September 1st 2004
September 1st 2004
Dear Diary,
September 1st was a day of mixed emotions for many people across Wizarding Great Britain. For many it was a day of new beginnings, excitement and joy as the young embarked on the journey which would bring them to their home away from home. Many parents would be feeling split as they knew their child will be going away to somewhere they would learn so much but would be leaving the home. A feeling that Hyacinth was not sure she would ever truly understand, but she hoped for the parents knowing that the staff looked after the students as if they were their own kids would be enough.
It would be knowledge that it was today which would wake Hyacinth up early that morning. It was a strange feeling to wake up in a bed that was yours but also was not at the same time. The room itself looked as if she had set it up, it was everything that she could have personally asked for, but it was also too early in the year for her to really feel like the room was hers. Irregardless she prepared herself for the day, moving to the wardrobe which held her clothes for every potential occasion.
September first was the only day of the year the staff had to wear traditional wizarding clothing. Some sort of standard for the first day back had all staff wearing proper robes as they sat down at the initial welcoming feast. Other than the welcoming feast, there was no strict dress code for staff for the remainder of the year, only the expectation that they would dress nicely. A phrase of which Hyacinth had been pushing for the last year to see just how far she could go.
Looking at her two options of formal robes, Hyacinth pondered. Both were cut in the same way, with a cape off the shoulder so she could at least have some fun whilst having to wear the outfit. She was just unsure as to whether to pick the deep purple or the orange set. Knowing both would look good on, she did not know which one. Hyacinth was usually pretty good at making decisions, not being one stuck on which one to pick. Indecisive was not in her vocabulary after all she had decided pretty early on that she had found her one true love for life. And therefore, she supposed perhaps she had something in her that wanted to look good knowing that he was to be around. Which as a 24 year old woman was a little embarrassing. Hyacinth decided eventually, on the purple. Noting that it was gone 11am by the time she had finished getting ready. And it was the perfect time to find her best friend and bother him.
The staff of Hogwarts sleeping chambers were often located close to their teaching rooms, unless they were a head of house where they would have a room in the house so their students could reach them easily. The only teacher this did not mean the same for was Neville who was boarded up within the school rather than on the grounds like the Herbology green houses were located. He had been granted a room about 10 minutes away from where Hyacinth had her own, which was the perfect distance for either of them to walk back drunk from and not be caught. After all, she had managed to slip back from his room to her own in the wee hours of the morning without being spotted quite easily. And therefore she went to most likely wake him up that morning.
Hyacinth pounded on the door a couple times, waiting for a response. She knew that she could just barge into the room, the two being close enough for her to do so. But she had also walked in once upon Neville and his girlfriend Hannah and since she had avoided doing so. A groan could be heard as the door was opened and Hyacinth came face to face with a very hungover Neville. She let out a laugh at his state before walking into the room behind him.
"You look like you've been hit by a bus. Age is catching up to you Nev, can't hold your drink no more."
"Just because you don't get hangover's D." Neville grumbled as he looked at his own traditional robes. It was clear that Neville hated having to wear them from the look of distain on his face. He mumbled as he held up the navy and black pair before turning towards Hyacinth.
"Which one?" He asked and Hyacinth took a moment to look between the pair. Either were very classical in look but also moulded towards the current fashion.
"Navy, everyone else will either be in black or in your face colours, Navy is traditional and nice." Hyacinth motioned to her own purple attire as she spoke regarding the in your face colours.
"I'd be concerned if you turned up in black dress robes. What's the chance that Septima is going to wear the same orange set she's been wearing for years?" Neville spoke as he went behind his wardrobe door to change.
"Please that Hat is as much of the Hogwarts furniture as Filch is." Hyacinth laughed as Neville finished getting ready. She watched him slip some parchment in his pocket, the same she knew would become the betting paper as he started to take notice of the students as they arrived that afternoon.
"Reckon Malfoy has some pepper up we can take? That whiskey was stronger than usual last night." Neville questioned as the pair left his chambers their direction at that time unknown.
"No harm in asking right? Healers usually carry stuff like that at all times." Hyacinth responded as they changed direction to head for the medical wing.
Upon arriving there was obvious changes already made to the hospital wing as they embarked on a new era of healer. Long gone where the boring white walls, rather it seemed as though the wing had been separated slightly depending on age. For there was a clear section for younger students which seemed much brighter and cheerful with little figurines noted on the walls. The old bedding had also been replaced, it still looked the same as it would have in any other hospital but the sheets were clearly new. And Hyacinth could even see a muggle looking dvd player and moving screen in the corner. A new bookshelf was also present and there were little radios littered around. It finally looked like a children's and young teens ward than a ward that was from the Second World War. Draco had done a great job in decorating, already showing how much care he was going to put into the job.
"He's done a great job with this place, it already looks 9 times less scary." Hyacinth whispered to her best friend as the pair walked through.
"Between here, your comfy corner and my quiet room the kids might actually be okay this year." Neville responded, the pair having spoken at lengths what they could do to help the student body as they struggled with so many things during their time at the school.
"What on earth are you two doing here." A recognisable voice spoke as a blonde head popped slightly out of the office door. Neville turned to Hyacinth to speak for the both of them, he may have started to find peace with Draco but the man still scared Neville just a little bit. He nudged Hyacinth to speak and the woman rolled her eyes but complied anyways.
"Hoping you had some pepper up, Neville here can't hold his liquor." Hyacinth dropped her best friend in it, sticking her tongue out at him when he made a sound of protest.
"Trust you two to be making fools of yourselves before term has even started." Draco's voice bounded before his head disappeared and he returned in full with a bottle in his hand. "Don't make this too common place, I thought we were supposed to be responsible adults now." Draco tutted as he spoke, an attempt to tell the pair off. Hyacinth heard his words but let them brush off her knowing she would pay no notice to it.
"Talking of immaturity, how do you feel about joining our wagers? You have the first week to make some choices but then we're taking bets." Neville offered the pair having come to an agreement the night before that a good way to welcome the newest member of staff was to include him in the bets they made.
"Wagers? Bets? You're talking nonsense to me Longbottom." Draco seemed to be trying not to sneer at the Gryffindor as the pair buried the hatchet of school rivalry.
"We started it last year but essentially we make bets, students we think will get together, points for each house at the end of the year, quidditch matches you name it we'll probably bet against it." Hyacinth explained knowing it probably sounded like they both had a gambling problem forming but in all reality what else was there to do when they were not teaching.
"Sounds like a problem forming to me. No thanks." Hyacinth let out a little sigh of disappointment at his words. But she tried not to show it, as she thought of other ways to try and make him feel like he would fit in with the rest of them. She would have to think on it.
"If you two don't have anything better to do, I would like some time to finish setting up." Draco spoke clearly enough to make it clear that he no longer wanted the pair around and Hyacinth could take a hint. She only smiled and went to link arms with Neville so they could both leave the room.
"It looks magnificent in here by the way Draco. I hope together we can really make this place feel like a home away from home for the kids. By Merlin I know some of them need that." Were her final words as the pair exited the room the large double doors slamming behind them.
"Jesus he's got a stick shoved so far up his arse he can taste it." Neville grumbled as the pair walked away, looking for something else to do as they waited for the students to turn up.
As notice came of the train pulling in at the station just 15 minutes away, the staff embarked to the great hall. They would take seats as they waited on the students to arrive. The only person missing was Horace Slughorn who was waiting for the first years to arrive from the boats to prepare for the sorting ceremony. Once again the two best friends were sat next to one another on the left hand side of the table. And as the students began filling into the room the two were obviously not up to any good. Hyacinth jokes had already started up as she had managed to stick Neville's sleeve to the table, a silent sticking charm had his wand arm stuck to the table without him knowing.
It would take only minutes for the first year students to be brought into the room, following Horace in a neat line of pairs. Right up to the middle of the stage where the sorting hat sat upon a rickety chair. A chair which was magically holding up after the years of use. Hyacinth would blank out the Sorting ceremony, knowing fully well that the hat freaked her out. And would only clap when she took notice of each student getting their school house.
"Welcome all to the 2004 autumn term at Hogwarts, I am your headmistress Minevra McGonagall, and around me is our faculty. We wish you all a wonderful year here, and with these words I announce the first feast of the year has officially begun." Hyacinth's eyes roamed the room as she watched the students slowly begin to help themselves to the food offered a bright smile as the awe of the younger years took place. For they were slowly starting to experience the magic that only Hogwarts could supply.
"You sneaky twat." Neville hissed her way as he struggled to move his stuck arm from the table. Hyacinth only sent him a sneaky middle finger in response as she easily ate her own dinner.
"Eat shit Longbottom."
"You're on Potter."
Until Next time
Diana Potter.
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