2) House Gathering
Headmistress McGonagall helped sort all of the new students before she gave her speech for the year. By the end of it, she snapped her fingers and food flooded the tables.
The first years gasped at the amount of food while everyone else dug in.
Near the end of the feast, Headmistress McGonagall stood up again to say an announcement.
"Attention all eighth years, please stay after while the others follow their house prefects to their rooms." She stated confusing everyone before she sat back down.
"I wonder what that's about." Hermione wondered aloud making Ron shrug his shoulders in response seeing as his mouth was full of chicken at the moment.
"No clue but I hope it's an announcement that there will be a therapist for us," Harry answered confusing all of the pure bloods around them.
"That would be nice." Hermione agreed along with the other muggle-born students only confusing the pure bloods even more.
Eventually, dinner was done and everyone but the eighth years were guided to their dormitories.
Looking around, they all realized how few of them there were.
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dean, Seamus, and Neville were the only Gryffindors that came back.
Luna Lovegood was the only Ravenclaw to come back.
No Hufflepuffs came back at all and only Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle were the only Slytherins to come back.
So in total, there were only thirteen eighth years back after the war.
"Hello everyone, as you can see there aren't very many of you so we have decided that all of you eighth years will be sharing a new house in a way. It's not an official new house seeing as you all will be the only ones to use it, even after this year. The area was newly constructed onto Hogwarts after the damages." She stated, pausing briefly to allow for that much information to sink in before continuing.
"There will be six dorm rooms and you will all be split into two to a room except for one group which will have three in the room. You may choose your dorm partners on your own however if you are caught doing any inappropriate actions here on school grounds then there will be consequences." She paused again briefly before finishing with "Now follow me and I will take you to your new house."
Everyone quickly stood up and followed her out of the room, up a few staircases, and finally down a hall before they made it to the new addition of Hogwarts.
"The password is Lemon Drops but if you all wish to change it then come up with a new one and inform me and I shall change it." And with that, McGonagall was walking away to her office.
So the group of eighth-years walked through the portrait and into their new house.
It had three couches and two armchairs, two coffee tables in front of them, a fireplace in the front of the room, a large chandelier above them, and six doors leading to the six different bedrooms.
The color of everything was a mix of all the house colors. Red sofas (for Gryffindors), yellow (for Hufflepuffs) and green pillows (for Slytherins), and dark blue chairs (for Ravenclaws).
"Well, this is all festive," Ron commented as they all looked around.
"Yep, now who's pairing up with who?" Hermione asked as she watched Draco, Pansy, and Blaise take one room while Crabby and Goyle took another; completely ignoring the other students.
"Ron and I will share a room," Harry answered getting a nod from Hermione.
"We'll take a room together too!" Seamus said before dragging Dean to a room and quickly shutting the door behind them.
"They are so going to get into trouble later," Hermione mumbled under her breath before looking back up at the others.
"I'll share with Neville," Luna stated sweetly with a smile making Neville blush.
"Alrighty then, Ginny and I will share a room then. Now I suggest we all get some sleep now because it's late and we have classes tomorrow so goodnight everyone." Hermione stated before looping her arm with Ginny's and walking to an empty room.
Luna and Neville walked into another room, Ron and Harry taking the last empty room which just so happened to be closest to Draco, Pansy, and Blaise's room.
"I swear to Merlin I hear them moaning I'm going to hex them all," Ron stated as he unpacked his trunk.
"I'll distract the others for you." Harry laughed as he too unpacked his trunk.
They soon finished unpacking and took turns taking showers before falling asleep in their new beds.
It was now morning and everyone was leaving for breakfast, well everyone but Harry.
Ron had decided to let his friend sleep for a little while longer because he knew how rare it was for him to get a good night's sleep and not have a nightmare.
His plan was to eat breakfast and then come back with some time to spare to wake Harry up so he could eat something quick before heading to their first class of the day, Potions.
He told the others his plan when they asked before they all left for breakfast.
Everyone entered the Great Hall and sat at their normal houses tables where the Gryffindors were instantly asked questions by Ginny.
"Where did you all go last night? Why didn't you come to the Gryffindor Tower? Do you need to know the password? Where's Harry?" She rapid-fired each question.
"We went to our new 'house' for all of us eighth years. Because there are so few of us Headmistress McGonagall decided that we should all stay in our own 'house'. Oh and Harry is asleep, we're going to wake him up before Potions with Slytherins." Hermione answered matter-of-factly.
"Oh okay, that's strange but I guess it makes sense. I wonder if she's trying to get the houses to bond over the shared trauma?" Ginny thought aloud making the others shrug.
Breakfast went on as usual before they all grabbed their things and headed to their first classes of the day.
"I feel like I'm forgetting something," Ron told Hermione as they walked to Potions Class, looking through his bag to see if he forgot some stationary supplies.
"My quill! I forgot to bring one out of my bag!" He stated when he saw that there weren't any in his bag.
"Don't worry, you can use one of mine, I have extras," Hermione said as she handed him one of her own quills.
"Thanks 'Mione, you're a lifesaver," Ron said just before the two walked into Snape's room.
Harry woke up to the sun streaming through the curtains and into his eyes.
He stretched his arms over his head before casting a Tempus to see what time it was.
"Holy shit! Why didn't anyone wake me up?!" Harry yelled, alarmed at the time as he quickly got up and pulled on his robes, grabbed his bag, and put on his shoes as quickly as possible.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm going to be late for potions!" Harry hissed under his breath as he ran to class.
He slowed himself as soon as he reached the hallway before quickly walking to the door and opening it.
"You too Mr.Potter? Well, it seems because you are both late you will have to be partners." Snape drawled confusing Harry until he saw Draco standing a little ahead of himself, also breathing heavily as he had just been running too.
"Yes, Professor." Harry and Draco stated at the same time before moving to the only empty table.
1,280 Words! ♡♡♡
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