Chapter 7: Zak's Birthday
(The song is what Zak is going to start feeling by the end of this chapter. Without even realizing it. 🤣)
Zak's Pov:
In the morning, I woke up in a good mood. Can you blame me? It was my birthday. I never actually made any plans for today. I would just go throughout the day like it was any other day. The only thing I would do differently today, is that I wouldn't mess around with other people today, nor try to break anyone's heart. Not only am I doing others a favor, but this is also good for me because doing those things always brings trouble or drama or both. Of course I do have fun at times, but today, on my birthday, I wasn't planning to get myself in a fight.
When I went to the kitchen to make my breakfast and get my lunch, I saw a plate and a note on the dinner table. As I got closer, I saw that on the plate there were some chocolate chip pancakes. I smiled as I read the note, which said, "Happy Birthday Zak! I hope you have an amazing day today. Sorry I couldn't say it today in the morning, I had to go college early today, as always. But I'll properly celebrate your birthday with you later today when you get back from school. I made you your favorite breakfast, chocolate pancakes! Enjoy! See you later. Love, Your Sister <3"
I giggled and took a seat at the table and started eating my breakfast. Once I was finished, I grabbed my backpack and left the apartment. I then made my way to school. Once I got there, I immediately got stares from a lot of students. It was to be expected, even though I normally already get stares from students since I'm so popular, today I would get more considering the fact that it's my birthday. Almost the whole school knew it's my birthday, since last year we had a party at Clay's house to celebrate it.
The only thing sad about it is that nobody got me a gift, not even my friends got me one. Though I would expect it from other students to not get me a gift since many hate me, you would expect my friends to at least get me something. But I never let it really bother me because I never really asked anything for my birthday. For the past few years, nobody except my sister got me a birthday gift. Though it may be sad, I was fine with it. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
As I walked down the halls of the school, I got more stares from students, but I didn't let it bother me. Most of the time, students wouldn't say anything to me, but there were some who were really nice and quietly said happy birthday to me. When I got to English, Ms. Niki told me happy birthday as well. A couple of other people in the class said the same thing, since Ms. Niki already said it. A little bit after me, Darryl got to class as well, and he immediately told me happy birthday. I smiled at him and thanked him.
As the day went by, it was like any other normal day, other than the occasional person saying happy birthday to me, and the fact that I wasn't messing with anybody or doing any of ny player shenanigans. When it was lunch, I quickly went to the table where my group was at. As soon as they saw me approach, they each got up to give me a quick hug and congratulated me for my birthday. Except for George, he just stayed where he was sitting, but I did hear him quietly say a happy birthday to me. Once they all did so, we sat down and started to enjoy our lunch. Clay then asked me, "Hey man, do you want us to get everyone to sing you happy birthday?"
"Nah, I'm fine. I just want to go through school today like normal. I don't need anything special done for me today."
"So basically, you're just being chill for your birthday this year?" Vincent asked.
"Yeah, basically."
"Well, tell us either way if you want to do something today or want us to do something for you. We'll gladly do so since it's your birthday," Nick said.
I smiled, my usual smug smile and said, "Thanks, guys. But don't worry, I don't really want anything this year, so I'm just gonna chill."
As much as a small part of me wanted to tell the others that I had at least hoped for them to get me a gift for my birthday, I kept my mouth shut. As much as I hoped and wanted them to get me something for my birthday, since that's what you would at least expect from your friends on your birthday, I knew that they didn't get me anything or planned anything for me.
Last year, my birthday was celebrated at Clay's house for my birthday, I was actually the one who requested for a party. None of my friends said anything about planning a party for me. I was the one who had to say something in order for my birthday to be celebrated some way. It may sound sad, but that's just how it is.
After lunch, the rest of the day went as normal. I was now at Social Studies, sitting next to Darryl, my best friend. Before class started, Darryl touched my shoulder to get my attention. I turned to him and said, "What's up?"
"Can you come to my locker after school?"
I got curious and asked, "For what?"
"You'll see, don't worry, I think you'll like it."
I was silent for a moment before I said, "Sure, I'll go to your locker."
Darryl smiled with his usual bright smile. But this it seemed a bit brighter, as his eyes looked like they got brighter themselves, really bringing out their beautiful emerald green color. He looked really pretty. That reaction told me that he was excited. I couldn't help but also get excited from his excitement, so I smiled back at him. He towards the front of the class, and so did I, and then class started.
Once class ended, I followed Darryl to his locker. Once we got there he opened it and got his backpack. He then took something else out of his locker. He closed his locker then turned to me. I raised my eyebrow and said, "So, what did you want me here for?"
Darryl looked nervous as he said, "Well... I got you a little something for your birthday. It may not be the best, considering that it was last minute since you just told me yesterday that today was your birthday. But I still didn't want to be empty handed since it's your birthday. So here you go."
Darryl then showed me a small blue box that was in his hand. I was shocked that he took the time to get me something. Considering that he had a limited amount of time to get me something since he just found out yesterday. I genuinely didn't expect anyone at school to get me something for my birthday. I expected my sister to be the only person to get me something today. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but get a bit excited as I grabbed the box from Darryl's hand. (Start cueing the music.)
As I opened the box, I saw that inside held a small little yellow duck pin. The fact that Darryl got me a gift was great, but the actual gift that he gave me told me something more. I told Darryl once that I used to wear a ducky onesie when I was younger, and that I always wore it to sleep. The fact that this pin is a duck, tells me that Darryl was genuinely interested and was paying attention to my story. Which is rare because normally nobody would care about my stories. This told me how special Darryl was and what a good friend he was to have. He broke me out of my thoughts when he said, a bit nervous, "So... what do you think? Do you like it?"
I giggled then looked at him, giving him a soft smile. (Are you falling in love~ Zak?) He seemed a bit surprised at my reaction. I then said, "Like it? I love it. This is one of the most heartfelt gifts I have ever been given in my life."
"Yes, I truly mean it."
I then got closer to him and gave him a hug. He was startled a bit at the sudden action, but then quickly hugged back, melting into the hug. I nuzzled my face near his neck, which made him tense up, so I moved away from that area. I then pulled away from the hug and put my hands on his shoulders, looking down at the slightly smaller boy. I then said, "Thank you, Darryl. You just made my birthday 10 times better. This may be the best birthday I've had in a few years. I mean every word."
Darryl smiled at me and said, "Your welcome Zak."
I stepped away from him, starting to walk away as I waved goodbye. He did the same. I left the school with a huge smile on my face. Somehow, as I walked to school, all I could about is Darryl and how amazing he is. Once I got home and stepped inside my apartment, I saw my sister inside. She greeted me and congratulated me again. For the rest of the day we talked to each other and enjoyed the small cake that she bought for me. And I thanked her when she gave me her present. Once it got late and we had to go to sleep, we said goodnight to each other and went to bed.
Once I changed into my pajamas, lay in my bed. I couldn't help but look at the duck pin Darryl gave me. I was thinking about him and fawning over him. I did this for a while before I put the pin safely on my nightstand and drifted to sleep. I made a mental note to start wearing the pin every day with my favorite cyan hoodie. I went to sleep with my thoughts on nothing but Darryl.
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