22) Exposed
The next morning Harry and Draco got dressed and ready for the day as usual before Draco carried Harry into the Great Hall where Ron, Blaise, and Pansy were all already waiting for them.
"The prince carry? Did you two fuck or is poor Potter just tired?" Pansy asked as Ron leaned against Blaise's shoulder, still mostly asleep thanks to not being a morning person.
"Both," Harry answered before Draco could say anything making Draco flush darkly in response.
"Oooo~ So what does that make you two now?" Pansy asked, Blaise and Ron listening intently now.
"Dating," Harry replied as Draco sat down, Harry sitting in his lap now.
Draco's face easily rivaled Ron's hair now as the other three reacted.
"About damn time!" Pansy stated with a large smile.
"I knew Harry was a bottom," Ron said, though he quickly flushed as he laughed, having hoped to keep that a thought rather than a comment.
"I am not! I'm a switch! He's a submissive top at worst and a switch at best though neither answer is bad in any way." Harry retaliated Ron's comment making Draco's blush darken even more than before.
"Oh shut up, I am not a submissive top!" Draco exclaimed quietly, not wanting the entire Hall to hear about their sex life.
"Whatever you want to tell yourself Love~" Harry hummed making Draco huff in defeat.
"Well now that we all know you're together, how about we go on a double date to Hogsmeade?" Blaise asked and everyone agreed happily.
They finished their breakfast before grabbing their money from their dorm rooms and heading out to Hogsmeade, Harry, and Draco holding hands or linking their arms together the entire time.
On the way to meet back up with Blaise, Ron, and Pansy; Harry looked up at Draco. "What if someone touches us while we're out here? Only people from the school know about our predicament. I mean even if it's just a small brush on the shoulder then it's going to hurt like a bitch." He said, worry now clouding over his eyes.
"That's true, I didn't think of that before." Draco trailed off before they were greeted by the poly group waving to them.
"Why the concerned faces?" Pansy asked right once she saw them, quickly picking up on their body language.
"What if someone bumps into us? I really don't want to cause a scene in front of everyone. I've had enough publicity to last me seven lifetimes, I don't want to add to that." Harry answered, his grip on Draco's hand tightening slightly subconsciously.
Draco gave a gentle squeeze to his hand in return, calming him down some from his anxious state.
"Well, we can either just stay here and hang out by the Black Lake or we can go to Hogsmeade and you two can just be super careful as to who's around you and we can try to make sure nobody touches you," Pansy said, quickly trying to come up with a solution.
"What do you want to do?" Harry asked Draco as he looked back up at him.
"I'm okay with either thing, It's up to you Raven," Draco answered making Harry huff.
"That's not very helpful," he said with a small smile before turning back to Pansy.
"Let's just try not to bump into anyone and hope that nobody goes out of their way to bump into us. I really want some Chocolate Frogs and Cauldron Cakes." He said with a larger smile now making the others smile back at him.
So, with that, they were all on their way to Hogsmeade.
Once they got there, Ron, Balise, and Pansy all made a slight barrier between Harry, Draco, and everyone else; trying their best to keep anyone from being able to touch them.
"So where to first?" Blaise asked as he held hands with both Pansy and Ron, him being in the middle of them.
"Honeydukes!" Harry exclaimed with a large, almost child-like grin making Draco smile as well.
"Off to Honeydukes then!" Pansy cheered as they all began to walk toward the amazing shop.
Once inside, Ron's grip on Blaise's hand tightened as he dragged him over to a new candy the shop was carrying, having forgotten about their 'job' of protecting Harry and Draco.
Pansy was dragged along with them by Blaise, leaving Harry and Draco defenseless in the rather crowded shop.
"Well so much for our plan." Draco chuckled as he watch their friends run away in excitement at the new candy.
"Yeah." Harry laughed before looking up at Draco, "Can we go to the Cauldron Cakes now?" he asked, his eyes shining at the mere thought of the sugary treat.
"Of course Love, that's why we came here isn't it?" Draco asked the rhetorical question before getting dragged to where the cakes were by Harry's hand.
As they were looking at all the different flavors, they didn't notice a worker carrying a load of boxes into the shop, walking right towards them.
The worker stumbled into Draco making him stumble forwards, "Sorry about that." The worker said before walking on though Draco didn't notice. He was too focused on why it didn't hurt.
Where was the searing hot pain? Why didn't it trigger a reaction from himself or Harry? Even if they had been holding hands in the past they would still react to being touched by someone. They would still feel the pain so where was it now?
"Harry, did you feel anything just now?" Draco asked, just now looking down at Harry who was looking just as confused as he felt.
"No I didn't, I should have though shouldn't I?" Harry asked as his mind racked for an explanation as to why neither of them felt any pain.
"Yeah we both should have but we didn't," Draco said, stating the obvious only confusing Harry more.
"Let's go pay for these, find the other three, and then leave to tell Snape," Harry suggested, Draco agreed and so that's what they did.
Harry paid for his Cauldron Cakes and Chocolate Frogs before they found Pansy, Blaise, and Ron already waiting for them with their own sweets in a small bag.
"Where to next?" Ron asked as they walked out of the shop.
"Hogwarts," Harry answered confusing the other three.
"I wanted to visit the Joke Shop to see Fred and George first if you don't mind. Then we could go back to Hogwarts." Ron said, sounding and looking confused as to why Harry wanted to go back already.
"That's fine, you three can go see them; tell them I said hi for me, please. Draco and I are going to go back to the castle to talk to Madame Pomphre and Snape. See you soon!" Harry said before turning around and dragging Draco to the castle, leaving everyone else confused.
"Why didn't you tell them that we think the potion may be lifted?" Draco asked as the two began to go back to the school.
"Because then they would have wanted to come with us and I wanted Ron to see Fred and George. He doesn't get to see them a lot so I didn't want to take up one of his opportunities to see them." Harry answered truthfully with a shrug making Draco nodd in understanding.
The two continued their walk in comfortable silence until they got to the Hospital Wing.
"What can I do for you boys? Is everything okay?" Madame Pomphre asked when she saw the two boys walk into the room.
"Yeah everything is great, a little too great actually that's why we came here," Harry said confusing the nurse.
"What do you mean?" She asked as she pointed to one of the beds, silently telling them to sit down.
"I mean someone bumped into Draco at Hogsmeade and neither of us felt any pain from it," Harry explained making Madame Pomphre's eyes widen but only for a second before they went back to normal.
"Let me get Severous, I'll be right back, don't get into trouble while I'm gone." She stated before rushing out of the Hospital Wing.
1,308 Words! I forgot about this book & then when I remembered it I had MAJOR writer's block so sorry about all that 😅
Also, just three chapters to go! Then this book is finally done!!!
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