Chapter 15
Hey this is going to be a break from the flashbacks, this is real time rn. So Grian, Martyn, and Scar are chatting, Scott's in the hospital, and Canon's in a prison. Understood? Understood :D
Canon's Perspective-
I looked up from the ground and saw an officer and Canary walking over the cell I was kept in.
"Ah, Canon. How are you doing?" The officer asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Cut to the chase."
He sighed, "We're just here to ask some questions."
"I'll answer all your questions as soon as you let me out." I snarled.
"Canon, this prison was made specifically for you so then you couldn't use your new ghost powers to get out."
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"Fine, just go ahead and ask your questions."
"Alright. Question one..." The officer looked at his notebook before back up at me, a stern expression on his face, "Who are you really?"
I laughed nervously.
"What do you mean really? I'm Can- "
"There are records from people saying that Canon Everett died due to suicide back when they were only fourteen. Just two years before this so-called Canon Everett killed Cooper."
"It was an attempt of suicide."
"Then how come Canon's parents say that their son did in fact kill themself?"
"I- wait they moved!"
"They moved after their son died, and they came back recently. When they heard about this villain taking their son's name, they told us that their son was not alive anymore. So, who are you really?"
I sighed and shapeshifted to my original form.
Canary's eyes widened.
"K-Kameron? But you were Canon's friend!"
"I know I was." I said, rolling my eyes, "That whiner was such a dumbass. I was so happy when they died."
"Why did you decide to take form of them?" The officer asked.
"I wanted to kill Cooper and Astrid, well, kill anyone as a matter of fact. I wanted people to fear me, to know that I was a villain, but I didn't want to get caught and in trouble for my crimes. So I staged it to look like I had committed suicide before shapeshifting as Canon and doing all of this. When we had training but without a superhero that day, I knew it was my perfect chance to strike."
"Canon was your friend, though." Canary said, "I remember you two always hanging out."
I shrugged, "Sure we used to be friends, but I didn't really care about them anyway."
"So you've been shapeshifted as Canon since you were 16?" The officer asked.
"Well not this entire time, but basically, yeah."
"Why did you want the ghost power in the first place?"
"I wanted to be powerful, and it gave me exactly that. Power. I stuck out, I was different, I could prove to people that I really was something. Besides, that idiot Martyn was so depressed over his boyfriend, it was easy to beat him before taking over Scott."
"You're gonna be in here a long time after all you did." The officer said.
"Oh nooooo, don't do thatttt." I said in a sarcastic tone. "Look buds, it doesn't matter to me what you do, I had my fun. I got what I wanted to do done, and I drove people to the brink of insanity. I'd be surprised if you still trusted Martyn. That dude isn't all super, he's got his dark past too."
Canary looked worried and I smirked.
"You say you and Martyn are friends. Are you though? I know stuff you don't. I know what drives Martyn crazy; I know his weak spots." I said.
"I do too, because we're friends." Canary snapped.
"If you were friends, then he would've told you about what happened after he realized I had taken over Scott."
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