The Summer From Hell
In the summer of 1995, Lee and Lilah get told that they are going to be in a safe place due to the circumstances of how the last school year ended. Lilah's parents were sad that she wasn't going to be around but Liam insisted on it and on matters of the wizardry world, Andrea and Thomas trust him. They are spending their summer in 12 Grimmauld Place, which is serving as the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, a secret organization that Lee's dad is a part of.
When they enter with Liam, who isn't staying with them but will come for the meetings, they see Sirius Black. Lee puts Lilah behind him protectively and they both look on in confusion when Liam hugs Sirius.
"It's alright you two. Sirius was framed. I wouldn't let you two stay here if I didn't believe that." Liam says, smiling reassuringly at the two cousins. Lilah steps out from behind Lee.
"I'm Lilah Jordan, Liam's niece." Lilah says, giving a hesitant smile, "And Mr. Protective over there, is Lee, my cousin and Uncle Liam's son." Lee waves hesitantly.
"Nice to meet you, Jordans." Sirius says, kindly.
A couple days after the Jordan cousins arrive, the Weasley family arrives and Lee is happy that his two best friends will be there and Lilah wishes Neville or Seamus or Dean could be here. The cousins are walking down the stairs when they both hear a shout.
"LEE!" It is the twins. Lilah winces when the portrait of Walburga Black starts screeching. All the Weasleys cover their ears with confused looks and Lilah glares at the twins before storming towards the portrait. The Weasleys and Lee follow her covering their ears.
"MUDBLOOD IN MY HOUSE!" Walburga shouts when she sees Lilah, "AND SHE IS ABNORMAL! NO DARK SKINNED PERSON SHALL LIVE IN MY HOUSE! AND A HALF-BLOOD AND BLOOD-TRAITORS!" Lee removes his hands and helps Lilah get the curtains down and when they can't without her shouting insults at them, Lilah gets frustrated.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BLASTED DEVIL OF A WOMAN!" Lilah shouts and with a mighty yank, the cousins pull down the curtain. The Weasleys all stare at Lilah in shock and Lilah turns and leaves the room. Lilah flops onto a couch in one of the living rooms and a cloud of dust comes up and Lilah starts to cough. The twins and Lee come in and sit down on the other couch and also cause a cloud of dust to go up and they start to cough too.
"How dirty is this goddamn fucking house?" Lilah says, waving a hand in front of her face.
"Lilah!" Lee scolds her finally.
"Oh fuck off, Lee." Lilah scowls at Lee. The twins' eyes go wide.
"Lilah Andrea Jordan!" Lilah and Lee seem to be having a staring contest and Lilah storms out and up to the room she is sharing with Ginny Weasley and Hermione (when she gets there). She opens the door with such force that she startles Ginny who is unpacking her stuff and drops a book in her hands on her foot.
"Ouch!" Ginny exclaims.
"Sorry, Ginny. Didn't mean to startle you." Lilah says, flopping face-down on her bed before letting out a muffled frustrated scream. Ginny watches the girl in concern. Lilah sits up and glares at the doorway in time for Lee to appear.
"Hey Ginny, can I talk to my cousin in private please?" Lee asks and Ginny puts her hairbrush down and leaves the cousins.
"What?" Lilah snaps.
"You have been in a foul mood. Why?" Lee says, leaning against the wall by the door.
"We are stuck in a dirty and creepy house. You have your friends here and you get to see your dad. I haven't spoken to my friends since the last day of school and I haven't seen my parents since the first day of summer. My parents didn't even argue with Uncle Liam when he said it was best for me to stay here for the summer! They never spend any time with me. Last summer, I called Aunt Sophie "Mum" because she feels more like a mum to me than my own. I write more letters to Uncle Liam and Aunt Sophie than to my own parents because I don't want to have to wait a month to get a reply." Is what Lilah wanted to say but instead she just told her cousin that she is tired and hasn't been sleeping much due to the creepy house.
"Yeah the house is creepy. Maybe you should try for a nap?" Lilah nods her head and Lee presses a quick kiss to the top of her head before leaving and Lilah grabs her book. Ginny comes back and watches the older witch carefully as she puts her stuff away.
"Yes, Ginny?" Lilah says, putting her book down and watching her.
"Oh, nothing. Just wondering if you're okay." She asks, sitting on her bed.
"I'm fine," Lilah says, looking at the wall behind Ginny, "just don't like this house." They hear Mrs. Weasley whisper-yell up the stairs that dinner is ready.
"Can you tell your mum that I'm just not hungry?" Lilah says and although Ginny looks really concerned, she nods her head and leaves the room. Lilah stares up at the ceiling and eventually falls asleep.
The weeks of being at the House from Hell, as Lilah calls it to herself, go by slowly. Lee tries to cheer her up but she is constantly in the foul mood that seems never ending. Liam sees the change in his niece and tries to cheer her up but nothing is seeming to make her feel better.
One night, Lilah is wandering the halls, bored out of her mind when she hears footsteps that startle her. To her right is a lamp so she picks it up and creeps around the corner where the footsteps are coming from and swings the lamp. The person cries out and falls backwards. Lilah steps out around the corner and sees Sirius on the ground.
"Sorry, Sirius," Lilah says, putting the lamp down and offering her hand to help the man up, which he accepts, "I thought you were a creep or a robber."
"It's okay," Sirius reassures her as he rubs his face, "why are you up anyways? It's like 2 in the morning."
"Why are you?" Lilah counters.
"I asked first?" Sirius says it more like a question than an answer.
"Your house is creepy and makes it hard to sleep." Lilah points out and Sirius agrees with her and tells her to at least try to sleep. Lilah agrees and heads back to her room, dropping the lamp off on her way.
I am so sorry for the such a long wait between chapters, I had this mostly written but I finally finished it so yay! Enjoy!
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