17) Hermione
⚠TW: Cussing, yelling, crazy bitch⚠
Harry and Draco were awoken by a light tapping at their dorm door.
Draco groaned as he buried his head into Harry's chest, not wanting to wake up yet. He was comfortable and content and wanted to stay that way.
"Wake up Dragon, I need to see what that is," Harry said as he gently pried Draco off of him, keeping ahold of his hand though.
"Dragon?" Draco asked as a soft blush grew on his face at the new pet name.
"It's what your name translates to so I figured it would be a good nickname. I don't have to call you it if you don't want me to though." Harry said before opening the door.
A large, beautiful owl swooped into the room with a note tied onto its talon.
It landed beside Draco on the dresser and held out the talon for Draco to take the parchment.
Draco took the parchment before scratching the owl's head, it gave a short hoot of thanks before leaving the room once more.
"What does it say?" Harry asked while Draco opened the note.
"Dear Mr.Malfoy and Mr.Potter, your old friend Ms.Granger have been sent to St Mungo's Hospital. Please report to Headmistress McGonagall's office to learn more about this." Draco read aloud confusing him.
"She wasn't my friend, I don't know what they're talking about." He said as Harry grew concerned.
"I don't think they really care much about that. We should get to McGonagall's office, let's go." Harry said before dragging Draco to her office.
"I don't understand why you're s pressed about this, she tried to kill me after all and nearly killed us both in the process." Draco huffed as he ran to keep up with Harry.
Harry stopped abruptly making Draco stumble into his shoulder, their linked hands hitting Harry in the side at the impact.
"I... I don't know, I guess old habits die hard? I'm just so used to being worried about her and Ron so much that I didn't think about it. I just heard that she's in the hospital and wanted to know more to help her." Harry said as Draco moved so he was in front of Harry.
"I-I'm sorry for dragging you, I didn't mean t-" Harry was cut off by Draco putting his free hand over his mouth.
"Shut up Raven, I understand and I'm not mad. I should have asked in a nicer way than I did, I'm sorry." Draco said gently as he dropped his hand from Harry's mouth, seeing his small smile and blush.
"It's okay but Raven? Why Raven?" Harry asked curiously making Draco smile at him.
"Because your hair is Raven colored so I thought that if I'm Dragon then you can be Raven," Draco answered making Harry smile back at him.
Before their conversation could continue, however, Ron and Blaise walked over to them.
"Hey did you two get the same letter we did about Hermione?" Ron asked them, drawing their attention to him instead of each other.
"Yeah we did, we were on the way to McGonagall's office." Harry replied before Draco asked; "Where's Pansy?"
"She's still asleep, the owl didn't wake her and we decided that it would be best for her to sleep in rather than wake up," Blaise answered getting a nod of understanding from the other two.
So the four all left for the Headmistress's office and walked inside when the Gargoyle moved for them and allowed them past.
"Good morning, you may all take a seat," McGonagall said as she pointed to the seats in front of her desk.
The four boys complied and sat down, Harry and Draco resting their linked hands on Harry's knee.
"As you all know by now, Ms.Granger has been sent to St Mungos. I assume you would like to know why so I'm going to explain as best as I can." McGonagall paused before continuing.
"Ms.Granger has gone into a type of psychotic breakdown. We assume that it started at the beginning of the war prep when she had to wipe her parent's memories of herself. We believe that that started her rapid decline because she was forced to make her own parents forget about her, all of their beloved memories gone just like that." She snapped her fingers with a sigh before continuing once again.
"We believe that because Voldemort was a Slytherin and because some of you were forced to help him in fear for your lives, she began her slander for you all. We don't think that her brain registered that you were forced to help against your will, we think that all she saw was you helping them succeed in invading Hogwarts." She paused again as Draco's face paled in remembrance of what happened.
"We think that because of all this, she blames you for her having to wipe her parent's memories and therefore tried to harm you as some kind of sick revenge plan. That's why she seemed so upset when she realized she had made Mr.Weasley pass out and that she harmed Mr.Potter just as badly as Mr.Malfoy." McGonagall finished with another sigh, allowing them to take all of this information in.
Draco and Blaise tried to block her out now, already feeling ill from the memories of what they had done just the year prior.
"Thank you for informing us, Headmistress, we'll be leaving now. Please keep us updated on her condition." Harry said before helping Draco up, Ron and Blaise getting up as well.
"Of course, have a good rest of your day boys." She said with a sad smile as she watched them all leave the room.
"See you two later," Harry said to Blaise and Ron before he picked Draco up into his arms and began to run to the ROR when he realized that Draco had begun shaking and tears were welling up in his eyes.
"See you!" Ron yelled after him before realizing Blaise's state. His hands were also shaking and he was biting his bottom lip in hopes that he wouldn't cry as the horrid memories flooded back to him.
"Let's get to our room and then I can give you lots of cuddles or you can do whatever you want with me to get your mind off of it okay?" Ron asked as he looked up at Blaise.
Blaise smiled down at him, "I would love that, thank you." He said before Ron kissed him on the cheek.
So the two of them left for their room where they were greeted by a very concerned Pansy...
1,073 Words! Okay, 3 things:
1) Who should the next chapter be centered around? Harry & Draco or Ron, Blaise & Pansy?
2) Should Ron, Blaise & Pansy fuck or just cuddle?
3) Where do yall want this story to go after these next two chapters I have no clue on what to do with it??? Please tell me in the comments <3
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