Chapter 21
Olivia Beckhams
It's the first day back from spring break and Cameron and Kimberly are still here. Charlie has been more clingy than usual because of it and while it's adorable, it's starting to get a little old. We're in the parking lot of the school before the first bell with his arm wrapped and fingers interlaced around mine and we're resting on the hood of his car. He insisted on driving me to school today even though I have dance after school, but he's also going to drive me to dance like he has nothing else to do. I think it's because deep down he thinks I'll go to Cam like Kimberly did.
"You know I'll never cheat on you. Right? And I don't plan on leaving you anytime soon either." I tell him.
He gives me a cocky smirk before saying, "Someone's confident huh?" he pauses to sober up before saying, "Thankyou."
I give him a small kiss before saying, "Of course babe". We stand there for a few minutes when Charlie's glucose monitor goes off. He's reading low so he walks over to the driver's side and pulls out a container of breakfast.
"I was in a rush and had to pack my breakfast." he states. He opens the container which has some sort of apple crumble oatmeal inside it and he takes a bite. He puts another bite on his fork and holds it up to me. He looks into my eyes with a silent dare that he knows I can't resist. I relent and take the bite that he's holding out for me and I see him gain a satisfactory smirk out of the corner of my eye. I give him a smug look and pull out my phone to check the time. Seeing that we only have a few minutes left, I go to the back of the car and grab mine and Charlie's backpacks. Judging by the grumpy look on Charlie's face, I know my little bit of revenge worked. I give him a cheeky smile and start walking towards the school. He catches up with me in two seconds, taking both backpacks off my shoulders, hoisting them onto his and grabbing my hand. We stop by the nurses office before heading into the rest of the school, and he guides me to my class.
After school Charlie is driving me to dance, toying with the bracelet on my wrist when he says, "Would you ever leave me for Cam? Like do you find him attractive?" I turn to look at him and say, "Anyone could be attractive Charlie. That doesn't mean that I'm going to want to be with them. Because the decisions that Cameron's made, I would never want to be with him. He's done terrible things and directly to you which makes me sick to even think about. I would never get with Cameron or anyone like him. Plus, once a cheater always a cheater." I say the last part with a smile on my face. He grabs my hand and I see the relief coming off of him in waves. We get to my studio a few minutes early so he pulls into a parking spot and shifts to face me.
"Hi." he says
"Hi." I say with a smile
"You should come to my house after dance. Pleaseeee?" he says all but getting down on his knees and begging.
"Sure. But I need to take a shower before." I answer him
"What are you working on right now? For dance I mean."
"I'm working on 8 different dances right now" I answer
"EIGHT? That's crazy. How do you remember them all?"
"I don't sleep." I reply. Which is somewhat the truth.
"You don't sleep huh?" he asks with an amused look on his face.
"Nope. The only time I sleep is when I'm in class or bored. "I say before continuing, "I go to sleep at two and wake up at four."
"You're gonna get burnt out. You need to sleep." he says, all humor vanished from his expression. He caresses the skin between my thumb and pointer finger still looking at me expectantly.
"I'm ok. I promise. I just need to have my dances perfect for our concert."
"You don't need to lose sleep over it though. I know it's important to you but you're not going to be able to perform well if you don't prioritize. You need balance." He says.
I give him a smile before saying, "I'll be fine. I've always done a few more dances than everyone else in our company because I've been there for so long that they know I can handle it."
"They give you eight dances every time?" he asks
"Well, no. Usually they only give me five, but one of the girls from our company switched studios so we're short three dances. Hence why I have eight instead of five." I explain
"They can't split the dances evenly between everyone? It just doesn't seem very fair. Don't get me wrong, I know you can handle it but it's just a lot." he says, the worry emanating from his eyes.
"I gotta go. I'll see you after though, ok?"
"Ok love you. I'll pick you up after." he says
I freeze in my tracks and stare at him. It takes him a second to realize why I've stopped getting out and when he does, a little smile forms on his lips.
"Did you say that out of habit or truth?" I ask
His smile widens and he says, "Honestly, I'm just stating the truth. I didn't mean to say it right now, but it's not a lie. I do love you but I didn't want to freak you out by telling you until you were ready." I stare at him a second before giving him an awkward smile and bidding him goodbye again.
Ollie gets out of my car and I throw my head back, groaning in frustration. This was not how I planned on telling her but it just came out. I had planned to take her on a cute little date and slide it into our conversation casually. I pull out of my spot and drive to the basketball court that's a few blocks away. I don't know why I don't go home except that I've been feeling oddly protective of her since Cameron and Kim arrived here. I have to protect her from them at all costs because I don't want anything to happen to her. I know it's probably not a reasonable fear but I also never thought that my best friend would cheat with my girlfriend and still think we would be friends enough for him to come visit. I shoot some hoops to pass the time and take some tension out of my body. After a while, I stop and sit down on the court, corralling my ball between my hands and legs. I truly don't know how to go about them being back because I want to kick them out but I know I have to be civil still. Deciding not to look depressed anymore, I stand up and go back to my car. Since Ols practice goes through dinner time, I decide to go get food so she can have something to eat if she wants. By the time I have food, it's time for Ollie to be done so I drive over to her dance studio. When I pull up, she's waiting for me. I unlock the car and she slides in next to me. I grab her hand, silently trying to erase the awkwardness and she avoids my gaze.
But there's something else. It's not because of what I said. "What's wrong?" I ask her, she looks to me and I can see tears glistening in her eyes. She closes them for a second and says, "Can you help me with something when we get home?"
"Of course babe." I answer, unsure about what the heck just happened.
We get home and she drags me into her house and straight to the basement where she has a small dance studio setup.
"I need you to tell me what's wrong with these dances. I need to critique them and I need them to be perfect." she says and drags me to the couch on the side of the room and makes me sit before going to start the music.
She starts dancing and man, does she look beautiful while doing it. I can feel the energy radiating off her as she moves gracefully across the room. After the song ends, she looks at me expectantly.
"You were amazing. You don't need to fix anything." I tell her as I give her a quick peck on the lips. I might as well have hearts in my eyes for the amount of admiration in my voice.
She gives me the stink eye before saying, "C'mon be for real please" she says
"Seriously. It was perfect. There's nothing you need to fix." I tell her earnestly. She rolls her eyes with a smile before going onto the next dance.
We have two games this week and I'm less than thrilled that Cameron and Kim have decided to come to 'support' me. I don't know what they're trying to achieve by showing up and being all in our business but it's getting annoying. They're supposed to leave at the end of this week so fingers crossed that they don't extend their stay because I would probably actually kick them to the airport and onto a plane if they did. One of my games is today and the other game is Friday. Ollie's dancing at the one on Friday and the cheerleaders are cheering today. Sadly, my babe already has plans for today and won't be able to come to my game. I'm also kinda relieved because that means she won't have to deal with the exes which makes me feel a little bit better. I have about an hour to kill before I have to be at practice so I decide to grab some food from the cafeteria and chill with my friends for a little while.
We're two quarters into the game and I'm playing like crap. Cameron and Kimberly are totally throwing off my game and I'm so unfocused it's not even funny. We have 3 minutes left of the second quarter and I'm so ready to be done with this treacherous game. Although we aren't losing, thanks to all my teammates saving my poor attempts to actually play, the rest of the team is actually doing really well. Finally halftime arrives and I collapse on the bench, self defeat seeping from my pores. The halftime show starts but I don't pay any attention to it. I feel someone approach me from behind and I groan inwardly knowing who it might be. I feel two hands start to slide onto my shoulders so I stand up before Kimberly can put her arms around me even more. Without turning around, I say, "I'm not in the mood to have self control over my anger Kimberly. Please go away." I close my eyes and silently take myself away from her, visualizing that I'm anywhere but here on this court. I feel arms wrap around me from the front so I immediately open my eyes and start to escape the grasps of the wretched monster itself but when I open my eyes, I'm pretty sure I'm hallucinating because Ollie is standing in front of me.
"Good thing I'm not Kimberly then." she says with a smile. She goes back in and this time I actually hug her back.
"I thought you were busy!" I said happily
"It fell through so I thought I would come and watch. Plus I have to keep the vultures away from you." she says looking up at me from our hug. After that, my game progresses much better now that I know I have my girl in close proximity. The game ends in a victory on our side and the relief that washes over me is overwhelming. We all walk out to the parking lot, my arm slung over Ollie's shoulder and the exes forgotten about. Because it's still a school night, there's not much we can do to celebrate so I take Ollie and we go get Ice Cream. I order her one much to her displeasure and I get her to take a couple bites but it only adds to my happiness of the night.
When we get back home, Ollie gives me a kiss before saying goodnight and going off to practice her dances in her studio. I decide to go to bed at ten because I'm totally exhausted after that game.
I wake up to the sound of my alarm and quickly turn it off. As I get up from my bed I can feel last night's game in my bones. Stifling a groan I shuffle to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
A little while later I've gotten ready for school and I'm putting on my shoes when my phone vibrates. "Hey Ollie girl! How was your night? How was your morning?" I get silence in return and I smile. She gets annoyed when I get so sunshiny. "Hello Charlie. I'm going to ask only once. How do you have so much energy?" she says dryly
"I never run out. I will replenish your sunshine supply, that's why I'm such an energetic babe." I say happily. I hear her groan and chuckle to myself.
"Wanna ride my happy hedgehog?" I ask and I hear her chuckle softly.
"You're crazy but sure you can take me to school."
45 minutes later I'm in first hour and bored as the day I was born. When the bell finally rings I hurry over to my girl's class. We link arms and go to the gym for our next class.
We're at lunch and my girl is completely burnt out. I can feel the fatigue melting off her as she's slumped over the table. I nudge her gently with my shoulder and she looks at me sleepily. "Huh," she murmurs. Without words, I guide her head to my lap where she rests it immediately and falls back asleep. Poor girl. She told me this morning that she didn't go to bed till two and woke back up at three thirty. I finish my lunch and sadly wake her up to go to her next class. When the final bell rings I'm more than ready to get out of school and never come back. Me and Ollie get to the car and I unlock it so we can both get in. After getting home, I try to convince Ollie to come hang out at my house with no avail. She goes over to her house again to practice her dances but not before I warn her about burning herself out. I go inside my house to see my mom and dad on the couch cuddling and watching a movie together. They look up and smile at me when I enter and my mom asks me how school was. I answer her before excusing myself to go to my room and send some texts to our group thread about tomorrow's pregame practice.
It's finally Friday and I'm so ready for the weekend to start. This week has been one after the other avoiding the exes and I'm so ready for them to leave. They're supposed to leave on Saturday so hopefully they stick to it. We're sitting at the lunch table right now and once again Ollie is sleeping. She's slept all week during lunch which worries me because that means she's not eating and she's obviously not sleeping well. I feel so bad for her because she needs to be able to perform her best and she's definitely not in shape to do so.
The lunch bell rings a few minutes later and I sadly wake Ollie up and we go to our next class. Unfortunately math is our next class which will not motivate my girl to stay awake anymore than she already wants too.When we get to class the teacher informs the class that we're doing a work day so we get to work on homework, worksheets, or missing tests. Surprisingly Ols actually gets some of her homework done before turning it in and going on her phone.
By the end of the day, Ollie has surprised me by actually doing decent work when I thought she would just sleep. When we get back to our houses we both split with the promise of meeting back up in an hour and a half to go back to the school for the game.
When the time we're supposed to go back to the school arrives, I go outside to see my girl walking out with her bag slung over her shoulder. I meet her halfway and grab her bag off her shoulder and we walk over to my car. I open the door for her before throwing her bag into the back and walking over to the driver's side. I get in and look over at Ollie to just admire her. She's got comfy clothes on but I know she has her dance outfit underneath. Her hair is in two pigtails and the two pigtails are bubble braided. She has on noticeable sparkles and pretty makeup. Not that it's really necessary, but I know she needs it for the dance so people can actually see her facial features. We get to the school in five minutes and we both go into our separate changing rooms to prepare for our separate tasks.
We're in the second quarter and everything's going amazing. Our team is up by 12 points and it doesn't look like the other team is going to be getting their points up anytime soon. The halftime buzzer sounds and we all walk to the side benches as the dancers walk in. My eyes zone in on my babe as soon as she enters the gym and I'm instantly mesmerized. She looks so pretty in her outfit with her makeup but I'm just a little bothered that she looks a little too similar to everyone else in the group. She's not meant to look like everyone else because she's not everyone else. She's meant to shine, not blend in and I hate that that's what dance does for her. They get into position and a few seconds later, the music starts. My girl is doing really well but I'm going to have to make her rest and eat after this because I can see the exhaustion in her features. I'm just hoping she won't injure herself because of it. They're halfway through their performance when they start doing lifts and cool tricks. Ollie is one of the girls going up and of course she's doing one of the most complex tricks. They throw her into the air and she does a backflip into a weirdly cool twisty thing. And that's when it happens. She falls. Onto the gym floor. I could see exactly where she went wrong. She wasn't able to twist back all the way so she wasn't where she was for the base dancers to catch her. My first instinct is to run to her. So that's what I do. I sprint over to her as fast as I can and what I see makes me pale. "Olivia!" I yell at her unconscious body, willing her eyes to open. I bend down and scoop her into my arms not caring about the consequences at the moment. Then I sprint to the nurses office that's connected to the fitness building. I lay her down on the bed before picking her back up and running out. The nurses office isn't good enough for her. I race to my car and reach in my pocket thankfully producing my keys. I gently place her in my passenger seat and race around to start driving.
About halfway there I see her stir out of the corner of my eye. She opens her eyes looking completely out of it before she suddenly tenses and starts crying and whimpering from the pain she must be in. I reach my hand to her to try and comfort her and she grabs it immediately and holds onto it so hard I'm scared she might break it. "Everything hurts Charlie." she says softly through her cries.
"I know love. We're almost to the hospital. They will help you." I tell her gently
I know she's in a lot of pain by just looking at her. I'm pretty sure her leg bone is about two seconds from actually ripping through her skin and I can tell her shoulder is at least dislocated. My heart already hurts for her.
Finally after what feels like one of the longest drives, we arrive at the ER hospital entrance. I pull up and call into the building for help before going to Ollie's side. I open the door and lean down to her face.
"Olivia, we're at the hospital. I'm going to pick you up now, ok?" I don't wait for a reply before picking her up as gently as I can. She groans in pain and I bring her into the hospital where they have a gurney waiting for her. As soon as I put her down they rush off deeper into the hospital.
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