Chapter 28: Adventures in Mt.Moon
Lianna arrived at the Pokémon Center to heal up. "Nurse Joy, I noticed Eevee is limping... Is something okay with her?" Lianna asked. The Nurse Joy Mermaid took a look. "She looks okay, I think she just slept on it, so she will be limping until she starts walking again." She explained. "Oh. Can you heal my other pals up?" Lianna asked. "Yes, give them to me and I'll take care of them." Nurse Joy replied. Lianna handed them to her. Nurse Joy took the Pokémon to be healed. Lianna posted her selfie. The photo was sent, and Lianna smiled.
Kevin, Carol and Goo liked the photo. "So d-do you think I can win?" Carol asked. "Yes I know you can, you're amazing Carol." Kevin told her. "You can win the gym, then you have all the badges." Goo said. "Go for it!" Oliver called out. "Yeah!" Lianna replied. "O-okay... I'll give it a try." Carol replied. Lianna smiled. "Who are you talking to Carol?" Goo asked. "I have no idea, this person just dropped in, I must take care of this." Carol said, removing Lianna from the chat. Lianna frowned. Charles posted a picture of his new badge, which appeared onto her Pokénav. Lianna liked it. Filia liked the photo too. "Hey Filia, you still training for the next gym battle?" Trent asked. "Yes I am." Filia said. "I'll chat later!" Lianna called out. "Okay." Filia said. "I am going to Celadon City." Lianna explained. "Your Pokémon are now healthy and are fighting fit." The Nurse Joy explained, handing back her Pokémon. Eevee jumped down and then climbed onto Lianna's head.
"Thank you Nurse Joy!" Lianna explained. "Anytime." She replied. "Farewell!" Lianna said, preparing to head off with her new team of Charmeleon, Mankey, Horsea, Diglett, Alolan Vulpix and Eevee. "Bye bye." Nurse Joy said. "Where is Mt.Moon?" Lianna asked. "Mt.Moon is on the other side of Cerulean City, but you'll need for to get back there, or go through Diglett's Cave and go through Pewter City." Nurse Joy explained. "Okay. Let's go to Diglett's Cave!" Lianna called out. "Eevee." Eevee said. Lianna headed to Diglett's Cave, with Eevee happily riding on Lianna's head. Lianna arrived at the entrance. "Vee?" Eevee asked. Lianna sends out Charmeleon. "Use your tail and light the way through this cave!" Lianna said, Charmeleon obeyed. Lianna smiled and searched for any unique Pokémon to catch. Nothing but Diglett all around.
"Strange... Not a single Zubat... Or Geodude... Or even an Onix!" Lianna explained. "Eve." Eevee said, seeing something. Charmeleon ran to the exit. "Wait up!" Lianna called out. They both made it out of the cave, and Lianna followed pursuit. Outside there was a kid sitting on a stump nearby. "Oh! Hello there?" Lianna asked. "Oh hi, who are you?" The kid asked. "I'm Lianna the Bunny." Lianna said. "Hello. Hey Lianna, can you help me with something? Do you have a Clefairy? If you do, would you like to trade it for my Mr.Mime?" The kid asked. "Unfortunately no... Besides, I would prefer to have a Mime Jr. so I can have a perfect Pokédex." Lianna replied. "Oh. Okay then, nevermind." The kid replied. "Sorry..." Lianna said. "Ah don't worry about it. I'll get a Clefairy one day." He said. "Okay.." Lianna replied.
"So where are you heading to?" The kid asked. "Mt.Moon." Lianna replied. "Oh, going for rare Pokémon?" He asked. "Yep." Lianna replied. "Cool, you'll find some strong Pokémon there." He replied. "Okay!" Lianna said. "Good luck." He replied. "Okay!" Lianna said again. The kid then took off into the air, revealing he was a harpy. "Woah!" Lianna called out. The kid was gone then. "Eevee Vee?" Eevee asked. "That was a Harpy..." Lianna explained. "Eevee." Eevee said, watching the kid fly away. "Ready to head to Mt.Moon?" Lianna asked Eevee. "Vee!" Eevee said and smiled. "Okay!" Lianna said, taking her to Mt.Moon.
They soon arrived outside of Mt.Moon. Eevee was excited to go inside. "Hopefully we can find Pokémon like Igglybuff, Cleffa, Zubat..." Lianna said. "Vee Eevee." Eevee said happily. "Let's go Eevee!" Lianna called out. "Eevee!" Eevee yelled in excitement. Lianna took her into the cave. The cave was full of Pokémon. "Wow." Lianna said. "Vee." Eevee looked around. "Let's see what we can encounter." Lianna said.
"Vee!" Eevee said, spotting something and running to it. "Wait Eevee!" Lianna called out. Eevee found a Moon Stone and picked it up with her mouth. "Thank goodness you didn't evolve." Lianna said. "Hmm?" Eevee asked, dropping the Moon Stone. Lianna picked up the stone. "Eevee." Eevee said. Sounds could be heard not far from Lianna. Eevee heard the noises and prepared for battle. "What could that be?" Lianna asked. A wild Wynaut appeared. "A Wynaut!" Lianna called out, scanning Eevee. Eevee knew Quick Attack, Bite, Iron Tail and Hyper Beam. "Iron Tail." Lianna commanded. Eevee used it, but then Wynaut used Counter and forced Eevee back with twice the damage. "Hyper Beam!" Lianna commanded. Eevee wasn't sure about using Hyper Beam on Wynaut and used Bite instead. Wynaut took damage. "Oh... use Bite again!" Lianna ordered. Eevee used it again, Wynaut was close to fainting. Lianna used a Dusk Ball and caught the Wynaut.
"Yes!" Lianna called out. "Vee!" Eevee called out. Lianna sent it out and scanned it. Wynaut was Male and he knew Counter, Encore, Mirror Coat and Splash. Lianna hugged him, and he felt happy. Lianna smiled, then a sound could be heard. "Huh? Hello?" Lianna asked. A wild Clefairy appeared. "A Clefairy, but it isn't a Cleffa..." Lianna said. "Vee?" Eevee asked. Clefairy stood there. "Shoo! Shoo please!" Lianna said.
"Do you have a Clefairy? If you do, I'll trade one for Mr.Mime." The Harpy from before said.
End of Flashback.
Someone threw a Quick Ball and caught the Clefairy. "Huh?" Lianna asked. It was the same Harpy from before. "Yes! I caught one!" He called out. "Oh. You again." Lianna said. "Oh hi! You're the one who wanted a Mime Jr." He said. "Yeah." Lianna replied. "Did you find one?" He asked. "No, but I have a Wynaut." She said. "Nice." He said. Lianna held him up, but he was asleep. "Cool, but it's asleep." He said. "Oh." Lianna said, returning him. He went back into his ball. "Eevee found me a Moon Stone." Lianna said happily. "A Moon Stone? So now you can evolve a Clefairy." The Kid said. "Yeah, or my Nidorina into a Nidoqueen." Lianna said. "That's true." He said. Lianna smiled and the kid smiled back. "What other Pokémon can we find?" Lianna asked. "I'm not sure what other Pokémon there are." The kid replied. Lianna looked around. "I'll see you around then." The kid said, taking off. "Wait! I never got your name or registered you!" Lianna cried out. He was gone. "Eevee." Eevee said, looking at Lianna. "Vee." She said.
"He left... oh well. Come on, Eevee." Lianna said. "Eevee." Eevee said, following her. Lianna was searching the cave for new Pokemon, then a sound could be heard. Lianna approached the sound and a wild Onix appeared. "Wow! Eevee, you ready?" Lianna asked. "Eevee!" She called out, jumping into action. "Iron Tail!" Lianna called out. Eevee used it and hit Onix. Onix used Tackle. "Dodge it!" Lianna cried out, Eevee jumped up high. "Now strike with Iron Tail!" Lianna commanded. Eevee did so and damaged Onix, but then Onix used Dragon Breath and damaged Eevee. Lianna used a Heavy Ball and caught Onix. "Yes!" Lianna called out. "Eevee!" Eevee called out, running around in joy. Lianna tried to send it out to scan it, but it didn't work. "Oh. Right." Lianna said. "Vee?" Eevee asked. "Full party..." Lianna said. "Eevee." She said with a smile. "There should be more Pokémon in this cave..." Lianna said. Eevee dashed off in excitement. "Wait Eevee!" Lianna cried out.
Eevee then spotted something, a Pokémon crying. "A crying Pokémon?" Lianna asked. It was a Teddiursa. "Aww... a Teddiursa!" Lianna called out in awe. It happened to be using Fake Tears. "Wait... Fake Tears?!" Lianna asked in shock. The Teddiursa laughed. "You devious little Pokémon!" Lianna called out. "Ursa? Teddi?" Teddiursa asked. "You are mischievous." Lianna said. Teddiursa smiled. "I cannot stay mad at you." Lianna said. "Teddiursa, where are you?" A voice called out. "Hey! I found this Teddiursa!" Lianna called out. "Oh! Up here!" The voice called out. "Over here!" Lianna said, looking up. The Harpy from before was sitting on a rock.
"Hello, is this your Teddiursa?" Lianna asked. "Yes it is. Please don't catch or battle it." The Harpy said. "Good thing I didn't." Lianna said. "Or he would have beaten your Eevee for good, he's that strong." He said. "He did use Fake Tears." Lianna explained. "That's right." The harpy replied. Lianna handed over the Teddiursa to the Harpy. "Thank you." He said. "You're welcome." Lianna replied. "Why are you here? If you don't mind me asking." He asked. "Training and filling the Pokédex." Lianna explained. "Oh right, but filling the Pokédex is impossible." The Harpy said. "Anything is possible." Lianna replied. "Yeah, but the Pokédex..." He said. "I believe." Lianna said. "Still..." He said, Lianna just shrugged in response. "Well, whatever goes on in your head, I guess some things are possible." He said. "Yeah." Lianna said. "Okay then." He said then thought for a moment. "I'm sorry, but I must go." He said, taking off. "Goodbye once again!" Lianna called out. "We only met once." The harpy replied. "Oh. But can I register you?" Lianna asked, but it was too late.
Lianna frowned, then Eevee started to freak out. "EEVEE! EEVEE!" She cried out, a wild Paras appeared. "A Paras!" Lianna cried out. "Paras." The Paras hissed. "Go Charmeleon!" Lianna called out, sending him out. Charmeleon came out. "Ember!" Lianna called out. Charmeleon used it and hit Paras. Paras then used Stun Spore and paralyzed Charmeleon. Lianna then used a Paralyze Heal. "Dragon Rage!" She called out. Charmeleon felt better after being healed, then used Dragon Rage but it missed. Paras used Scratch, and Charmeleon took damage. Charmeleon used it again, but it missed. Eevee then tried to tell Lianna to stop and catch the Paras. "Okay!" Lianna called out, using a Dusk Ball. Paras was caught. "Yes!" Lianna called out. "Eve!" Eevee called out, jumping for joy. "We seem to be catching a lot of pals..." Lianna said. "Eevee." Eevee said with a smile.
Lianna searched for more but it was no quiet. "Hmm..." Lianna said out loud. Eevee looked around but then slowed down. "Veeee..." She groaned. "Eevee?" Lianna asked. Eevee's stomach was growling. "Hungry, aren't you?" Lianna asked. Eevee nodded, looking pretty sad. Lianna then handed Eevee a plate of Poképuffs, which Eevee immediately began to scarf down. "Hungry." Lianna said. Eevee ate them all then smiled at Lianna. "Happy now?" She asked her. Eevee jumped for joy in response. Lianna smiled a cute smile at her. Eevee smiled back, then she made a weird face and sniffled. "Oh gosh... she's gonna sneeze!" Lianna called out. Eevee then sneezed and then shook her head. Lianna couldn't help but laugh. "Vee?" Eevee asked.
Lianna started to pet under her chin. Eevee lifted her head and purred. Lianna groomed her fur, which made Eevee happy. Lianna fixed her hair that Slakoth messed up from earlier. Lianna looked up at her. Lianna then finished, and Eevee smiled. Lianna smiled back and Eevee wagged her tail. "Happy Eevee." Lianna said with a smile "Eevee! Eevee!" Eevee called out, jumping and running around in joy. "Want to find another Pokémon?" Lianna asked. Eevee did a backflip in response. "Okay!" Lianna called out, searching the cave some more. Eevee followed after her. Lianna shined a flashlight onto the ceiling of the cave. A flock of Zubat were hanging on the ceiling. "Zubat. There's a lot of them.." Lianna said.
"Eevee." Eevee replied. "Careful." Lianna warned. Eevee ran behind Lianna. Lianna placed her light down. "Vee?" She asked Lianna. "Just scared of a Zubat Attack." Lianna said. Suddenly, one of the Zubat charged at Lianna. Eevee quickly used Quick Attack. "Eevee!" Lianna cried out. Eevee saved Lianna from harm, then used Bite on the Zubat. "Iron Tail!" Lianna called out. Eevee did so and hit Zubat, causing it to fall to the ground. Lianna used a Dusk Ball and caught Zubat. "Yes!" Lianna called out. "Eevee!" Eevee called out, jumping for joy. Lianna smiled at Eevee, who smiled back in response. "Maybe we can find a Geodude, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Roggenrola, Woobat, Carbink or other cave Pokémon." Lianna said. "Vee." Eevee replied. Lianna searched some more until she came across a wild Geodude.
Lianna sent out Horsea. "Use Scald!" She commanded. Horsea used it and Geodude was down to 1 HP, but held on thanks to Sturdy. Lianna quickly used a Dusk Ball and caught it. "Yes!" Lianna called out. "Vee." Eevee said with a smile. "I think we should catch one more Pokémon here then head outside." Lianna said. "Eevee." Eevee agreed.
Lianna searched until she would come upon a group of Pokémon that she will have to defend.
To be continued...
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