When I woke up the next morning, the house was completely silent. The luggage mom had packed that was sitting in the corner of the dining room was gone. Last night, I tried to stay awake for her, but I couldn't. Even the note I left for her remained untouched.
I sigh as I sit in the kitchen and eat my cereal. The whole house felt strange, which was weird since it was the first time. Maybe because last time mom left I still had school going on. Now, things I need to do and my human interaction is basically non-existent.
As I sit there, I think of ways to get out of the house. It was still raining outside, but only a light drizzle so going for a walk was out of the question.
I decided to go see a movie. Considering that it was a Monday morning, most people wouldn't be out. I place my bowl in the sink before going upstairs to my room to grab some clothes, which was just a pair of black leggings and a loose white shirt.
The bathroom was right next to my room, and getting a shower didn't take long. When it was over I smelt like strawberries.
I looked at myself in the mirror as I tried to dry my hair off with my towel, but that didn't work out as well as I though it would. Normally, I kept it on the counter, but it wasn't there. I had taken it to my bedroom the other day since I was too last to stand to blow dry my hair so I did it on my chair in my room. Slowly, I put on my leggings, bra, and shirt before going into my room.
When I entered my room, I was hit by a sudden gust of cold air. My eyes immediately went to the now open window and I felt my blood begin to boil. I rushed over to the window and peered out and I saw Jasper with his back to my.
"Jasper Michael King, you tell me right this instance why my window is open or I swear to God I will kick your head off," I yell out the window. I could feel the cold water splash my face but I didn't phase me.
"Relax neighbor, I just needed to borrow something of yours to take to the lake," he said as he walked to the window with a calm smile on his face.
"What did you take?" I ask sternly. I didn't have time to play his games. The movie started in half an hour and I wasn't going to miss the previews.
"Look around. You can't miss it," he says with a wink.
I straighten up and begin to look around. My bed looked fine, and so did my bookshelf. I never kept money in my room so that was safe. I keep looking until I spotted it.
The drawer that holds all my underwear on my dresser was gone. It wasn't empty, it was gone. Jasper physically took it out and took it with him.
"You asshole," I yell out the window. "Give me back my stuff before I call the police."
"Yeah there's a problem with that," he says as he held up a bag to the window. "I already packed them up and they're ready to go."
"I'm gonna murder you," I say as I point to him.
"Woah woah woah," he says as he puts his hands up. "Let me tell you what, you can have your stuff back, but only if you come and get it yourself."
"Seriously?" I questioned. That's way too easy, there must be a catch.
"Seriously, but wait. All the doors are locked, so you'll have to climb through the window," he said with a smug look on his face.
"You know what?" I say as I push the window as high as it would go. "When I climb through this window, you'll be sorry."
"I'm shaking in my boots," he says as he steps back and holds his phone up. Of course he's recording this.
I sigh as I shove my upper body out the window. Water lashed at me, causing my whole body to shiver.
"Hurry up," I heard Jasper say impatiently. "I got to be on the road soon."
"I got to be on the road soon," I mocked in a stupid voice. I reached over the three foot gap and grabbed onto Jasper's windowsill.
Climbing through windows seemed easy when Jasper did it, but he was also taller and stronger then me. I had no upper body strength, and holding myself up was putting a lot of strain on my body.
Somehow, I manage to get my head inside Jaspers room, but I was still struggling to get my feet from my window to his. I didn't put shoes on since I thought I would be in and out, but the sill was slippery, and my whole body was shaking and that wasn't helping.
I feel my foot slip slightly, but I managed to catch myself. However, I looked down. I didn't mean to, but it just happened and now this whole thing felt so much scarier.
"Jasper," I said as I looked up at him with fear in my eyes, my voice shaking. He remained quiet as he kept his eyes on his phone.
I let out a sound that not even I could describe as lifted one leg of my sill, but the sudden movement caused both legs to fall completely. I let out a scream as I try to hoist myself up. Even Jasper saw and jumped into action since I was only holding on my the wet windowsill, but it was too late.
I was falling, and then I heard someone shout my name, and then there was a crunch.
Jasper's POV
When Hattie's slipped, I dropped my phone and rushed to help her. But I was too late, and she fell.
"Hattie!" I yelled as I looked out the window just in time to see her hit the ground. The sound was enough to make me sick.
She just laid there motionless. I couldn't even tell if her eyes were open. Quickly, I grab my phone run out of the room, down the stairs, and out of the house.
Rain pelted me as I rushed down the front stairs and in between the houses. When I got to Hattie, I held my breath.
I couldn't tell if she was crying or it was just rain on her face, but she looked like she was in pain.
"Hattie," I said softly and I knelt down and brushed the hair out of her face.
Her eyes snapped and they focused on me. She moved her mouth, as if trying to form words, but nothing came out. Instead she lifted her bloodied hand and tried to reach out.
"Help," she said barely above a whisper.
Something snapped inside me. I carefully wrapped my arms around Hattie lifted her up. She cried out in pain as she dug her nails in my arm. I couldn't feel it since I had a jacket on.
I laid Hattie on my front porch. She let out a small cry when I placed her down.
"Where are you hurt?" I asked, my voice shaking.
"M-my leg," she stuttered in pain. I glanced down and saw her leg was definitely broken.
"I'm going to call an ambulance," I tell her as I pull out my phone and dial 911.
"911 what's your emergency?" Asked a calm voice on the other end of the line.
"I need an ambulance at five one four Park Drive," I say desperately into the phone.
"Alright. An ambulance is on it's way and will be there in five minutes," the girl says and I hang up the phone.
"Hattie, helps coming, okay. I need you to say awake," I tell her as I squeeze her hand.
"Jasper," she whispers but it was barely audible.
"Yeah?" I say as I lean forward hear her better.
"You're a dick," she says softly.
I could feel tears in the corner of my eyes. This was never supposed to happen. She was supposed to make it through the window, and that was when I was going to tell her I hid her drawer underneath her bed. And now, I was scared since this was all my fault.
"Yeah, I know," I say, but she doesn't respond back. Her eyes were closed and she was pale. I reached out and touched her arm, but it was cold. Quickly, I take off my jacket and place it on her to try to warm her up. "Hattie?"
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