Chapter 7
**Bad language warning**
(Michelle POV)
When I looked at the clock, I saw it read 5:48 pm. I decided to get some fresh air, as sitting in my art room wasn't doing me much good. I decided to take a walk to the local park, cuz green scenery is one of my favorite inspirations. I had grabbed my iPod and put my earbuds in, playing one of my favorite playlists as I walked along, humming to the music. Two guys catcalled me on my walk to the park, but I just ignored them. I had dealt with enough catcallers to know to just ignore them. Both of them ended up yelling insults at me and fuming when I ignored them, and I just flipped my hair and continued on my way.
As I reached the park, my watch read 6:16 pm. I walked towards a large oak tree and sat down underneath it, taking a deep breath to calm myself. As I did, a girl in the park caught my eye. I was shocked as I realized it was none other than Peyton herself. For a second I contemplated going over to her, but I stopped when I remembered that she probably hated me. Instead, I continued to sit and jot down notes in the notebook I had brought. It was a few minutes before I heard footsteps, and I looked up to see Peyton standing over me, her hands on her hips.
"I didn't know rich, popular girls went to parks." Peyton stated, her eyes filled with a bitter curiosity.
"I am a human, and I have interests." I replied, not moving. "And rich, popular girls can like nature, and parks."
Peyton pursed her lips. "I saw what happened in the cafeteria. Why did you reject Parker?"
"Because he's an asshole." I replied, not missing a beat. "He's kissed over half the girls in the school, yet he claims to be in love with me and only me. I call bullshit."
Peyton raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by my response. "Wow. I never would've thought you of all people would hate the famous Parker Reynolds."
"Pfft. He's just an asshole in ripped jeans. Parading around thinking he can have any girl he wants and never commit to just one. He's a player, and I'm not his pawn." I explained, closing my notebook.
Peyton didn't reply, but instead just walked away. Confused, I reopened my notebook, wondering why she had even walked over to me in the first place.
An hour or so passed when I finally packed up my notebook and walked home. My phone buzzed with a text, and I groaned when I saw it was from my mother.
As soon as I arrived home, the stench of my mother's perfume engulfed me. There, at the other side of the foyer, stood my mother. Five feet, eight inches of pure sass and class.
"Michelle!" My mother cried, huffing in indignation. "Where have you been? I finally come home after finishing a case and you're out at a.. a... a park!" My mother howled, as if a park was a wretched place.
"Mother, a park is a nice place. It's calm and peaceful and relaxing." I told my mother. "It is a perfectly fine place to go and get ideas."
"Yes, but you walked there! Why do you think your father and I bought you a car?"
"To show off our status and wealth?" I wanted to say, but I bit my lip instead. "I wanted to get some exercise. I can't stay thin off just a diet, mother."
Mother huffed, but sighed in agreement. "I guess you are correct. Just tell me next time, okay?"
"I didn't even know you were coming home, Mother." I informed her. Mother just sighed.
"I guess you're right. Anyways, I have the weekend off for once, so I decided, why not spend some time with my wonderful daughter! Tomorrow is Friday right?" I nodded, and my mother smiled. "Great! Go pack, I want to go on a small weekend trip with you."
"To where Mother?" I asked incredulously.
Mother smiled. "To Florida, of course! I got us first class tickets for a flight that leaves at 5 pm tomorrow."
"Couldn't you have told me this yesterday? You know how long it takes me to pack!" I cried, which was true. My mother always insisted I bring plenty of stuff on even small weekend trips, which to her meant 10 shirts, 5 pants, 5 skirts, 5 dresses, 10 pairs of shoes, 5 swimsuits, etc.
"I'm sorry Michelle, I didn't know I was getting the weekend off until this morning. I booked our flight and everything two hours ago."
I groaned and ran up to my room, discarding my notebook in my art room. I grabbed as many clean clothes as I could and stuffed them into one suitcase, then grabbed whatever else I needed and stuffed it into another. It took me about twenty minutes to pack, and I finally finished. I knew that my mom would probably lay out more outfits for me to pack in the morning, so I just went to bed, letting sleep carry me away.
Figured it was time for Peyton and Michelle to actually talk to each other somewhat properly. This chapter was under 1,000 words but it's a quarter to 11 and I got a parade to go to tomorrow, so I'm too exhausted to continue writing. So, enjoy this chapter
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