IV 4.1 Water horse
Daria walked with her head down. Her quick steps made almost no sound as she walked down the stone corridor. She had to get to the History lesson classroom, but she wanted to avoid bumping into Adaeze Afia. Since Rariff had chosen her for the third dance at the Ball of Flames, her life had changed. Before, she was just an absolutely dull freshman. Yes, her brother was an important and trusted man in Ür's Army and her mother was the most hated tutor by the ladies. But they were not of the high nobility. Daria was neither beautiful nor exceptional in any way. The most unusual part of her life was that, because of her brother's friendships, she transitioned well into one of the most coveted circles of the nobility. Despite this, being a withered girl of only 15 years, she had never been considered a threat by the other young women who were willing to find a husband within this circle. That, too, had changed since the ball.
When Rariff had chosen her for the third dance, she had felt panicked. She thought for a moment that she would not be able to move. Instinctively, she looked for her mother in the hall and saw that she was equally shocked by the choice. But Daria had known Rariff for many years, and he offered her a friendly smile as he took her hand. She knew the choice wasn't romantic. They were good friends and he saw her only as a child. So, she took a deep breath and tried to ignore the fact that hundreds of people were watching them. As the music began to play, she realized, with relief, that it was the same one she had rehearsed with Hannah Maël in the waltz lesson. She hadn't done badly at the time. The memory filled her with confidence, and she waltzed. She waltzed like a young lady should waltz. She wasn't a dancer, but she was perfectly adequate. Perhaps she'd even done better than Rariff's other chosen girls, since his presence didn't intimidate her.
When the song ended, she returned to Miss Narayama's side, where she had been during the party. It wasn't long before her mother was by her side either. Daria thought she'd get a reprimand for some clumsy move, but she soon realized she was wrong. Véronique was delighted that her daughter was chosen by Rariff and had nothing but praise for her youngest.
The prospect of being in the spotlight didn't please Daria, but the opportunity to make her mother proud made her extremely glad. However, this joy only lasted a few days. It didn't take long for her to realize that she would pay for being chosen to dance. Whenever she passed Adaeze Afia in the hallway, she gave her a contemptuous look. Soon, the looks weren't enough, and Daria began to hear nasty comments about her dresses, her age, her family.
Daria hadn't been scared until the night before. She had older brothers and she knew very well that these games went nowhere. She also knew that Afia was responsible for it, and she thought it was all the silliest joke. Noa didn't want her, he didn't even see her as a woman. To him, she was just a little girl. And despite the fact that he was the Rariff heir, she had no interest in him.
Last night, when Daria entered her chambers, she had noticed that the order of her things had been altered. The books, which she had carefully stacked on the coffee table, were spread out. She opened the only one left on the table and saw that the first page was torn. The page was lying on the ground and a scrawl read: "bitch".
Now she was starting to feel scared. What else could they do? She quickened her pace down the hall and entered into Mr. Theirn's classroom so fast that she almost ran into the teacher.
Finally, a lesson in which I can please Mrs. Ainsley!, Hannah thought as she received her schedule for the day in the morning. Since arriving at Shailaja, she had refused to participate in most of the lessons, claiming she didn't know what to do. Ms. Ainsley, responsible for the learning of the young women of Shailaja, was already losing patience. Hannah could clearly hear the disdain in her voice whenever she addressed her.
"You don't know how to dance, Miss Maël? Well, we are in a lesson. It's past time to learn, don't you agree?".
"Oh, you can't sing either, Miss Maël? I must say I'm not surprised...".
The comments were mean and made the younger girls laugh. But Hannah didn't blame her. As a tutor, she felt frustrated. Véronique knew that Hannah came from a talented lineage and felt a strange disappointment that she didn't live up to her mother's well knows talents.
But the day had come when Hannah could just say "yes, ma'am" and do the lesson easily.
They were going to spend the day riding!
Most young women knew how to ride, of course. But it took technique to ride like a lady: legs together at the horse's side, posture erect and graceful, wrist steady to protect herself if the animal made a sudden movement. But Hannah didn't ride like a lady, generally. Nor did she ride like a young nobleman. In fact, she rode like her ancestors, letting the animal free without a saddle. Little savage, she suddenly remembered. That was what Damien called her whenever she displayed this strange habit. Come here, Little Savage, he shouted whenever she went too far. She smiled sadly. How she missed Damien! If she were going to be honest with herself, she would admit that she missed Damien more than anyone else on the Island. He was her right-hand man. Not Luc. It was Damien and always had been.
Luc had protected her, it was true. He had guided her. Luc had walked ahead of her, always showing the best way. But Damien walked beside her.
- Good morning - Bia greeted, sitting down across from her. Hannah was so lost in these thoughts that she hadn't noticed Bryanna arriving, her red hair was stuck in a braid that formed an awkward arch over her head, ending in a low bun. She wore a flowing light pink dress, and a small fuzzy cape of the same color draped her shoulders. She looked as if she had lived in Shailaja for years.
- Bia, good morning! – Hannah greeted with a smile.
- I see you're excited - her friend observed.
- Ah yes! We will ride today!
- And...? – asked Bia waiting for more information.
- What do you mean? - she asked with an indignant voice.
- Well, Mani, frankly. We know damn well you take Joshua's horse and ride around at night - she added in a low tone, looking around, but there was no one else in the hall.
- It's true... But I'm excited at the prospect of pleasing Mrs. Ainsley.
Bia couldn't help but laugh.
- You must be kidding! Are you really worried about Ms. Ainsley?
- Oh, don't laugh... I feel like I'm the worst pupil she's ever received. At least, on a farm, a young girl would learn to ride.
- Not like a proper lady - Bia said, teasing her.
- Ah... - Hannah hadn't considered that. – Well, anyway, it wouldn't take me long to learn, right?
At that moment, Bia's servant arrived with a generous tray loaded with cakes, stuffed breads, assorted cheeses and two different types of juice. As she poured Bia's juice, she cast a disapproving look at Hannah's coffee. After she finished setting the table, she placed a richly ornamented sheet of paper in front of Bia and left. Taking the day's schedule, Bia found out that she would also have the riding lesson.
- It must be a joint lesson - she observed. Serena and Chris soon joined them. Mavi's men still hadn't woken up. Chris revealed that she had left them playing cards late at night. With no more company, the four ate breakfast together, as they would do on the Island. Since they had been in Shailaja for nearly two months, it was no longer strange that Hannah was with them at the table.
Two hours later, they were lined up in the field in front of the stables. Not all the young women had horses, so the servants had asked the masters for permission to use theirs. Hannah watched as Joshua's black horse was carefully set aside. It was considered skittish for a young woman, and servants argued that it was better not to use it. On the other hand, Mrs. Ainsley, who did not know the horse, said that this was a great nonsense and that every animal, when properly trained, could be tamed. Mr. Winoc was at her side as she argued with the servants.
- Mrs. Ainsley, be reasonable. Mr. Blake's animal is extremely temperamental. You certainly don't want any young lady to get hurt.
- Mr. Winoc! Are you saying this animal is indomitable? I know very well that it is used in your riding lessons and there has never been an incident. Or am I wrong?
- No... - Killian Winoc seemed to think about the question, but his answer infuriated Mrs. Ainsley even more: - But I teach lessons for men, ma'am.
- What you mean? - asked Mrs Ainsley, her voice suddenly higher.
- Only that this would not be the ideal choice for such delicate young ladies...
- Oh, Mr. Winoc, spare me from hearing such nonsense! – The young women widened their eyes as the scene unfolded. - My pupils are as capable as yours. - Her gaze on Winoc was defiant. - If you do not prove to me that this horse is absolutely indomitable, I will use it. And that is the end of this discussion.
He was about to argue, when Mrs. Ainsley interrupted him, her voice now reaching a yet-unknown high tone:
- Tell me, Winoc. Are you able to ride it?
Visibly outraged, Professor Winoc replied: - Well, of course!
Véronique asked the question just to prove her point that the horse was not indomitable and could be used, but Killian Winoc took it as a personal challenge, and in less than a minute, he was on top of the horse.
- As you can see, Mrs. Ainsley, there is no animal I cannot master - he said, with a triumphant smile. The horse stirred uncomfortably and Winoc tightened the rein. It was the wrong move to make. The great black horse kicked back, grazing a poor servant, who soon fell to the ground. As the servant fell, in a reflex, he pulled the rein of the animal, which went galloping, knocking down three other servants on the way. Mrs. Ainsley screamed in panic, while other servants ran through the field trying to control the animal, which soon threw Mr. Winoc in a large bush a hundred meters away...
All the young women watched in amazement as Mr. Winoc was removed from the bush, with the help of at least four servants. His features revealed great pain, and Mrs. Ainsley soon forgot the foolish quarrel as she brought him in.
- Stay here! – she shouted to the pupils, with the face guilty. - I'll be back. Do not mount until I arrive – she warned.
As soon as they entered the fortress, a wave of whispers took over the lawn.
- Such nonsense - said Chris to Serena and Bia. They were waiting by the girls of their class, while Hannah was waiting next to the freshmen.
- Well, while we are here, how about we start? - suggested Adaeze Afia, with an enigmatic smile. She wore a long purple dress with delicate blue flowers, and her hair was caught in a complicated and refined coke, completely absurd for a riding lesson. She walked to the freshmen and stopped in front of Daria Ainsley. - How about if you go first, Ainsley?
Daria looked at her confused: - Mom told us to wait...
The freshman was clearly cornered. Since the Ball of Flames, Adaeze had turned against her.
To have been chosen by Rariff for the third dance had aroused her fury. As the Ainsley family did not have much land or great influence, Adaeze was surprised and angered by the choice of the future Kral. She had begun to suspect that he liked the young Daria and had given her no peace ever since. In an attempt to avoid conflict and further aggravate her own situation, Daria had stopped going to the Mavi Hall and was sneaking around the hallways. Adaeze was petty, sadistic and liked to be in control. Daria was an easy prey for her amusements.
- Oh, but you don't like to wait, do you, Ainsley? You like to pass in front of others - provoked Afia.
- I don't know what you're talking about - replied Daria, trembling.
At that moment, Joshua's horse rode absent-mindedly near the young girls, eating grass.
When it entered Afia's field of vision, her black eyes shone.
- Come on, Ainsley, we will help you ride - said Afia with a look at Méline. In less than a minute, the two raised Daria and placed her on Joshua's horse.
- Let me down - cried Daria, while Afia held her hands tightly around the saddle.
- Not comfortable, Miss Ainsley? - asked Afia. The horse continued to eat grass, as if nothing was happening, but Daria trembled violently.
- Please - she asked.
- What did you say? - questioned Afia, putting her hands on her ear. - You don't want that whip to hit him by accident, do you? - asked the young woman, while swinging the leather whip carelessly.
Hannah dared a look at Serena. Her blood boiled, but she didn't mean to intrude. She couldn't take that risk. Tense, she realized Serena's face was sad.
Tears began to flow from Daria's tormented face. Miss Afia laughed at her prey. Eventually, Chris couldn't take it anymore and stepped forward.
- That's enough, Afia. Let her down.
- Oh! Do we have a hero among us?
- I think she got the message... - started Chris, appeaser, but, at that moment, Mrs. Ainsley left the fortress accompanied by Joshua Blake and, when she came across her daughter on top of the horse, she screamed sharply.
- Daria! Are you crazy??? Get down from there!!!
The terrified scream of Mrs. Ainsley startled Adaeze who, in an impulse, threw the whip to the ground. However, before falling, it hit the horse's hind leg, which went off in a hurry. All observed, in shock, when Daria, with a scream, grabbed the saddle and was taken quickly by the sudden movements. Joshua rode the first horse at his disposal and went out after Daria, but she was already far ahead.
Hannah took only seconds to make up her mind. She looked at Serena and saw the panic on her face. Without needing a question, the ghaya hissed a word: "Go".
Without much evaluation, she chose a strong horse, which was already sealed, and left. Instinctively, she made it run as fast as possible. Joshua followed behind Daria, who was already at the end of the field and arrived at the beach. The dark sand was cut by large stones and Hannah felt a chill in her belly when Daria's horse made the first jump. It wasn't going to slow down. It was a water horse, as they called it in Palatials. It was used to running in the sand, jumping on rocks and even swimming. It will get into the water, Hannah thought, while speeding. Muddled with the stones, Joshua had slowed down, and she soon overtook him.
The strip of sand narrowed in front of her, and Hannah concentrated, passing her energy to the strong brown horse she was riding. But it was not as fast as Daria's and, no matter how hard she tried, it still followed behind.
I need to get to her before the animal decide to get in the water.
At high speed, they jumped another row of pointed rocks and Hannah heard a terrified scream as the sand finished and the horse climbed over the rocks. Damn.
Now the black horse jumped over the rocks, which were enveloped by the strong waves of Shailaja. Only a water horse would do this, and Hannah did not ride such an animal. She concentrated, touching its strong neck, dominating it completely. She did not see when Joshua's horse stopped abruptly before the stones, refusing to move on. She also didn't see the astonishment on Blake's face when her horse climbed up and jumped between the waves.
However, she clearly saw when the black horse jumped too fast, knocking Daria into the raging sea. It jumped over another stone and returned to the sand further on.
I won't let her die, she thought.
Concentrating further, she made her horse imitate the movements of the other and jumped at the same spot where Daria had fallen. The cold water felt like pointed knifes against her skin and she swam to the bottom. She opened her eyes in the salty darkness and turned upward, searching. The sea was rough and small beams of clarity passed through the waves. Soon she found a shadow struggling to her left. She stretched her arms with energy and swam to the young woman, taking her by the collar of the dress. The wet tissue wrapped around her body made her heavier and the waves caused them, every two meters forward, to recede at least one. Using all her strength, Hannah pulled her insistently until they reached the fine black sand.
To her surprise, Daria had not lost her senses. With both hands on the sand, she spat the water and panted. Hannah lay down for a minute while her heart slowed. She tried to think what she would say to justify her actions. With laziness, she let her head turn to the left and saw that Joshua was running toward them. His face displayed all his emotions. There was relief, but also shock.
He ran to Daria, thanking the gods that she was well. Still lying in the sand, Hannah noticed a burning in her right forearm. Discreetly, she turned to see that she was bleeding. Damn. Certainly, she had cut herself on the rocks. The cut was superficial, but the blood stained her clothes. Soon, guards would be there, and they could insist on taking her to the infirmary.
This can not happen.
She tried to think quickly, but was interrupted by Joshua, who called her. The confused expression alerted her. He was going to confront her.
- Maël... How... - He didn't seem to know which words to use. - How did you do that?
- I ran as far as I could, sir - she replied, sitting on the sand.
- Your horse went into the water - he accused.
- I think it was luck...
- Luck? The horse jumped between the rocks!
- It was not the only one to do so, sir. Your horse also jumped on rocks.
- You know very well that my horse is a water horse!
Hannah looked away. She couldn't turn around much because she was hiding the blood. She was thinking about what to say when Daria made an effort to speak.
- Joshua... - started her, but a cough stopped her.
- Daria! Yes, I'm here! We'll get you to the infirmary in a moment. I see the guards on the horizon... - He held Daria's head in his lap, and she tried again.
- Leave her alone - asked in a weak voice.
- What did you say?
- Leave her alone... Leave her alone - she repeated.
Joshua's eyes were glowing when he stared at Hannah. Four guards rode quickly towards them, and she knew she had to leave before they arrived. She got up quickly and announced.
- I'm going back to the fortress.
- The guards are coming - noted Joshua.
- I don't want to wait - she replied harshly, while searching for the brown horse. It was less than a hundred meters away, grazing quietly on a dry lawn. She could go around the other side of the trees, avoiding the high stones and also the guards.
Joshua looked at her in disbelief. She thought she should justify herself in the slightest way, so she said: - I'm drenched, and I don't get along with the cold - she admitted - Take care of her.
He seemed even more suspicious, but she did notstay to analyze his expression. Pulling the forearm in front of the body, sheturned and walked to the horse. She rode effortlessly to the other side,skirting a thick rock that completely pulled her out of Blake's field of view
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Ps: I am a Brazilian author and a dear friend is helping me translate this book. Please feel free to point out any mistakes. Hope you like it!
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