7) Classes Begin Again
The group of Slytherins (+ Harry) all looked over to see who sat down next to Harry and calmed down when they saw it was only Ginny.
"What happened to him?" She asked as she pointed to her brother who was still hiding in Blaise's chest.
"DON'T say anything!" Ron said quickly before anyone could answer her.
"Oh yeah because that's not suspicious at all," Ginny said as she rolled her eyes.
"Why do you have mum's scarf on? It's warm in here." She asked before seeing Blaise and Pansy's smirks.
She looked at the two and then saw Ron's dark blush and quickly connected two and two together.
"Oh- OH EWW!" She yelled out when she realized what happened.
"Nothing against you guys but ewww I don't want to know about my brother's sex life!" Ginny said before pretending to gag.
"Oh shove off Ginny!" Ron yelled as he threw a roll at her head.
It hit her head before landing on the table making them all laugh.
Eventually, they all calmed down and Ginny stood up.
"Anyway, I just wanted to warn you all that Hermione's pissed and I don't know what she's plotting but she's plotting something. I'll keep you updated when I learn more." She said before picking up the roll and chucking it back at Ron.
She quickly ran back over to the Gryffindor table so he couldn't throw it back at her.
She sat between Luna and Neville, pecking them both on the cheek as she did, making them both blush.
"Plotting something? Lovely. I'm surprised she hasn't just decided to keep touching us to cause us pain and then say 'Oh I'm so sorry, I forgot' or some other rubbish like that." Draco said, speaking for the first time in a while.
"Honestly." Harry agreed with a sigh. He really hated how Hermione was acting now.
What really made him turn so heavily against Slytherins? Especially the ones that helped THEM in the war and not the other side!
"-otter, POTTER!" Draco yelled as he waved his hand in front of Harry's face, quickly snapping him out of his daze.
"Yes? Sorry, what happened?" Harry asked as he looked at Draco before looking around to see that almost everyone else in the room had begun to leave the room.
"Classes are starting soon, we need to get to class," Draco explained quickly before grabbing Harry's arm and dragging him to their first class of the day, Potions.
Once they got to class they sat down in their seats next to each other and waited for others to get there seeing as they were slightly early for once.
"Mr.Malfoy, Mr.Potter, you're bonding potions problem was that you added the bat wings before the unicorn hair. Because of that the bond lasts two months instead of the assigned five minutes." Snape drawled making both boy's eyes widen.
"Two months?!" They yelled out together in shock.
"Be lucky that's the amount you had. If you had put the wormwood in before the salamander legs then you would be bonded for three years." Snape snapped before shutting his classroom door with a wave of his wand.
"Now class, you will be continuing your work on the bonding potion. Mr.Malfoy and Mr.Potter are our examples of what will happen if you mess up so don't mess up." Snape stated before walking up to the boys again.
"Begin on your homework, three full parchments on why bonding potions are so dangerous. You two are not going near this potion again." He said before turning on his heel to make sure Seamus didn't explode another cauldron.
So both boys pulled out three pieces of parchment each and began writing.
The school day went on rather smoothly after that, Hagrid's class they learned about Nifflers and they all got to see one Hagrid had... borrowed from someone. Next, they had Transfiguration where they transfigured a rock into a table and back again. After that, they had lunch and then Divination.
"What do you see in your crystal ball everyone?" Professor Trelawney asked the class.
When nobody answered she sighed before moving over to Harry and Draco's crystal ball.
"Oh goodness! I see much in here, your pasts were both very dark and grim, and your present is complicated but sheds light on your dark pasts. Finally your future, they are full of light and happiness. You two are very lucky to have one another to bring light into your lives." Trelawney said with a smile toward the boys before walking over to Neville and Ginny's crystal ball.
Both Harry and Draco were very confused by what she just said to them. They brought light into each other's life. But all they have done in the past is bring hate to each other?
"She really is crazy isn't she," Draco commented under his breath making Harry hide his laugh behind a cough.
After Divination they had DADA (Defence Against The Dark Arts).
"Today we will all be refreshing our minds of a few basic spells. Expelliarmus and Accio are our main priorities today." Remus stated, the class nodding in understanding.
About halfway through the class period, Remus called Harry and Draco over to himself.
"I just wanted you to know that I've informed Sirius about your and Mr.Malfoy's situation and we have agreed that if over the summer you two need a place to stay that you two can always stay with us at the Grimmauld place." He said with a soft smile knowing that Harry had no intentions of ever going back to the Dursley's house and that Draco's house was also probably a no-go thanks to his father.
"Thank you both very much but we should only be bonded for two months, it shouldn't last long enough for summer break," Harry replied politely with a smile of his own.
"Oh, that's good news then! Even still, our offer still stands. If either of you need a place to go then you are always welcome home with us." Remus said confusing Draco.
"Thank you both again, I might take you up on that offer while I try to get my own flat," Harry replied, not noticing how confused Draco looked next to him.
"Alright that sounds good, keep us informed on when you're going to come over so we'll have time to tidy up the place some," Remus said with a smile before looking up and noticing that Neville had accidentally Accioed an entire table to himself instead of just the book on top of the table.
"Excuse me you two," Remus said as he walked past the two of them to help Neville.
After that class, their classes were over for the day and they were free to do whatever they wanted to until dinner.
"Hey Potter, why do you think Remus and Sirius offered for me to come over even without you? Do you think he said that just because I was there and he didn't want to seem rude or do you think he really meant it?" Draco asked as they two sat under a tree by the Black Lake.
"I think he actually meant it. I mean isn't Sirius your cousin? He would always help out a family member in need when they haven't done anything wrong to him or the people he cares about." Harry replied with a shrug as he braided some blades of grass.
"He's my second cousin but even with that logic, I still shouldn't be allowed to be over. I mean I hurt you and so many others..." Draco trailed off as his eyes glossed over with regret.
1,236 Words!
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