November 2nd 2004
November 2nd 2004
Dear Diary,
Hyacinth had been feeling a little funny since the night of halloween, and not in the way she usually did after engorging on too many sweet treats and spending the following days on a sugar crash. Actually, she had been unusually nostalgic and more angry at her twin brother than she usually was.
To the outside world, there were no issues between the Potter twins, the chosen one remained in the spotlight, he did what he had to do as the saviour of the wizarding world, and his sister was his strong sidekick through it all. That was the way the press had spun it since they were preteens. Yet Hyacinth could clearly remember the exact moment their relationship as siblings began to crumble, and now it was barely existent. It was the opposite to existent if she was being honest. She probably had a better relationship with the giant squid in the lake than her brother.
Growing up the pair had always been Hyacinth and Harry, they didn't have much else to fall back on if there was not one another. Their home life situation was nothing short of unideal. And nobody particularly wanted to be friends with the kids who wore clothes two sizes too big and looked so sickly. And that was why Hyacinth tried to hard when they went to Hogwarts to stick with her brother. He had been sorted first and she had ensured she had been sent to the same house as he had, both twins unknowingly fighting with the sorting hat. One to be 'good' and one to 'stay loyal'. Hyacinth should have just allowed the hat to sort her into Hufflepuff like it had wanted to all those years ago.
It was when they were fourteen that things began to truly unravel. Upon finding out that Harry had some form of contact with their godfathers and she had not had been the first ticking time bomb in the relationship that had dwindled as they spent their summer completely separate. Knowing that he had willingly left her behind in Surrey to deal with their maternal side of the family alone had been a kick. But to hold back on her getting to know their parents friends had also stung. But the separation came when Harry had been chosen for the goblet of fire championship. When he had thought that his sister was behind some of the rumours about him. That had been when their relationship truly fractured.
And it had never really recovered since. Neither wanting to really look back at that time and admit fault for any of their actions. Hyacinth was bitter at being left behind, Harry was bitter at thinking had things been the other way around how he would have had a much calmer teen years.
That was how Hyacinth found herself stood in the trophy room staring at everything that had her brothers name stamped upon it. Noting that her name was nowhere in comparison to his own. That whilst he would go down in the history books she would truly be written away. And all because a wand was not drawn upon her first, as her crib was under the window and his by the door. She felt as a presence came to stand beside her. Assuming at first it was her best friend, who knew about the stumps she would get in, Hyacinth did not bother to look over, allowing the peace and silence that remained untouched to continue. And for her brain to do whatever it currently was, or whatever it was processing through.
"Your brother could have at least shared the spotlight with you once." The voice which spoke was not the one she expected and Hyacinth turned suddenly to look at the Malfoy heir stood beside her.
"Announce yourself please Draco." She huffed before looking back at the trophies. Her eyes trying to find a source of her own name knowing that during her time as a student, there would be none.
"There's not much fun in that." The man shrugged as best as he could considering his hands remained tucked in his pockets. Moving his eyes over the trophies to search out his own name, taking a moment to see it plastered as head boy for the year 1997. Right next to a name he cared very little about. "It sucks that my name is next to hers." Draco finally spoke into the air, a thought he was unsure how Hyacinth would respond to, the 'her' he was talking about did happen to be one of Hyacinth's brother's best friends.
"Being head boy with Hermione wasn't a dream? Never would have guessed." Hyacinth's sarcasm was obvious as she laughed at his words. Her eyes leaving the displays of the student trophies and moving to the area where the staff photos were located. She was unsure how many years they had been taking photos of the staff team for each year, but she was rather happy they were. In the most selfish way, at least this would ensure her stamp was left upon the school.
The photo for this year had only been revealed, something she had been intending to look at for a while, the last couple days that was. And she was finally happy to see the thing she had heard rather a lot about from Rolanda about. The photo rarely changed, the only thing that was different would be the faces, the positions would not change. Each one looked the same with the head teacher in the middle front, head of each house by their side and the other teachers slotted in on the second row. Filtch the caretaker would always be stood somewhere in the back off to one side. What had started as a mistake had continued for many many years as an ongoing joke.
"We look pretty good there." Hyacinth commented noting that the pair had been stood together, as she took a seat on the outside of the teachers and as other supporting staff he was placed next to her.
"Yeah we do."
Don't call me out dear diary
Hyacinth P.
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