Ash and Pikachu were watching through Pallet Town. They both lied down on a hillside, thinking about all the adventures they had, the Pokémon they met, and friends they made along the way.
Ash: Sure is peaceful today. Don't you think, Pikachu?
Pikachu: It sure is, Ash.
Ash and Pikachu looked up into the sky. They smiled about all the great times they had. Suddenly, Ash had an idea.
Ash: Hey, Pikachu. I think I just got a great idea.
Pikachu: What is it?
Ash: I saw this show called, "The Ridonculous Race" and a thought hit me. What if all my Pokémon raced around the world? Besides, they could use some fun after the countless battles they've had in the past.
Pikachu: A race around the world, huh? Sounds like fun.
(Ash and Pikachu stood up)
Ash: Come on, let's head for Professor Oak's Research Lab and tell them.
Pikachu: Okay. And maybe our friends could join us.
Ash: Good idea.
Later, there was a note at Professor Oak's Lab. Professor Oak looks at the note, seeing that it was from Ash.
Professor Oak: It's a note from Ash. It says he wants me to bring this to his Pokémon.
Outside the lab, all of Ash's Pokémon joined together. Professor Oak gave them the note Ash sent them. They all looked at it, wondering why Ash sent it to them.
Bulbasaur: Hello, my Pokémon.
Charizard: If you're getting this note, you're probably wondering what's going on.
Squirtle: We know you guys had a lot of battles and adventures with us.
Kingler: You've all been very helpful and loyal beside us.
Primeape: Cut to the chase, you're probably wondering what's up.
Muk: We have something fun for all of you.
Snorlax: We were wondering...
Heracross: If you will all be interested...
Bayleef: In a race...
Quilava: Around the world.
Totodile: How much fun will that be?
Noctowl: So, you're probably wondering what to do.
Donphan: Well, here's a little info.
Swellow: The race will start in Toronto.
Sceptile: We'll be waiting at this historic train station.
Corphish: Here's a photo of it.
(There was a picture on the note)
Torkoal: We need a total of eighteen teams.
Glalie: We're already working on twenty-six countries for the race to take place in.
Staraptor: The teams are a group of two people each.
Torterra: No rush or anything. You guys can do it tomorrow.
Infernape: We're already telling our friends about what's going on.
Buizel: We'll also have a train and a plane prepared for when you're all ready.
Gliscor: In case you're wondering what happens at the end of the race...
Gible: The last team remaining will win a grand prize.
Unfezant: The grand prize is...
Oshawott: One.
Pignite: Million.
Snivy: Dollars.
Scraggy: Again, the grand prize is...
Leavany: One million dollars.
Palpitoad: How cool is that?
Boldore: We're sure you're all excited.
Krookodile: Anyway, we hope you'll all enjoy the race.
Talonflame: Oh, by the way, we have translators set for all of you.
Greninja: You know, so you guys can speak the same language as humans.
Hawlucha: See you all in Toronto.
Noivern: From Pikachu and your trainer, Ash Ketchum.
All the Pokémon looked at each other. They were all amazed about what Ash and Pikachu set for them. A race around the world for one million dollars.
The next day, all of Ash's Pokémon left Pallet Town and arrived at a boat and an airplane. There were signs that say they were their lifts to where Ash and Pikachu were. Some of the flying-type Pokémon flew off while the other Pokémon took the boat and plane. They were really excited to begin the race around the world.
Meanwhile, back in Pallet Town, Ms. Ketchum and Professor Oak called Ash and told them that the Pokémon are on their way.
Ash: Thanks, Mom and Professor Oak. See you both soon.
Ash and Pikachu arrived at the train station.
Ash: You ready, Pikachu?
Pikachu: Ash, I was born ready.
Ash's thirty Tauros were the camera crew. They were ready to start filming. Ash and Pikachu were ready to begin the race around the world.
Ash: Hi, we're coming at you live from Pallet Town.
Pikachu: Somewhere in the Kanto Region.
Ash: I'm Ash Ketchum.
Pikachu: And I'm Pikachu.
Both: And this is... "The Ashtounding Race".
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