Chapter 13
Olivia Beckham
After school, Charlie drives me home and I go to my bed immediately. I get 3 more hours of sleep before having to wake up again and get ready to dance. When I dance, we have to put on a lot of makeup. But I'm so used to it, it doesn't bother me and I'm a pro and putting it on. After getting on my makeup, I start on my hair. Today my hair is supposed to be in two Dutch braids down my scalp and then into 2 messy buns on the bottom. We all plan our hair so we're all matching while we dance and we always make sure to do something different. It's just more fun and sometimes our outfits need certain hair styles that will look the best with our outfits. As I get to work on my hair, I get a group facetime. It's Rachel and Makenna, my two besties. I answer the call and they both start talking at once. The thing about our group is they have enough energy for a million me's so they could carry on a conversation for hours. They both have kinda the same energy as Charlie. Always happy-go-lucky people and have the amount of energy in one day that I have in a month. I zone out of their conversation focusing on my hair when suddenly they call my name, snapping me out of my concentration. I look at them and say, "yeah" while continuing my braids. "Do you have something to add to our conversation? You're being kinda quiet over there. Are you nervous about your dance tonight?" Rachel asks.
"No, I'm not nervous. I'm just tired. I went on a date with Charlie last night and it ended up going until 4am because there was an accident blocking the highway. I'm only functioning on not even 5 hours of sleep which isn't awesome especially when I'm supposed to go and dance my best at half time."
I've told them all about Charlie except our recent developments (AKA yesterday.)
Of course this news of a date makes them freak out. I may or may not have told them that I was going out.
Ok I totally forgot.
They immediately start screaming a mix of, "WE NEED DETAILS" and "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US." which leads to them squeezing the story out of me about what we did and the details of our date. After I finish my hair, I grab my dance duffel bag out of my closet and start putting the things that I need in it all while still telling the girls about my date with Charlie. I finish packing up my duffel bag and leave it on my bed while I grab a black zip up sweatshirt and put it on. Right now I'm wearing another pair of fleece leggings with a white long sleeve shirt and a red oversized tee with an Old Navy logo and an American flag on top of that. And of course I'm wearing my favorite UGGS mini boots. I look at the time and see that it's already 6:40.
I interrupt my friends' conversation and tell them I have to go. They both tell me good luck and I end the call and walk downstairs. I walk over to where my mom is sitting on the couch with her laptop in her lap and tell her that I'm leaving. She says, "Ok have fun." and then I'm off.
I arrive at the school by 6:47 and park my car next to Charlie's and walk inside. I go check in with one of my dance teachers, Mrs. Strata and she directs me to where our dressing room is. I walk into our dressing room to see only a few girls are here so far. I find a spot in the room and start taking stuff out of my duffel. Everyone starts to slowly trickle in and by the time everyone is in the dressing room, we're all in conversation with each other. A few minutes later, both coaches walk in with Mr. Strada carrying the clothes rack full of our costumes for tonight. Mr. Strada parks the rack on the side of the room and claps his hands to get our attention. We all form a semi circle around him and he starts to talk. "Tonight is the first basketball game of the semester. Even though we've already danced to numerous games last semester, tonight we are doing totally different choreography and we need to make sure we can work together as a team. Because our routine is jazz, you all need to be on your A game tonight. You all know that jazz is complicated and we don't need any of you getting hurt the first dance of the semester back."
I rub my still injured wrist a bit. Oops already did that coach. Not like I'm going to tell him though. He probably wouldn't let me dance if I did. Plus I've practiced the routine all week and it was just fine. We'll be OK. He tells us to all gather closer for our prayer. We always say a prayer before we go out and dance. It's just tradition. Even the people who aren't religious still do it without a word because we all know how important it is.
After we finish our prayer, our coaches leave and we all make sure our makeup and hair is in place. We don't put our costumes on until pretty much 5 minutes before we perform because we don't want to risk ruining it or staining it. There's only like 2 minutes before the game starts, so we all start to walk out to the court. The first thing you notice before even entering the gym is the noise level. Basketball games here are like football games in other states; these are the games that everybody comes to. We don't even dance for football because there is really no point to cheer on a few skinny scrawny wannabe NFL players. If they were really serious about it, they would switch schools to one that actually cares about football. We enter the gym and just as I thought, the risers are packed with people on both sides. Because we're the dance team, we get reserved seats behind the players bench. The only reason they give us this privilege is because they don't want to be running around looking for all their dancers two minutes before they're supposed to go on.
We all sit down on the bench and wait for the players to come out of the introduction tunnel. I start to look around to see if I can see Rach and Makenna with no luck. Suddenly music starts blaring and I know what that means. The gym starts to fill up with fog and the players start to run out. First it's our team because we're at home. They all run out waving and smiling. I'm able to locate Charlie and I smile at him. You can tell that he loves this. Basketball is his thing and you can see it in his eyes and his whole demeanor.
The other team runs out after them and both teams shake each other's hands before all standing and facing the American flag. The announcer hands the microphone off to a singer and we all stand while she sings the anthem. Then both team captains stand apart from each other while the referee throws the ball up. The other captain catches the ball after a brief struggle and the players that aren't in the first quarter come and sit on the benches. Charlie comes and sits down right in front of me and turns around to face me a second later.
"Hi" he says with a big smile on his face.
"Hi Charlie. Are you ready to play?" He gives me an enthusiastic nod and somehow his smile gets even bigger. Which makes me smile in return.
"I'm playing in the second quarter. Can I sit by you?" He says eagerly
"Sure. C'mere teddy bear" I answer and he jumps up off his bench to where there's an empty space beside me. He then scoots as close as he can get to me so that there's no space between us. He then starts to rub his hands up and down his shorts. This is weird. He never usually acts like this. Well the no personal bubble is always a thing but he usually doesn't fidget like he's doing right now. I put my hands on his to stop them from running and he looks at me in question.
"What's going on? Are you nervous?" I ask. He shakes his head briefly before sighing and dropping his eyes.
"Yes, but not about what you think" He answers.
Umm what? He's been acting really weird today. Lots of random questions about random things and now he won't tell me why he's nervous? I get that we're not official yet, but I still thought we had that type of connection where we could tell each other stuff.
I glance down and clear my throat, "Umm ok. What is it about then?" I ask cautiously
"I'm gonna you but it's kinda private and I don't want others to hear it. I'll tell you after the game though." He says and it only half eases my anxiety over this weird situation.
He looks back down at my hands resting on my lap and then looks at me in silent question and I nod. He then takes my hands in his lap and starts twisting the bracelets on my wrist. This has been a thing he likes to do. Whenever we're sitting or not doing anything he likes to play with my bracelets. I was supposed to take them off because we're not supposed to dance with jewelry on but I kept it on for this situation. I might have been hoping that I would get to see him before I go on to dance. I think it also eases some of his anxiety playing with them. We sat like this for a little while.
The buzzer finally rings for the end of the first quarter. Sadly that means that I have to leave Charlie to go get ready. I reluctantly take my hands out of his grasp to which he frowns at.
"I have to go get ready for our dance." I explain. He sighs and says, "Fine." and stands up as my dance team and I stand too. He watches me leave like a sad little puppy and then goes and sits on his bench. I know he's not really as sad as he's trying to appear, but it still succeeds at getting a laugh out of me.
We walk back to our dressing room and everyone starts to stretch one more time before we put our costumes on. Our costumes consist of a pink leotard/bodysuit that has sleeves and shorts attached with 2 thin layers of pink tulle as a skirt with gems and sparkles all over it but mostly on the right side making flower patterns and stopping mid thigh, there's the top of the sleeves that also have tulle and sparkles on them along with the bralette that's attached to the sleeves to make the body suit. The bralette has similar designs as the skirt with a pink bra but instead of tulle there's fabric and glitter and gems made into the pattern of flowers. I can't wait to dance in them and I know they will look incredible while we do so.
Once everyone has their costumes on, we go back outside to the gym to see that there's 23 seconds left of the quarter. I look around and see that Charlie is actually in the game. The ball isn't currently in his position, but he looks ready for it. The other team is dribbling it down the court trying to make it to our basket when Charlie and one of his teammates spring to action. They start to block the other player and mess him up which they successfully do after a few seconds of struggling. Charlie has the ball with which he yeets it across the court miraculously making it in the basket just as the buzzer sounds. Our side of the gym cheers while the other side groans and boos. The teams both run off the court but not before Charlie looks at me and blows me a kiss. The gym goes wild after that and the players leave the gym with me shaking my head and a small smile playing on my lips.
The cheerleaders come out first and do a routine to get the crowd fired up for us. After they're finished with their routine, the announcer announces our dance company and featuring all of our names before we all run out on stage. Out of the corner of my eye, I see our whole basketball team coming back into the gym. Which is really weird because they've never actually watched halftime before. I have a feeling Charlie has something to do with that.
Shaking my head softly, I will my head to get into the correct mindset. I take my position in the front of the group on the side next to another girl, and we smile and wait for the music to start, all thoughts about the basketball players forgotten.
The music starts and we start to dance in sync with the music. I know we're perfect by the amount of times we've practiced this. And every time you get the same feeling from it. Peace. Happiness. Optimism. Your body is one with the music. No matter the style, your body is attune to it.
As I dance and hit every move I can feel my happiness. I can feel it soak in my every pore and as it radiates off of me. Our group splits in half as half of the group goes off and half stays on. Me and the girl beside me Gwen, stay for both parts. Then after their part is over, the other half comes on with us.
We continue to dance and even though we're dancing hard, my wrist is still not upset with me. We all come together again for the very last part of the song and the hardest part of the dance: The lift. We all get into formation as they get ready to lift me in the air. As I'm hoisted up, I remember just what to do. The people still holding my hands change their grip and the people holding my legs adjust their grip so they can easily let go. As I lift myself up into a handstand, I remember why I love dancing so much. It's the moments like these when you're in the middle of it all and you're doing everything right and everything is perfect in the world. I then slowly move my legs down so that I'm doing the side splits in the air and my back is curled around me. Then I bend my legs so that they form 90 degree angles and then the hardest part, I hold. I hold until the music stops. Once the music stops I go back into my regular handstand and slowly bring my legs back down for them to catch and they do before setting me down on the ground again. We all give each other hugs and are excitedly laughing when one of the girls nudges me and points behind me where the risers are.
What I see makes my breath catch in my throat. I turn around and instead of seeing just people sitting in the risers, I see the basketball team all standing in a straight line. They all have sly grins on their faces that tell me something's up. Then one by one they all turn around slowly.
They have signs taped to their backs:
Is what they all type out on the pages when they all split to the side and Charlie comes down the middle with a bouquet of flowers, ZINNIAS oh my goodness this person.
When he gets to me, he turns the flowers around where there's a paper taped to the wrapping:
He has a small smile on his face and I can tell he's nervous. Meanwhile I'm absolutely bursting with happiness.
"Well?" he asks shyly
I give him a giant smile and squeal out, "Yes! Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" and I jump on him to give him a hug. He then spins me around and I can hear him laughing in the crook of my neck. He sets me down and hands me the bouquet of flowers. I inhale their sweet scent and tell him thank you and give him another hug. He holds me tight for a second before letting me go and grabbing my hand instead. I look around and realize that the basketball players and the rest of the company are already off to the side. He guides us off the court and over to the sidelines where all the girls throw themselves on me in congratulations. After they're done hugging me, they all go back to the dressing room to change their clothes. I look around for my besties and spot them coming down the stairs on the risers, THANKFULLY on the right side this time. They both come down and throw themselves onto me and start talking excitedly. I feel Charlie's hand leave mine but at the moment I'm just enjoying the feel of my bestie's hugs and excitement. After they release me they start chattering excitedly about how amazing my dancing was and how cute Charlie's proposal was. I feel Charlie come up next to me and slightly behind me and think about how I could get used to this. The announcer starts to announce that there is 5 minutes left of the halftime and my besties take this opportunity to go see if they can find any cute boys to be THEIR boyfriend.
I turn to Charlie once they're gone and stand on my tippy toes to give him another hug. This time it's more soft and sweet and not like the other ones I've given him tonight. This one's a thank you. I take my time letting him go and when I finally do, he has a sweet little smile on his face.
"I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend since the moment I saw you but I knew I would scare you away if I asked. But I thought this was a reasonable enough amount of time for us to get to know each other and you wouldn't be so freaked out. I'm glad you said yes." He says that sweet small smile still playing on his face.
"I'm glad I said yes too." I answer him. His smile is so contagious that I'm smiling now too.
The buzzer sounds signaling the end of halftime and with reluctance, Charlie starts to back away a bit.
"I'll talk to you after the game, OK?" He asks
"I'll see you soon" I answer him and I walk away with a smile still stuck on my face.
They won. They absolutely demolished the team they were playing. Rightfully so though because the team they played was lousy. I would have been surprised if they lost.
I'm in our practice room packing up the rest of my stuff as quickly as I can so I can go see Charlie. My BOYFRIEND. What.
I finish packing up my duffel bag and start walking out and into the chaos of everyone trying to leave and see the dancers, the basketball players and the cheerleaders all at once.
Charlie texted me while I was packing up to wait for him, so I go to where their room is and wait. I text Charlie that I'm waiting and he texts back a second later telling me he's almost done. I look up and see Rachel and Makenna walking towards me with huge grins on their faces. They both hug me and start talking excitedly about what went on during the game. I smile at their happiness and they both give me another hug before rushing off again. They are going on an overnight camping trip with their school's dance company so I'm lucky they were even able to come.
I'm watching them leave when I feel someone come up on the side of me.
"Hi Ollie." He says already guiding us out of the school and into the parking lot. We arrive at our cars and he unlocks his car and throws his duffel bag into the back. I copy him except in my car and with my duffel bag. He turns toward me again and I look at him. He has a small smile on his face.
"You played good." I tell him
"You danced Magnificently little dancer." he replies, stepping closer to me. He pulls me into a slow dance pose with his hands on my hips.
"Seriously you did amazing little Hedgehog." He says giving me a kiss on the forehead.
He suddenly pulls away and grabs my hand before saying, "C'mon let's get out of here" and bringing me to the driver's side of my car and opening the door for me. I slide in and open the window when he closes the door. He leans down so that he's leaning against the open window and says, "I'll meet you at home. Ok?"
"Yup. See you there." I answer him.
He walks over to his car and gets in as well and starts it up and zooms off. I follow after him and we both pull out onto the road.
He pulls into his driveway and I pull into mine. By the time I've parked in the garage and turned my car off, he's already waiting for me in my driveway.
I get out and walk over to him where he grabs my hand and pulls me along saying, "I want to show you something."
We walk into his house where he says hi to his parents and we stay and talk for a second before he pulls me away again. We walk up the stairs and then we walk up another pair of stairs to a small room where there's a small couch and a TV and it looks to be a lounging space. But we don't stop here. He opens the window on the side and he shows me the roof below the window before crawling out. Bewildered, I say, "Why are you on the roof Charlie?"
"It's ok. It's safe." He answers, reaching out his hand to help me out of the house and onto the roof. He then guides me to the side and shows me where there's a flat spot on the roof. My parents would flip if they saw me out here. When we get to the flat spot I see blankets folded up on the roof that he unfolds and lays down. He then sits and pats beside him telling me to sit too. I reluctantly sit next to him, only half scared for my life.
"The sunsets and sunrises are beautiful up here. That's what I mainly use this spot for is watching the sunsets and rises. But I was too excited to show you I couldn't wait long enough for that." He says with a smile on his face.
I look over at him to see the most carefree relaxed smile on his face and I can tell he's completely and utterly happy. It's leaking from every pore in his body and in every breath takes. I only hope that I don't ruin that happiness.
Charlie leans back on the blanket and pulls my hand for me to do the same. I lay down next to him and nudge his shoulder with mine.
"You really did do awesome tonight. You actually live up to your words." I say
He sits up on one elbow and says, "Did you not believe me? Did you think I was bad? I don't lie sweetheart. But I am wounded that you didn't believe me." he says trying to hold a straight face.
How did I get this lucky to have such a person in my life?
Definitely not by myself, that's for sure.
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