III 3.2 End of Summer Ball
Amandeep's rays were starting to weaken on Shailaja, and Bryanna felt her excitement increase. It was almost time and she had dreamed of that night so many times she hardly knew what to expect. They had only been in Shailaja for eleven days and a lot had happened! For the first time in her life, she could spend the day doing whatever she wanted, she didn't have to follow the masters' instructions, or run in the sand, or swim in the sea. How she hated having to go into salt water every day! She came out of there looking like a wet lion, her hair matted, the salt sticking to her body, the water wrinkling her skin. In Shailaja, despite the schedule of appointments that was brought by her maid, she felt a freedom she hadn't known since her parents died.
The lessons in Shailaja were tranquil and ennobling. In dancing and singing, she always stood out thanks to her life on the island. Without Hannah around, Bryanna glowed, and her talent was admired. History lessons were very helpful, after all they allowed her to understand those around her. Everything was so different! She loved learning to sew, something she had never tried on the Island, and she had even attempted her own embroidery. Mrs. Ainsley had congratulated her that morning on the whimsy and delicacy of a small Ayman heart that she had embroidered on a handkerchief. It was bright orange like her own hair, and in the center was the bright eye of Vashi Ayman, the one who saw all with kindness.
Also, for the first time, she felt she was noticed by a man, wanted, admired. Since arriving in Shailaja, Liam Roparzh had paid special attention to her, especially when they were in the Mavi Hall. She knew she shouldn't be so excited, but he was so different from what she had heard! He was funny, light and enjoyable. He wasn't bound by as many rules as the other nobles. In secret, he had invited her on tours of Shailaja and shown her all the wings of the fortress. In the first few days, he had taken her to see the game room, where the ladies hardly ever went. He persuaded her to meet him late at night in the Mavi Hall and led her through dark corridors lit only by a torch. As she walked behind his beautiful long hair, he had pulled her by the hand and Bryanna felt a thrill in her stomach that she had never felt before. "It's dark, I don't want you to get lost," he had whispered.
At that hour in the game room, there was no one, and by candlelight they had played Brahumin, an old game of bluff, in which Bryanna was a master. She had won three games in a row. She laughed, remembering how easy the task had been. Liam was so transparent, totally incapable of bluffing. With one look at his face, she could predict his every action.
A few days later, when she was returning with Christine and Serena from their dance lesson, a servant had handed her a small note that read: "You forgot something in the dance studio". Curious, she returned to the hall alone and, pulling her out before she even entered, he had hurriedly guided her to the courtyard. A pouring rain fell, but Liam declared convincingly that it was the perfect weather for a ride! How full of life he was! At the stables, she had met his beautiful piebald steed, a great white horse, with thousands of black spots, like a blank canvas smudged by a painter. She was instantly enchanted, and he invited her to go up for the most incredible ride in the rain she had ever experienced.
Sitting at the tea table, Bryanna took a small cake, exquisitely decorated, between her fingers: its white frosting was sprinkled with golden sparkles and small dark blue drops. It was a cupcake inspired by the beauty of Vashï Amandeep, which would be served at the ball that night. She sighed, remembering the night before. She had to admit that it had been the most wonderful night she had ever lived!
Late the previous afternoon, she had received another note from Liam's servant. In this one, she read: "If I were you, I'd skip dinner tonight". She found this instruction very curious and immediately felt her belly growl. She was already hungry, it was still hours before dinner, and he now asked her not to eat... Still, when she got down the Mavi's stairs to the hall, she took a seat politely beside Christine and determinedly declined all the delicious appetizers the servants had offered. Liam wasn't in the hall, and she was wondering where he was when he finally came downstairs with Rariff. With the Kaal's presence, dinner was promptly served. As soon as the first course was placed in front of her – roast lamb with ruddy potatoes, caramelized onions and corn cream! - she was sure she wouldn't resist, but Liam watched her intently from Rariff's left. Engrossed in lively conversation with Joshua, Bia realized that he had barely touched his plate himself.
- Bia, are you feeling alright? – Christine had asked, worried. She had never seen Bryanna refuse food! But Bia had assured her she was fine, she'd just overindulged in her afternoon tea and had no appetite.
After refusing dessert – apple pie with salted caramel and fresh cream! - Bryanna was wondering if she was hungry enough to pass out when Liam appeared at her side and invited her to a game of Brahumin. She immediately accepted and, following him, they sat at the edge of the hall, almost to the exit. While shuffling the cards, he said:
- Observe the hall and, when no one is looking, go out the door.
- Mr. Roparzh! The hall is packed! - Bryanna replied nervously.
- Well, they are all busy with their own tasks and have no interest in observing us. Don't mind the servants, they know very well that nothing that happens on the Mavi Hall should be commented. The Kaal does not tolerate gossip. Leave without running and wait for me behind the gate - he instructed, with a wink.
Luckily, the right moment soon came, as Serena sat down at the piano and began to play. Until that day she hadn't touched the instrument yet, and she surprised everyone in the room with her talent. Taking the cue, Bryanna rose casually and walked through the gate. Liam soon found her.
- Would you be so kind as to explain why you are persuading me to go hungry?
- Well, a lady shouldn't admit so openly that she's starving - Liam observed, beginning to go down the spiral staircase.
- That's how I feel! – Bryanna declared.
- So, we have a problem that needs to be solved! - Liam replied, with energy.
He refused to say any more details and insisted that she followed him. Bryanna knew she shouldn't have been out of Mavi's at this hour, but she felt butterflies in her stomach again as Liam pulled her by the hand. It wasn't dark and there was no need for such a touch, but the heat of her hand against his caused such a new feeling in her body that she couldn't pull away.
They made it to the bottom of the stairs, reaching the ground floor and out into the dark countryside. They walked along the side of the fortress for a while to a wooden door, which opened onto a long stone corridor, lit by rustic torches. The hallway stretched with many other doors. Inside, a battalion of servants worked, shouting at each other, some singing, some cursing. There was also the noise of chopping knives, boiling pots, and whistling kettles. Bryanna felt such wonderful smells that she had grown even hungrier.
- Mr. Roparzh, is this allowed? Can we be here?
- Of course not, Miss Yahia, but I don't think anyone will blame a young lady for being hungry, don't you agree?
Bryanna was apprehensive, but Liam was so comfortable and confident that the feeling soon passed. He reached the end of the hallway and opened a door. Inside, she found a table set with a dinner so huge and lavish it would have been impossible for just two people to eat it. There was a large roast turkey with orange syrup and honey, lobsters truffled in butter, octopus rice, confit duck, plus brown potatoes, roasted onions with butter and rosemary, asparagus wrapped in raw ham, hot plums with cheese and honey and mushrooms gratins with goat cheese.
The table was set for two and the small room was lit only by candles.
- As you know, to be kind to my cousin, I invited Christine to be my date at the ball tomorrow. But I thought you would appreciate a preview of the banquet - Liam said, pushing back the chair for her to sit down.
Bryanna was delighted. She'd been disappointed that she hadn't been asked to be Liam's date at the End of Summer Ball, but to be fair, when he'd asked Christine, they'd barely exchanged two words. It had been a very polite courtesy on his part, and Bryanna knew how to appreciate a gentleman who was considerate of his family. And now it didn't really matter, because that was so much better than an invitation to a ball! It was a dinner prepared especially for her.
During supper, they chatted about pleasantries, Liam explained Shailaja's customs that Bia didn't know, talked about his friendship with Rariff and Blake, and about the tournaments, of which he was captain. He hardly asked about Bryanna and her life on the Island, which she was deeply grateful for, as she would have to lie about certain aspects. Nor did he question the demise of her family and the tragedy of the Yahia, and by the end of dinner, Bia was convinced he was a perfect gentleman. The details of her life could have given rise to so much gossip at court, but Liam wasn't interested in gossip, he wanted only her company.
When she thought she couldn't eat anymore, Liam led her back down the hall and, unceremoniously, into a dark room.
- Wait here - he said, leaving her in the dark. A few seconds later, he returned with a torch and continued: - Preparations for the banquet begin days earlier. Tomorrow, they will still spend the morning and afternoon making the freshest dishes. All that we've tried will be remade tomorrow on a large scale, but to give them the time they need, the best part is ready beforehand. Come!
Stepping forward, he illuminated a table covered by countless trays filled with the most beautiful sweets Bryanna had ever seen. They were so delicate and fine that it was a pity to eat! There were white and colorful cakes, small sweets wrapped in sugar or tiny flower confections, tartlets with all kinds of toppings and even chocolates of so many different shapes that Bryanna didn't know which one to try first.
Placing the torch on a stand, Liam bent over a tray and, picking up a small white sweet, asked,
- Would you give me the pleasure, Miss Yahia?
She watched him confused, but without waiting for an answer, he walked over her and placed the candy against her lips. She bit into it and discovered, to her surprise, the sour taste of a grape inside the sweet filling. With an air of amusement, Liam ate the other part. Then, he walked away, strolling by the tables and picking out his favorites. Bia did the same and tasted as many chocolates as she could. Finally, they heard a noise of someone walking down the hall and retraced their path to the Mavi before they were caught.
The hall was almost empty, and no one noticed when they walked through the door. Liam accompanied her to the bottom of the stairs, and when she was about to say goodbye, he placed the little cake she now admired in her hand.
- A cupcake in the colors of Vashï Amandeep to the one that shines the most in Shailaja - he said flirtatiously. He approached her one last time and, with a quick kiss on her cheek, pulled away, leaving Bryanna with the feeling that, despite all the delights of the night, she still wasn't satisfied.
Now, even hostage to her uncontrollable gluttony, when she looked at that beautiful cake, she didn't feel like eating it, but rather to keep it. She was still admiring it dreamily when the maid Faye came into the room, carrying a basket full of small colorful flowers.
- Miss Yahia, good afternoon! I am so happy! Let's prepare a hairstyle to match your beautiful hair! I've never seen a dress like yours, but I'm sure you'll be the most beautiful lady at the ball!
Bryanna chuckled as she sat down in front of the dressing table. Faye was such an amusing servant that, to Bia, she was already a friend. She had blond hair as curly as her own, and each day she taught Bia a new hairstyle in the northern fashion. Last night, Bryanna had shown her the dress she would wear to the ball. It was pink, as pale as her skin, made of a delicate, almost transparent fabric that at first glance blended perfectly with Bryanna. Along its entire length, vivid embroidered flowers of a deep red tone climbed through the stalks and leaves. Contrary to northern custom, Island dresses did not contain a frame underneath. So, after wrapping her waist, the skirt flowed down, making waves as she walked.
Faye braided Bryanna's hair and, at each lock of orange hair, planted a small pink flower. The contrast was smooth and harmonious. Then she insisted on helping Bia put on the dress, despite Bia saying there was no need.
- I still can't believe that a rani like you lived without a personal maid on this island! Putting on your own dress! I can't imagine that - Faye was saying indignantly. - At least I'm glad I can help you now!
Bia had to admit that it was great to have a maid. She had never felt so beautiful before a ball! On the Island, there was none of that. Before the balls, they dressed themselves, made their own hairstyles. She always begged Serena to get her hair done, since Christine was impatient and Mani a disaster. After all, one had hair too short and the other insisted on keeping the strands loose. But now she had a talented maid dedicated to her! And she was still creative, hardworking and good company!
- Well, what a sight! What a beautiful woman you are, miss! Vïc Aravind will come down right now to get you! - Faye exclaimed as Christine and Serena entered the room.
They were also already dressed for the ball. Chris wore a beautiful fuchsia dress, which brought out her violet eyes. Her attire was plain, but as was her taste, a deep neckline ran down her white lap to her waist, which was more than enough to get anyone's attention. Serena, on the other hand, wore a grayish blue dress, with small silver threads ingrained from the bodice to the skirt formed by dozens of rows of thin blue and silver fringes. They were both stunning and Bia looked at herself again in the mirror thinking, suddenly, that she would like her dress to be more daring.
- You are ready, right? Faye, leave us - Christine said.
- Chris! Why do you need to be so rude to the poor maid? - Bia scolded, when Faye left.
- Bryanna, this is a servant of the northern court. I assure you that she is not as sensitive as you think.
- Well, you should know that I like her so much that I already consider her a friend! - Bia said.
- You should be more aware of flatterers. Having them around only makes us more mediocre.
- Are you saying I'm not a beautiful woman?
- You are beautiful, Bia, but I only see a beautiful girl.
- Christine - Serena warned.
- Shall I remind you, once again, that I'm older than Mani? Why do I never see you two reaffirming how young she is? - Bia asked, irritated. She was so tired of being treated like a child!
- Nobody is talking about Mani, just this beautiful girl in front of us. Is she willing to tell us where she was last night? - Chris asked.
- Well, I was right here in my room - Bia answered.
- Well, I must correct myself, now I see only a silly girl.
- We came here looking for you, Bia - Serena said, calmly, while pouring herself a cup of tea. - Chris, don't be so mad. What girl has never hidden the details of a night?
- Myself, many times, and you too, certainly! But we are not innocent like Bryanna! We don't get carried away by pretty faces with hollow minds!
- Christine! How can you talk like that about your own family? – Bia accused.
- Well, so you admit that you were with Liam, after all.
Bia blushed so violently that there was no need to admit anything else. But she added, determined:
- Nothing happened! Liam is a perfect gentleman!
- Well, I would prefer you said that something had happened and got satisfied with it. He's a philanderer, Bryanna, a flirt! How many times will we need to repeat it? He would be perfect to warm my bed for a night and that's it!
- Your bed? What do you mean, Christine? – Bia asked.
- I mean that he is frivolous! He is not a man for you!
- Not a man for me, but a perfect man for you? How convenient! – shouted Bia.
- It would be convenient if I had any interest in him, but I don't. However, I am sure that your perfect gentleman would not refuse my invitation.
- Oh, of course! Always you! Always you, Serena or Mani! Never could a man prefer Bryanna...
- Don't be ridiculous! That's not what I'm talking about! Liam would not refuse me, nor any lady or servant in this fortress! He is a flirt, Bryanna! He is far from being a perfect gentleman. Tell me: how far are you determined to go before you get disappointed? Sure, you're his new focus, but how long do you think this will last? You need to stop encouraging this madness!
- Chris, that's enough - Serena said, getting up. - Bryanna, Christine and I are just worried about you. We don't want you to get frustrated. Please try to limit your expectations. He looks like a fun young man to me, he may be a good friend.
- Thank you, but I'm perfectly capable of deciding what he might be - Bia said.
- Well, any fool can make a decision. Make yours. Whether it's a good choice, only time will tell - Christine said, ending the discussion.
A short time later, the three went downstairs to the Mavi Hall, which was more crowded than usual. In addition to its residents, other gentlemen and ladies seemed to have discovered the place, and many servants hurried past, serving wine, whiskey, and fine delicacies. Just to the left of the stairs, near the porch, was Joshua Blake, apparently alone, slumped in an armchair with the tightest face they had ever seen. He looked really annoyed and thoughtful, but as they approached, he grinned.
- Such beautiful ladies! - Joshua exclaimed, stepping around the girls and turning away from the hall. – Are you excited for your first ball in Shailaja?
- Absolutely, Mr. Blake! - Christine said. - However, I thought the ball would be in the main hall! What are all these people doing here?
- Ah, this, ladies, is a small inconvenience we are forced to put up with for living in Rariff's very quarters. It happens whenever he doesn't choose a date, which is almost always. Lots of ladies show up here hours before the event and hang around the room. Gentlemen come for the available ladies. It's a vicious cycle, actually.
- What is the purpose of this conduct, sir? - Serena asked.
- Well, it's a trap, of course. I'll demonstrate it when the time is right - Joshua announced mysteriously, giving her a quick wink.
Minutes later, Rariff came down with Liam. Always flirtatious, Liam complimented the three on their beauty. He is so elegant, Bryanna thought. His honey-colored hair was pulled back in a low ponytail and he wore a thin outfit that further elongated his slender figure. Rariff, on the other hand, frowning, wished everyone a "good afternoon" in a serious tone and glanced quickly around the room. Then he sighed heavily and, turning to the little group, said: - The last rays will leave us shortly. Miss Yahia, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the ball?
Surprised by the gesture, Bryanna felt the excitement rise in her belly. She would enter the dance with Kaal Noa Rariff! Of course, she preferred to be with Liam, and she had hated the sight of Christine at his side, but Liam was not available, and, despite his serious manner, it was a great honor to accompany the kaal. So, the three couples made their way to the Great Hall and were followed by everyone else in the Mavi. Rariff and Bryanna led the way, with Liam and Christine close behind. Serena walked beside Joshua who, when they passed the last hallway before the main hall, announced: - See, Miss Hyanchinte, how you fell into my trap. I stood beside you in the Mavi Hall and walked with you here. Now that we're entering the ball, it would be only polite to give me your hand. What do you think?
Serena laughed and placed her hand, gently, on Joshua's forearm, as the etiquette dictated.
- Is this what the other ladies had in mind? – Serena asked.
- Yes, but Rariff is smart, he prefers to choose for himself than fall into the trap.
- How about you? Did you not fear this scheme?
- Well, actually, I was hoping to use it myself - Joshua revealed.
At that moment, they walked through the large double doors that led to the main hall. It was surrounded by colorful flowers and fine golden ivy. Shailaja's dark and sad atmosphere was gone. The hall was filled with the most beautiful colors. Thousands of silver and gold ivy fell from the ceiling, reflecting the glow of Amandeep's last rays coming through the windows. Serena felt like she was in an enchanted garden. The scent of the flowers was soft and fresh, contrasting with the sweet scent of the lamps. On each table, there was an arrangement prettier than the other beside a silver lamp. When these were turned on, the light escaped through their recesses, projecting different shapes on the towels. The musicians were already playing, and the servants carried trays filled with cold drinks.
Next to Yezekael, Rariff announced the beginning of the End of Summer Ball and, with a gesture, invited Bryanna into the center of the room, opening up the dance floor. Serena followed Blake and, out of the corner of her eye, watched Bryanna in ecstasy. Finally, she was the center of attention, as she had always dreamed. Not far away, Liam danced with Christine, but he also devoted some of his attention to Rariff's dance partner. At first glance, they were three newcomers who were very well received. How many times had she dreamed of those balls? How many times had she wondered what her life would be like if she had been sent to Shailaja and not to the Island? That life could have been hers. Serena knew that was how Bryanna felt too. She was finally getting the treatment she deserved. Maybe she could think that way too, but as soon as she made the first twirl, as the dance called for, she saw herself, standing across the room, her misty blue eyes staring back at her. No, she would never be accepted there. Her own family wouldn't allow it.
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Ps: I am a Brazilian author and a dear friend is helping me translate this book. Please feel free to point out any mistakes. Hope you like it!
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