5) Shower
"We can just take turns, you can shower first and I'll wait outside of the curtain then we'll switch places!" Harry stated proudly.
Draco smiled internally at the proud look Harry was giving him.
"I guess that will work. Grab your pajamas and let's go." Draco agreed making Harry nod and grab his things before they walked into the bathroom.
"Could you turn around, or shut your eyes or something?" Draco asked, his demeanor changed heavily from a few minutes ago.
Before he was more snarky, normal Draco was just a little nicer than before.
But now he seemed more vulnerable, almost insecure.
"Oh! Yeah of course, sorry." Harry replied as he turned around, shut his eyes, and moved his head so it was facing the ground.
"Thanks," Draco mumbled while stripping quickly before getting behind the shower curtain.
He showered quickly and once he was done Harry handed him his towel before he got out so he wouldn't be exposed to Harry.
"Thanks," Draco said as he wrapped the towel around himself before leaving the shower.
"No problem," Harry replied as he began to strip.
Draco quickly averted his eyes when he realized what Harry was doing.
"Why didn't you tell me to turn around?" He asked as he turned around, holding the towel around himself like girls normally do.
"Because I don't care if you see my body? We both have scars and so I didn't see the need for you to turn around. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable though." Harry replied as he finished changing before he got into the shower.
"I wasn't uncomfortable, just caught off guard," Draco replied as he began to dry himself off with the towel before getting dressed in his night robes.
The two finished up in the bathroom rather quickly before leaving for the bedroom.
"What are you wearing?" Draco asked Harry once they were out of the bathroom, having decided not to look at him at all while they were in there.
Harry looked down at his outfit confused before remembering Draco is a sheltered Pure Blood that didn't know much about Muggles or their clothes.
"Oh, these are sweatpants and this is a t-shirt," Harry replied making Draco roll his eyes.
"I know what they are but I don't know why anyone would willingly wear them." Draco snapped back, his "Normal Draco attitude" was back.
"Because they're comfortable, do you want to wear a pair? I think you'll change your mind once you've worn them." Harry asked with a smile as they walked over to his side of the bed where he had his clothes.
Harry grabbed a new pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt out of the dresser before chucking them at Draco.
"I don't want your filthy muggle clothes!" Draco yelled as he threw them off of himself making Harry roll his eyes.
"Just try them on and if you like your robes more then you can change back and if not then you can leave the sweatpants on," Harry stated as he picked the clothes back up and put them on Draco's lap this time.
"I'll lay down and not look at you while you change." He said before laying down, face down on the pillows on the bed.
"Don't suffocate yourself, if you die then I'll probably die thanks to the bond," Draco said as he reluctantly changed into the muggle clothes.
Harry mumbled something Draco couldn't understand in response before going quiet again.
A few minutes later Draco was done changing.
"You can stop suffocating yourself now." He said as he shoved Harry's shoulder so he rolled over, now laying on his back.
"I was just starting to slip consciousness." Harry joked before sitting up and looking at Draco.
His eyes widened when he saw the other male. His shirt was pressed tightly against himself and the sweatpants were high waters but still looked comfortable enough.
"This is not comfortable Potter, I don't know what you were going on about," Draco said as he tried to not move his upper half much, afraid that he would rip the shirt if he did.
"Well it may not be comfortable but you look great," Harry commented as his eyes raked over Draco's body.
"Oh, budger off Potter," Draco said as he rolled his eyes.
"What about the pants? Aren't they more comfortable?" Harry asked as he began going through his dresser again.
"I suppose they aren't the worst," Draco admitted before turning to Harry, seeing what he was rummaging around for.
"Here, try this on instead. It's a hoodie and it's massive on me so it should definitely fit you." Harry said as he turned around, bumping into Draco's chest because he didn't realize that he had moved closer to him.
"Careful," Draco mumbled as his hands rested on Harry's shoulders for a second before he stepped back.
"Sorry," Harry replied instantly.
"Anyway, try this on. I bought it over the summer so I'm the only one that's worn it." Harry said as he handed the hoodie to Draco.
"Why would anyone else have worn it if it's yours?" Draco asked sounding confused as he took the surprisingly soft clothing.
"Oh um-" Harry thought of an excuse instead of telling Draco about Dudley and his home life.
"Well, Hermione, Ron, and the other Weasleys sometimes borrow my clothes because they're not used to muggle clothes as much as I am. Well, Hermione is but she likes wearing my stuff because it's oversized." Harry replied after a second of thought.
"I guess that makes sense. Whatever, turn around so I can take this bloody shirt off." Draco said confusing Harry.
"Okay but why? We're both guys here and your body is nice from what I can see thanks to that shirt." Harry asked as he shut his eyes and sat back down on the bed.
"Because you don't want to see my chest that's why," Draco said as he quickly took the shirt off and put the hoodie on.
"Why not?" Harry asked curiously.
"None of your business, you can open your eyes now." Draco snapped as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Harry looked at Draco and instantly broke into a smile.
"You look so comfortable! I bet you feel comfortable too!" He said with a large smile.
The hoodie was a men's 3XL so it was also rather big on Draco, giving him hoodie paws.
"I'm not going to conform or deny that," Draco said with a huff making Harry laugh.
"Whatever you say Malfoy." He laughed before casting a tempus to see what time it was.
"It's already ten thirty, we should probably go to sleep soon." Harry sighed as he laid down on the bed properly.
"Fine, you stay on your side of the bed and I'll stay on mine," Draco said as he got onto the other side of the bed.
"Sounds good to me," Harry mumbled, already mostly asleep.
Draco smiled softly at the raven-haired boy before getting under the covers himself and falling asleep.
Sadly, their sleep wouldn't be as peaceful as they hoped.
1,191 Words!
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