Lilah's school days basically go the same, get up, eat breakfast, go to class, eat lunch, go to class again, eat dinner, do homework in the common room with the boys. One day, not long before Halloween, Lilah wakes up at 4 in the morning and feels really ill. In the past, when she felt ill, she would go to her dad and get him to help but since she is at Hogwarts, she decides to go for the next best option. Which is why Lee gets shaken awake by his little cousin at a little past four in the morning.
"Lil? What are you doing here?" Lee says, rubbing his eyes and yawning, "it's like four in the morning."
Instead of responding with words, Lilah throws up on the floor next to Lee's bed. Lee's eyes go wide and he lurches forward to make sure no vomit gets in her hair. The sound of vomiting wakes George up, whose bed is next to Lee's.
"Wass going on?" George asks, sleepily. "IS THAT VOMIT?" He particularly shouts, which wakes up Fred and Kenneth Towler, who shares the room with the three boys.
"Who vomited?" Fred asks, sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
"Why is there a first year and a girl in here?" Kenneth asks, spotting Lilah, who is now leaning into Lee. Before anyone can answer any of the questions asked by the boys, Lilah throws up again.
"Ewwwwww!" Kenneth exclaims.
"Shut up, Kenneth." The twins and Lee say in perfect unison. Lilah finally stops throwing up and leans into her cousin. George and Lee help her off the floor and Fred and George help Lee get Lilah on Lee's back so he can get her to the hospital wing. As Lee walks out the dorm, Lilah turns her hand and sees Fred and George cleaning up the vomit on the floor. That is the last thing Lilah remembers before waking up in the hospital wing. Lilah turns her head and sees Lee sitting in a chair beside her bed.
"Lee-Lee?" Lilah asks groggily as she sits up and groans, clutching her head.
"Lilah! Oh thank Merlin!" Lee gives Lilah a really tight hug. Lilah rests her head on his shoulder. Mme. Pomfrey, the school's matron, comes out of her office and towards the cousins.
"Ah, you are awake, Ms. Jordan." Mme. Pomfrey says, stopping on the opposite side of the bed that Lee is sitting on.
"Lilah, this is Mme. Pomfrey, the school's matron." Lee says and Lilah gives a small wave with a tight smile.
"What happened to me?" Lilah says, looking at the matron.
"You have a severe case of the flu, my dear. You will have to stay here until it is gone. Now, let's see if you can keep down some food." Lilah could not keep down any food but she could keep down water so for the next couple days, Lilah drinks lots of water. When classes aren't in session, Lilah has visits from Lee, Fred, George, Seamus, Neville, and Dean. Her first year friends bring her homework and share their notes with her so she doesn't fall behind. On Halloween, Lilah can keep down most food but Mme. Pomfrey wants her to stay another day or two to make sure that the flu is gone. During the feast, Lilah decides that she doesn't want to stay in the hospital wing for another minute so she goes for a walk through the halls and hears thudding footsteps. She rounds the corner and her eyes go wide when she sees a mountain troll lumbering its way towards her.
Lilah turns and sprints down the corridor and spots the girl's bathroom and speeds up to put some distance between her and the troll. She pushes the door open and bursts into the bathroom, startling Hermione, who was coming out of a stall, wiping tears from her eyes.
"Lilah? I thought you were in the hospital wing." Hermione asks, watching Lilah bend over at the waist, breathing heavily, "also why are you breathing so heavily?"
"I was- I was running." Lilah manages to get out.
"From what?" The troll bursts into the bathroom.
"From that!" Both girls scream and run from the troll. Harry and Ron run in and try to help the girls battle the troll. Harry gets grabbed and Ron knocks out the troll with its own club. The four first years look at each other in shock of what occurred. Then Prof. McGonagall, Prof. Qurriell, and Prof. Snape come in, looking at the four in shock.
"What in the name of heavens happened here?" Prof. McGonagall exclaims. Harry and Ron both open their mouths to say something when Hermione speaks up.
"It's my fault, Professor. I went looking for the troll because I thought I could fight it. Harry and Ron tried to stop me." Hermione lies to McGonagall. Harry and Ron look at each other with raised eyebrows. McGonagall takes points away from Hermione and gives Harry and Ron points.
"And you, Ms. Jordan? Shouldn't you be in the hospital wing?" Prof. Snape drawls out. He still doesn't like her since she insulted him.
"I can technically keep food down, Professor, so I just wanted to take a walk and kinda ran into the troll." Lilah tells the truth.
"Back to the hospital wing, Ms. Jordan." Prof. McGonagall says, pointing towards the door.
"In the spirit of Halloween, can I please just go to my common room? If I start to feel ill again, I swear I will go to the hospital wing." McGonagall looks conflicted.
"We will make sure she goes." Hermione promises and Lilah smiles gratefully at her dorm mate. Ron and Harry both nod their heads in agreement. McGonagall sighs but allows Lilah to go back to the common room. The four walk up to the common room together.
"Thanks for rescuing us, boys." Lilah says, a few floors up. Hermione nods her head in agreement. Both boys smile at them.
"Did you tell McGonagall the truth? You just wanted to go for a walk?" Ron asks the Jordan girl curiously.
"Yeah. The hospital wing is boring and I was stuck there for almost a week. I do feel better now."
"I'm glad you feel better, Lilah." Harry says, politely. The four reach the common room and enter it, to see all of the house there along with food.
"Why is there food in the common room?" Lilah asks. The other three shrug their shoulders and all of them make plates for themselves and Lilah leaves the three of them to find her friends. All three of them look shocked to see her coming towards them.
"Hey boys." Lilah sits beside Neville at their usual study table.
"You were released from the hospital wing?" Seamus asks.
"If by released you mean I left and am not returning, then yeah I was totally released." Dean and Seamus chuckle while Neville looks nervous.
"Y-you should h-have stayed there." Neville says, looking concerned for his friend.
"Don't worry Nev. I'm fine. I can keep food down and if I start to feel ill, I will go back. Or else Lee may drag me back."
"I am going to drag you back now, Lilah." Lee says, appearing behind Neville, who jumps.
"I'm fine, Lee-Lee. I just can't stand the hospital wing right now. I spent almost a week there." Lee sighs and gives her a hug before heading back to his friends. For the rest of the night, Lee sits with his friends but keeps an eye on Lilah as she sits with her friends, laughing and talking with them.
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