Chapter 3.
AN: Hey guys! This is my 3rd chapter!! I'm so excited! So here we will be seeing stuff from more than just Hiccup and Stoick's POV! Now we will see some from Astrid's, Gobber's, Jack's and many more to come lauded out over the rest of the story! I'm not sure how many chapters I want to make into this story, but only time will tell! Now, let's get on with the story! Have fun!! 😄
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Jack's POV
I panted as I sped away from the house in the highest hill of Berk. Had that boy actually seen me? I think to myself. But... No, he couldn't have! Well, maybe... He is a citizen of Berk after all. Strange people, this town houses. I look back hoping I'm not being followed, but soon realize that, that was a stupid thought. No one would be able to follow me at this speed! Except maybe a dragon. Those beasts are incredibly fast! In fact, I was even trying to find one, to possibly race. After all, they can sense my presence, but can't see me so I have no need to fear being eaten. I had been walking on the roof, when I tripped over a piece of would sticking out of the surface and managed to fall to the ground! Even though I was immortal and couldn't die, I could still feel pain! Besides, no one is able to see or hear me, so what's the matter with me walking on a roof?Or groaning when I fall down for that matter. If only some one could see me.
"If only." I sigh. I wish someone could see me! That would be amazing to have a friend! Even though these are Nordic people with Norse beliefs, they can't seem to see me, Jökul Frosti, even though I originate from their myths. All though my name is Jökul Frosti, I prefer a more modern name; Jack Frost. I came here in hope they would be able to see me. I guess no one can. Except maybe that boy. Maybe, he was able to see me! .... No, probably not. But he did seem to be looking straight at me with those beautiful emerald irises of his- wait, beautiful?! No, I can't think like this! A few years ago, I came to the conclusion that I would be alright with either a male or female partner. I mean, what does it matter if they're the same sex as you? Especially if you have circumstances like mine. As I flew away on my crooked staff, my blue tunic billowing behind me, I couldn't help but think of that boy. His thick mop of auburn hair, thousands of freckles splashed across his cute, angular face, his forest-green eyes that seemed to catch the silver hues being reflected from the midnight moon. Stop. I thought to myself. He probably didn't even see you! No one can. It was painful, not being seen. Having people walk through you, leaving chills down your spine. It was almost funny, actually, for me to walk through them. The spirit of Winter, getting chills down his spine! But, I don't prefer to. It makes me feel extra non-existent. I wonder if I go back, he'll be able to see me? No, that's silly. Well, there was no one around when I fell and he called out to me. He seemed concerned. No, he didn't see me, right? Maybe? After another hour of self-debating, I decide to head back and see if that boy really can see me! I mean, you can't blame an invisible spirit for trying, right? With one sharp turn I switch my directions and head back to the small village of Berk, in hope of finally being seen.
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Gobber's POV
I trudged back from the mine, my cart full of coal iron and lead. I had been at the mine for a little over twelve hours when I finally got enough materials for, hopefully, the next week at the shop. We sure run out of this stuff quick! I had, had to send Hiccup home early because of my lack of materials. I didn't want to send the lad home, but I couldn't take him to the mine with me! No, far too dangerous for a boy like him! Lately, I had noticed that Hiccup hadn't been able to shrug of some of the cruel comments the other villagers are making about him, as well as before. He didn't seem as willing with his witty banter and sarcastic comebacks. He wasn't as chatty as he usually was and he wasn't venting to me like normal. I had a feeling, all the horrible words about him, we're starting to get to the sixteen year old.
"Poor boy." I mutter to myself.
"Who?" The new voice made me jump.
"Odin's beard!" I shout, as I turn around to see who had just spoken. A mocking laugh filled the air as I turned to see... Snotlout. The boy was Hiccup's age, older by just a few months, but much larger in size. Hiccup was a walking fishbone, while Snotlout was all muscle and bone, just like a Viking his age should be, but that didn't make Hiccup any worse! Muscle Man, standing before me, was all brawn, no brains, unlike Hiccup. Hiccup may have been small, but he was smart! Possibly the smartest on this whole accursed island!
Hiccup had a great mind, unlike Snotlout, whose fat facial features really display his intelligence levels. His hygiene was also, obviously, pretty bad. It seemed the only thing the lad took care of was his hair. He was highly self-praising, like his father, Spitelout.
"Well?" Snoutlout said, looking smug.
"Boy, don't y'know not to scare people like that?"
"Oh, sorry, sometimes I get a little carried away in my awesomeness." Snotlout began to flex his muscles and I rolled my eyes, but unfortunately he caught me doing so.
"What, Gobber?" He began,"Your just jealous that you don't have this much awesomeness! Anyway, what did you mean when you said,'Poor boy'? I mean, seriously, why is this guy so poor?"
I thought about what to say for a minute then continued.
"I said,'Poor boy', thinking about Hiccup. You and your gang are constantly torturing him! He doesn't deserve everyone's hate y'know Snotlout. Maybe you should leave the lad alone."
"Puh-leez! That walking fishbone has it fine! I mean, seriously, he walks around town not looking anyone one the eye, acting like he doesn't have a problem in the world, because he doesn't! He's the Chiefs son! I mean, ridiculous!"
For some reason, this set me off.
" He is yer cousin, Snotlout!" I began my tirade,"I don't know what in all of Thor's might you have against him, but know this; He has had a harder life than you could ever think of! He goes home everyday hoping his father isn't there so he doesn't have to look him in the eyes and see how Stoick, our Chief, his father, wishes that he had a more worthy son, when in truth, Hiccup is fine the way he is! It's just people like you that think he isn't worthy, people like you that drive men off the cliff of hope and into the pits of despair, so if you want to judge him, you will have to be him! You don't know what the lad going through, so you leave him alone or yer going to hear from me, and next time I won't be as lenient as to just yell at ya!"
Snotlout looked on the verge of tears, seeming as he probably had never been yelled at. Snotlout gave me a look, his dark brown eyes filled with hate, as he ran away, his shoulder length, brown hair flying behind him.
Gobber did feel a little guilty, but he didn't feel sorry for the beast of a boy. After all, Snotlout and his friends are constantly picking on Hiccup. I wonder how the little Viking is doing now?
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An: How was that? Do you think I portrayed Jack, Gobber and Snotlout right? If you have any tips, I'd be glad to here them! Thank you guys for taking the time to read my story. I'm not that good of a writer, but that's why I ask for help! Thank you guys! I love all of you! Until next time! 😄👋🏽
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