Chapter 8 ✔
I had never expected that I would ever be allowed to tell this somebody, but... seems like I'm DATING NIALL HORAN!
Ok eh not really... but we were often chatting on twitter...Maybe it was more like a 'twitter-relationship kind of thing'.
Tommorow was the first time he wanted to visit mine. I was so freaking nervous. I cleaned my room for the first time in like ... ages. Yeah I was a messy, probably. Eww!!! I found some things I didn't even know they existed in my room. Banana peels... uhm ok, I think I should stop talking about this right now...No one would ever enter my room again.
As I was sure that I was finished with my room, I looked around, proud of the result.
I imagined how embarrassing it would be, if Niall would see the posters of himself, the ones above my bed. I hastily walked over to my bed and took them down, hiding them under it, where nobody would hopefully find them.
Now I was finished. Finally.
I fell on my bed with a sigh, closing my eyes. Then I dreamt about our date. About all our twitter-chats and his lovely voice in my head, which I had heard in many interviews it wasn't that hard to imagine him speeking to me.
Niall's POV:
This really happens right now? - I had my first real date. Fortunately tomorrow was our first day off, no concert no interviews. I was so excited and nervous. She was so lovely and I was still dreaming about her every single night. Somehow it was something I was suddenly happy about. Every evening I sat on my bed and couldn't wait 'til I fell asleep. Only to see this beautiful girl sleeping.
While thinking about her image, I closed my eyes, falling asleep pretty fast.
It's dark. Maybe she switched off the lights? But I always saw her, because she never slept in a room full of darkness. It's terrible. It's already bad enough that I couldn't move or speak to her, but at least I saw her and now I'm totally blind. Black.... everything's black and dark.
My eyes shot open. I couldn't sleep like this. There wasn't anything I could dream about. She was the only thing on my mind. She was the only girl in my dreams. She was the one who could calm me down in a special way.
I had to stop to think like this... I pulled the covers away, trying to fell asleep again with some cold air on my legs. It was still really hot. It didn't really work.
I couldn't ...
I couldn't sleep.
I was wide awake for the whole night. If I couldn't dream of her, than I should at least think about her. But suddenly the thought came back in the front of my mind. I tried to hide it and I was kind of surprised that my heartbeat accelerated every time in the first second I had been recieving a message from her. It was crazy, I mean I was only chatting with her, no more, no less. But...
Maybe, just maybe? ... She was the first one I slowly fell in love with?!
Thanks for reading
*Completed Edit*
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