Chapter 22: Scars
It's the next day, Friday, and I woke to my wounds mostly healed, but the scars are clearly shown. So, I just covered up the scars with makeup. I tried my best to make sure that it looked like my natural face. As I went throughout the day, it went by as normal, and thankfully, nobody noticed anything off about my face. I hope everything goes smoothly today, and then I can get home and stay locked in my room for the weekend and wait for the scars to fully heal.
Right now, me and Zak are sitting at our own table in the cafeteria during lunch. We are just chatting with some occasional teasing and flirting, which always makes me blush. No matter how long we are together for, I will never get fully used to being treated so well. I think nobody has made me happier than Zak has. I look at Zak, who is munching on his food. Even when he isn't trying, he looks so handsome. I smile and give him a peck on the cheek before resting my head on his shoulder. He tenses up a bit, not expecting my sudden actions. He looks down at me and smiles softly. He then giggles and says, "What was that for?"
I giggle and say, "Just because."
He raises an eyebrow and asks, "Just because?"
"Because I love you so much. I am so thankful to you for making me so happy."
Even if one day we end up breaking up, which I hope doesn't happen, I will always be thankful to you for making me happy. Even if it was temporary. Zak giggles and gives me a peck on the forehead. Thank goodness the bump there went away, or he might've felt it when he gave me the peck. He then says, "I love you too, babe."
I blush at the nickname. I'll never get used to that either. We then continue eating for a bit. And then Zak says, "Can you wait here for me for a bit? I gotta go to the restroom."
"You don't have to ask me permission to go to the restroom. If you gotta go, you gotta go."
"Alright then, I'll be quick."
He rushes to the restroom, leaving me alone at the table. I wait for him by continuing to eat my food. After a bit, I hear small footsteps behind me. I'm guessing that he's back. Suddenly, I feel water poured all over me, making all my clothes and hair wet. It even got on my face that I had to close my eyes so that the water wouldn't get in them. I wipe my face a bit to get the water off. I then open my eyes and slightly turn around to see Holly with an empty water bottle in her hand. She laughs so loud that I can feel people turning to stare at us. She then says, "Oops! Sorry, how clumsy of me, I must've tripped. I think that's some karma for taking Zak away from me. You should really reconsider and break up with him."
I look down at the floor from embarrassment and humiliation. Dang it, I feel tears starting to form in my eyes. Holly chuckles and says, "So, are you going to keep dating Zak and keep getting humiliated like this often, or are you going to break up with him and let me have him?"
I took a deep breath, still looking down. I then said in a low voice, "I will never break up with Zak just for your own pleasure."
Holly furrowed her eyebrows in frustration and scoffed. She then says, "Fine, be that way. But Zak will be mine at some point."
She then turned around and walked away. I just kept staring down at the floor, watching as droplets of water dropped to the floor. After a bit, I hear a scurry of footsteps. A part of me wishes that it's who I think it is, while the other hopes it isn't because I don't want him to see me so pathetic like this. I then feel a hand on my shoulder. I hear Zak say in a worried tone, "Darryl! What happened!?"
I stayed silent and didn't look up. Zak then crouches down beside me to try and get a look at my face. I see out of the corner of my eye his concerned face. He then whispers out, "Darryl, please... tell me what happened."
I take a deep breath and mumble out, "Holly happened. She poured a bottle full of water on me."
I then see rage appear in Zak's eyes. He then says, "That little b*tch! I'll give her a piece of my mind!"
I then grab his sleeve and slightly lift up my face, tears in my eyes. "P-please don't do that... it'll only cause more trouble... a-and I don't want that. Also- language..."
I mutter out the last bit. Zak looks at me concerned and sighs. He then says, "If that's what you want..."
He looks at the state I'm in. I still have my head downwards, looking at the floor, but I can still Zak out of the corner of my eye. He then says, "Your hoodie is all wet... do you have a shirt underneath?"
He then takes off his hoodie, revealing him in a black shirt. He then tugs at my hoodie and says, "Take this off, or else you'll get sick since the water must feel cold on you. If you want, you can wear my hoodie for warmth."
I nod and take off my hoodie. Zak takes it and uses the parts that are still dry to dry off my hair a bit. I still don't look up, I can't bear seeing the stares of so many people around us, seeing me in such a pathetic state. Once Zak is done drying my hair, I put on his hoodie and immediately feel warm from it. I let a small smile show on my face, but I don't know if Zak saw it. He sits down beside me, still holding my hoodie. He then says, "Darryl, can I please see your face? I want to make sure that there isn't any water on it as well, so that I can wipe it away."
I stay silent for a moment. It's fine, right? All I have to do is look at Zak. If I only focus on him, I won't notice the other students around us. I slowly lift up my head and look at Zak. Once my head is fully lifted, Zak is about to wipe whatever water is left on my face with a napkin but then stops abruptly. His eyes widen in shock, and I think I see some fear in his eyes. He then mumbles out, "What the-"
He abruptly holds my face and starts to quickly dry my face, but even after I feel my face dry, he still keeps wiping the napkin on my face. He still looks to be in shock as he keeps checking my face. I get confused and ask, "Zak, w-what are you doing...?"
Zak just furrows his eyebrows, and for a moment, he doesn't speak. I'm starting to get nervous. He doesn't have the napkin in his hand anymore and just keeps lightly touching my face. I then say, "Z-zak...?"
He finally speaks and says, "Darryl... did Holly really just pour water over you?"
"Yes... you can ask anyone else in this room about it."
Zak now just has shock and confusion all over his face. He then says, "Then why... why do you have scars of cuts all over your face? Some of them are not even fully healed."
I visibly tense up. Oh fudge- did the water really remove all the makeup? It couldn't have removed all of it, right? Zak then says, "At first, I only saw a couple of scars, but after I throughly wiped your face, more scars were revealed."
Wait- so he fully removed the makeup? Oh no... I stay silent, unable to speak. Zak then says in a cold voice, "Darryl. How. The f*ck. Did. You get these scars?"
His voice sent shivers down my spine, and I started to tremble. I start stuttering, barely getting a word out, "I-I... I..."
Zak notices how uneasy I am, so he takes a deep breath to try and calm himself down. He looks at me with a worried but serious face and says, "Fine. I'll let you be right now, but we are talking about this later."
I nod as I try to calm myself down. Zak cups my face, looking at my scars, obviously concerned. He then mutters out, "I'm bringing you to the nurse..."
He then gets up and drags me with him to the nurses office. I quickly pull up the hood to cover my face so that nobody else notices my scars. So much for not wanting my scars to be noticed.
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