Chapter Ten - Abandoned
Seokjin sometimes felt like Yoongi was his little brother who needed to be scolded. He told him at least a million times that he shouldn't be this rude. As they were arguing, Seokjin felt that Jungkook was a bit scared. This was the reason why he tried to stop the latter, but in the sudden silence Jungkook spoke up.
"I'm an incubus."
Yoongi and Seokjin stared at him in pure shock, but both of them did it for different reasons.
Seokjin's was that he didn't expect that Jungkook would tell this to someone who he had just met.
Yoongi's was that the information he heard caught him completely off guard.
"Is that true, hyung?" Seokjin heard Yoongi's voice in his head; he sensed the telepath's emotions more easily as his thoughts ran through his mind. But the emotion he read wasn't fear that he would've expected. No, it was something completely different, and Seokjin's first thought was if Yoongi was out of his mind.
"Yes, it's true, but why the hell are you so... excited?" Seokjin sent his thoughts to Yoongi.
Jungkook's cheeks became crimson red as he turned his head between the two. Seokjin noticed it, pulling him out from his thoughts. He turned his gaze from Yoongi to the younger.
"I'm sorry, but you surprised us." Seokjin said with an apologetic smile. Yoongi was still silent as he looked at the boy. Well, at least he didn't speak with his mouth.
"Woah, I've never met anyone like us before. You have to tell me everything."
Jungkook looked at Seokjin with a frown.
"Why are you surprised hyung? You already knew what I am." he said.
"Yes, but I've never imagined you would tell it to Yoongi so easily." Seokjin admitted.
"Fine, I'll tell you the details if you really wanna know them." Seokjin sent his thoughts to the mint-haired boy.
Jungkook had to admit that Seokjin had a point, he himself didn't know either why he told that information to the pale boy. At most he wouldn't believe it, who knows. Jungkook narrowed his eyes from Seokjin to Yoongi, he hoped that the other would finally say something. But it looked like the mint-haired boy was deep in his thoughts, so Jungkook spoke up.
"And why are you so surprised?"
Yoongi blinked a few times before he locked his eyes with his.
"I've never met anyone like you before." Yoongi didn't seem like he was afraid of him or disgusted by him. In fact, Jungkook saw interest, curiosity in his eyes; he didn't expect this reaction at all, it was completely different from how Seokjin had reacted, and he was more than happy about it.
"I've never met with a telepath either. Or anyone who's got powers to begin with." Jungkook glanced at the man beside him, who sent him a warm smile.
Yoongi sat down at the table and started eating his now cold breakfast. Jungkook pushed himself off of the kitchen counter and took a seat on the other side of the table.
He stared at the telepath in silence, watching him eating while his thoughts went on.
"Can he look into my mind anytime he wants?" Jungkook thought.
"Yes, if I concentrate just a bit more I could clearly hear any thoughts of yours." Yoongi replied after he swallowed the food he ate.
Jungkook looked away with red cheeks, he locked his bottom lip between his teeth.
"It's not fair..." Jungkook mumbled quietly. "I have to watch out of my thoughts while he's around me..."
"You better be!" Yoongi said with a smirk, chuckling.
"Yoongi, enough!" Seokjin scolded his house mate.
Yoongi's laugh faded quickly, he looked at his hyung who stared at him with a deadly gaze. Yoongi turned his head and locked his eyes with the maknae instead. The younger's face was crimson red and he stayed quiet.
"For God's sake, you dumbass, if you scare him I'll throw you out onto the streets!" Seokjin's thoughts echoed in Yoongi's head like he was shouting into his ear.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry..." Yoongi mumbled and finished his breakfast. "Easy, hyung, I won't read in his mind... that much."
Maybe Yoongi shouldn't have said that as Seokjin looked at him like he'd kill him at that moment.
"You should be careful while you're living here." Seokjin said dryly.
Yoongi wondered about the fact that all these years of friendship was for nothing as his hyung would just dump him like some kind of trash because of a stupid joke. Pfft, great.
"Okay, okay, I get it. Calm down, hyung, jeez." Yoongi sent his thought to the elder. "I'm sorry, I'll be a good boy, I promise." He said out loud, rolling his eyes in the process.
"You better be." Seokjin scoffed him. Yoongi stood up from the table and put his plate into the dishwasher. He tried to lock out Jungkook's thoughts, but it was hard, he tuned much easier to those minds who also had powers - at least he was more tuned to Seokjin's than to normal humans -, it took much less effort to hear his thoughts.
Yoongi sat back to the chair and looked at the maknae, who followed his movements, but he stayed quiet.
"Look, I'm really sorry that I scared you, I didn't mean to. I have a weird humor, I guess." Yoongi explained, the corner of his mouth rose up a little.
"I'm not mad at you. It's just embarrassing that you can look into my mind at any time if you want to." Jungkook said.
Seokjin sat down next to Jungkook and put his hand onto the younger's. They looked at each other, the elder tried to calm him down.
"It'll take some time, but trust me, you'll get used to it. Besides, he won't try to read in your mind all the time, right?" At the end of the question, Seokjin turned his head towards Yoongi, raising one of his eyebrows with a meaningful look.
"Fuck you, hyung." Yoongi said to him with his mind. The corner of Seokjin's lips twitched a bit.
"Already happened." Yoongi heard the reply.
"No, I won't." Yoongi mumbled under his nose. "Tsk, snooty..." Yoongi noted towards Seokjin.
"O-okay, thank you." Jungkook stuttered, smiling shyly.
As Yoongi thought the conversation was over, he stood up from the table and went into his room, closing the door behind him before he hopped onto his bed. Seokjin was a lucky man with this boy, he thought. Yoongi started wondering, what was Jungkook like in bed? He was curious, but he didn't dare to ferret in his hyung's memories. Seokjin had promised him he'd tell him the details, and Yoongi trusted him.
Seokjin lowered his head, a deep sigh left his lips when he heard Yoongi's door closing. It wasn't as bad as he'd expected it to be. He looked at Jungkook who stared at him with an uncomprehending look.
"Is everything okay?" He asked with a frown.
"Yeah, it's just... he's not an easy case. I had no idea how he's gonna react."
"Well, he is a weird one for sure. The fact that he could read in my mind anytime he wants... it creeps me out. How do you manage it?"
"It was very hard at the beginning, he couldn't control it back then. But he improved a lot, now he can control it much better."
"How long do you two live together?"
"For seven years."
Jungkook fell silent for a few moments, processing what he'd heard. Seokjin spread out his power automatically, but thankfully he didn't sense any negative emotions, just simple curiosity.
Jungkook was surprised by the answer, but he tried to not show it. He wondered about what he'd gotten to know so far. Yoongi was a telepath, and Seokjin could read emotions, he could even control them if he wanted to. They lived together for seven years. The elder stated that Yoongi was just his friend, and nothing sexual had ever happened between them. Seokjin also admitted that he meant more to him than a simple one night stand.
Seokjin didn't break the silence, he let the younger to be in his thoughts. He started biting his bottom lip, Seokjin's eyes caught it unintentionally. He swallowed hard, trying to suppress the blooming desire in himself. He didn't want to get into an embarrassing situation, what if Yoongi would choose the wrong moment to come out from his room? It would be so awkward if his housemate would see them kissing.
A muffled beep sound broke the silence. Jungkook looked at Seokjin, his eyes went wider a bit, but the elder shook his head.
"It's not my phone, the sound came from the bathroom."
Jungkook stood up from the table, making his way to the said room. Seokjin remembered that the younger's clothes were still there after their bath, his phone was probably in his jean's pocket or something.
When Jungkook took his phone out, he saw he got a text message from his mother.
"Dear Jungkook! Your father and I got to know that you spent your night in a four-star hotel. Looks like you don't need a rent to live in, so please, pack up your stuff and move out from the apartment before midnight. We will transfer the rent by the way. You can spend it on whatever you want.
Best regards: Mom and Dad"
Jungkook needed a few moments to process what he'd just read. How the hell did his parents know he was here? Did they have someone to look after him?
After the first wave of shock went through him, he realized the meaning of the text. He had to move out from his apartment. He felt completely destroyed by this fact while he made his way back to the living room.
When Jungkook came back a few minutes later with a lowered head, Seokjin sensed sadness coming from him. He immediately rushed towards the younger and put his index finger under his chin, lifting up his head so he could make eye contact.
"What happened?" Seokjin asked, worry bubbled up in his chest. The latter didn't answer him, he gave his phone into his hand instead before he walked to the couch and hopped down, a deep sigh leaving his lips.
Seokjin stared at the phone in his hand with a weird look, then he glanced at Jungkook.
"What's this?"
"Just read the text, it's still opened." Jungkook replied and tossed back his head with his eyes closed.
Seokjin looked back at the mobile screen and read the text. Then he read it again.
"Is this... is this serious now?" He couldn't believe the fact that his parents would dare to do this with their own child.
"As much as I know them, yes, it is, and I should be grateful as they decided that they're gonna still transfer the money at all." Seokjin noticed how sad his tone was.
Seokjin walked towards the couch and sat down next to him; his sadness attacked his mind ruthlessly. He reached his hand to the younger's shoulder, gently soothing it before he slid it to his neck, a quiet sigh left his lips.
"I'm so sorry, it's my fault. If I didn't bring you here, you'd still have a place to live..." Seokjin tried to hold back his tears, but damn was it so hard. Jungkook lifted his head up, looking at him with wide-opened eyes. When he noticed Seokjin's unfallen tears, his eyes went even wider and his mouth partly agape. He reached for Seokjin's other hand, gently holding it in his own.
"Oh, hyung, don't blame yourself! If not now, I'm sure that later on they would've found another reason to abandon me. Don't cry, please! It's not your fault!" Jungkook took one of his hands to Seokjin's cheek, caressing it with his fingers, the elder closed his eyes as he enjoyed the warm sensation.
Seokjin took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, but he felt Jungkook's sadness besides his own, and he couldn't do it. He opened his eyes and looked into his. It could be more helpful if he would feel another emotion which can suppress his sadness... This sudden idea made Seokjin lean towards Jungkook's lips.
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