Chapter 3: Befriend The New Kid
Zak's Pov:
After showing Darryl, the new kid to the cafeteria, I go to the table that usually me and my friends sit in. I greet the guys, and they say hi back. As I sit down next to Vincent, I look around the table to also see Alex, Wilbur, Clay, and George. George isn't necessarily part of the group, but he has started to sit with us ever since he has started to date Clay. I notice that Nick isn't sitting with us. I guess he decided to sit with Karl today. Clay looks at me and asks, "Hey Zak, did you find a new target?"
I look at him confused and say, "No, why do you ask?"
"Weeellllll... I saw you talk to the new kid at Physics, which makes me think that you want to mess with him."
"Wait, there's a new kid?" Wilbur said.
Of course he doesn't know there's a new kid, he's a senior while the rest of us are juniors. "Yeah, there is a new kid. His name is Darryl and he's a junior. He introduced himself at me and Zak's first class," Vincent said, answering Wilbur's question.
He continued saying, "And now that you mention it, didn't you keep looking at the new kid during first class, Zak?"
At this point everyone except George was looking straight at me, invested in the conversation, wondering if I have any plans with the new kid. George was just looking at his sandwich while eating it, not really interested in the conversation, and not wanting to be a part of it. But I could tell that he was listening from the annoyed look on his face since he is one of the many people at this school that don't like my shenanigans as a player. He has tried to convince Clay so many times to just sit alone with him at lunch, since he can't tolerate the rest of us. But Clay keeps refusing, saying that he wants to sit with his friends at lunch since he barely has any classes with us, and lunch is pretty much the only time that we all have to talk to each other all at once during school. It honestly makes me wonder how those two ended up together in the first place. I took out my lunch and said, "Well, yes, I was looking at the new kid, but that doesn't mean that I want to mess around with him."
"Then what is it?" Vincent asked.
"Well I just found him... interesting... so I was just wondering if I could be friends with him."
"Are you sure that's the case? Or is this some sort of plan to break his heart? Don't worry dude, you can tell us. Like always we'll back you up," Alex said.
I sighed. At this point it seems like I can't even breathe around someone without anyone suspecting that I want to break their heart. One time, last year, my sister gave me my lunch at school, since I forgot it at home, and so many rumors started spreading around the school that I was dating her. And my sister doesn't even go to my school. I only go out with people at my school. I guess this is how things are for a player, unfortunately. But I can't really blame the people at my school either, I've just gone out with way too many people. I then say, "Am I not allowed to look at someone or something? I promise, it's not like that, guys. I just want to be his friend. But now I'm starting to think that there's not much of a chance of that happening, considering that he's now friends with Eiza."
The guys look shocked, while George has some sort of relieved look on his face. Vincent speaks up to say, "Wait, really? He's now friends with Eiza? Damn, it's gonna for you to have any sort of relationship with Darryl with Eiza around him."
"I know right? Like, she literally hates you Zak," Alex said.
"I know that... that's why that hope of being Darryl's friend is slowly slipping away," I said, putting my head on my hand.
Clay look at me and says, "You know Zak... if you really want to be friends with this Darryl kid, then I would suggest befriending him as soon as possible. You have a better chance now than later at becoming his friend, before Eiza fills his head with negative things about you."
I look down at my food in thought. "I guess that's true..." I say.
"Well then, good luck to you, I guess," Clay says.
George then started talking to Clay, ending his conversation with us. We then continue eating our food while doing small talk. But during the whole time I kept wondering if I even had a chance to befriend Darryl. I guess I'll give it a shot the next time that I that I get the chance to talk to him.
Darryl's Pov:
After lunch, I went straight to my next class, proud to say that I made some more friends during lunch. Luckily, the class after lunch was advisory, which I also had with Eiza, so she led me to class. During that class I found out that Zak was also in that class, but I didn't talk to him. I didn't have any more classes with Eiza after Advisory, but I did have it with Ant, who was also at Advisory with us. So instead of Eiza, he led me to our class. After that class I had P.E, and Ant helped me find my way to the boy's locker room to change into my gym clothes. And during P.E I found out that Zak was in that class with me as well. What kind of luck would I have to have more classes with him than with Eiza? After P.E, I somehow found my way to my last class of the day.
As I stepped in front of the doorway to my last class, Social Studies, I made sure that the room number was the same as the one that my schedule said. After I made sure I was at the right classroom, I entered. Basically everyone was there in the class, since I was busy finding my way to class, but I thankfully wasn't late. I searched around the room to find a free seat where I could sit at. As I found the only available seat, I was surprised to see that it was right next to Zak, the player. I gulped the lump in my throat, remembering what Eiza warned me about Zak. I started nervously walking towards my seat. When I got there, I couldn't help but look at Zak, who was looking straight at me. I quickly looked away and sat down, taking out my supplies on my desk.
I tried to look busy before class could start. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Zak staring at me, but I paid him no mind. I then tensed up as he started talking. "Hey Darryl, do you mind if I talk to you for a minute?"
I slowly turned my head to look at him. He actually looked to be quite nervous, a contrast to his smug look that I have noticed that he always has. I then said, "Sure, I don't mind I guess..."
He smiled, his smug look coming back and said, "Well I was wondering... would you like to be friends?"
This shocked me. Friends with a player? This worried me. What if Eiza was right and Zak decided to try and mess around with me? But then again, if he's a player and he's interested in in dating me, then he would've tried to pull a move on me by now. He hasn't tried to flirt with me or hit on me or anything like that... at least- I don't think he has. All he's done so far is be nice with me and make small talk, and right now he is asking to be my friend. Should I really be friends with a player?
My silence seems to be making Zak nervous, as he is starting to look at the side while rubbing his neck. He then starts talking, saying, "I-I know that at this point, you should've heard something about me, considering your friends with Eiza..."
He mumbles the last bit. He continues by saying, " But I promise I'm not interested in dating you, I genuinely want to be your friend. You seem to be a nice kid."
I start thinking about it. He just said he isn't interested in dating me, which must mean that he isn't planning on playing with my heart, right? I guess... it wouldn't hurt to just be his friend, right? As long as I keep my guard up and watch myself around him, just like Eiza said, then I should be good, right? I answer Zak saying, "I... I guess it wouldn't hurt being your friend... sure, I'll be your friend Zak."
Upon hearing my answer, Zak's eyes seem to light up. He then says, "Great! I can't wait to see how we get along."
Then, the teacher tells the class that we are starting with the lesson. Before we turn to the front to start paying attention to the teacher, Zak gives me a smug smirk. I look to the front and start wondering if I made the right choice.
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