, she had also brown eyes , that's the girl he likes "hey guys, meet my girlfriend Gemini" he said , mentioning to the girl who had a grin on her face
"It's nice to meet you guys, you must be Rachel and you must be Sam, I know your secret and what you can do, my boyfriend told me about it" she said, with and smirk and I had the urge to attack her.
"Well it's nice to meet you too, Gemini" Sam said , a bit annoyed but not too much, she smiled at Gemini and she smiled back, I forced a smile , not knowing how long I will keep it on my face, when suddenly I heard a giggle from behind them both and when they turned around , I noticed Vicky, and Gemini runned up to her and hugged her "omg it's so nice to see you" Vicky said and Gemini giggled "it's so nice to see you too" Gemini replied and I just rolled my eyes "oh , also you have a mission , after school" Hiro whispered and we both nodded. This is going to be a long year for me.
After school we met up at the academy , thankfully, that Gemini girl wasn't there, she had to do something "okay so, you have to stop them three from stealing the most expensive crystal" he said, showing us the crystal "alright" Sam said and we both transformed into our costiums and went running, and jumping , in the direction of the place.
When we arrived I noticed something odd. There was no one there, and when we looked around I noticed arrows attached to the walls. I rised my eyebrows and then I saw everyone cheering. Me and Sam looked at each other, and took a look on why are they cheering, and then my eyes went wide, I saw a girl, on the top of the roof , with silver hair, black and purple costium, which it sleeves reached up the middle of her arm, and she wore fingerless gloves, and on the two sides of her , she has a gun and a knife.
I had wide eyes, and people were cheering at her "Sliver Drakon!!! Silver Drakon!!!" My eye started to twich and I became really mad "what the hell?!" I yelled and someone turned around "it's Silver Drakon, she saved the diamond" the women yelled and Sam jaw dropped "she took our job!!" I yelled and I took off walking away , I was really mad , I was never that mad in my life.
No one's POV
The girls took off running away. Hoping that thr Silver Drakon will dissappear.
(You may turn the music on on to the Chore)
They arrived at their other mission , the Silver Drakon already did their job by stopping the bear.
The next mission , they were super early , but the big three bad guys were already stopped and they didn't took the extra mixtures they wanted.
It was like they were going back and forth and Silver Drakon was always the first one to arrived.
Every time they want to stop someone , their job was took by her.
(Stop it here)
I saw how mad Rachel was , and I don't blame her cause I was mad to. We were walking down the park , in the rain , when suddenly we saw three people coming up to us , it was Aqua Storm, Khione and Doctor Pontus , they were walking straight towards us "okay , I don't know who that is, but why did you brought a helper ,why is she doing everything for you?!" Doctor asked a bit mad " I don't know okay, we don't know who the hell that girl is!!" Rachel yelled and they looked at each other "it's kinda annoying now" Aqua said and I rolled my eyes "well, to be honest , I don't know what is happening, but we are getting to it " I stated and they all nodded "thanks, cause we prefer you two than that mystery girl, at least you are more fun to fight with " Khione said , having her arms crossed across her chest, the others nodded in agreement "well we will soon find out, and then we will try to communicate with her " I said and Rachel glared at me "okay, go back home, and we will kick your butts later " I said and they all glared and we walked into different directions.
We both decided to go back to the academy and finally tell Hiro about it. We walked in the academy and we headed to the lab, when we arrived there, my jaw dropped and Rachel was about to faint and her jaw was defenetly laying on the ground by now.
Sowwy, I left you on the cliff hanger again, I am cruel I know ....Sowwy
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