Chapter 18: Overhear
The day continues on, but not as usual. Everything feels wrong. I'm not talking to Zak, my friends keep worrying about me and telling me to try to move on, I'm not paying as much attention as I should in class, I keep feeling like I'm about to cry, and I didn't even completely break up with Zak, I just said that we should have a 'break'.
I'm now in Social Studies, and Zak is right next to me. I ignore him and try to pay attention to the lesson while being heartbroken. Zak keeps giving me glances. He then speaks up and says, "Darryl, wh-"
I cut him off by saying, "I said what needed to be said, Zak."
Zak shuts up, looking defeated again. Zak looks deep in thought. He then suddenly has a look of determination in his eyes. But he doesn't say anything and just pays attention to class. Once class is over, I quickly make my way out of the room since I can't stand being in the same room as Zak right now. It just keeps breaking my heart at the fact that Zak was just playing with me. I start walking to leave the school, but then I feel like I need to go to the restroom. I quickly go to the nearest one and do my business there.
Once I'm done, I wash my hands and look at myself in the mirror. I look horrible, much different from how I did this morning. My hair is messed up, my eyes look puffy, and I just look completely sad and broken in general. I keep looking at my horrible appearance and then notice something. I tug at my shirt collar a bit to completely reveal a hickey, but it looks like it's close to fading away, so it doesn't look new. I didn't notice it before. I didn't know that Zak left a mark on me from last time when we were making out in his bed. I blush a bit at the sight of the hickey still marked on me. That happy memory, where I thought that I could feel the love in the air, seems like such a distant memory now.
Remembering it now just brings more tears to my eyes. It's surprising that the hickey is even still there from that day, I would expect it to be gone by now. Wait a minute- I just realized. Does this mean that- the hickey could've been shown to everyone!? Fudge- I hope nobody noticed it. But then again, the hickey is placed so low on my neck that it's basically near my collarbone. Zak must have placed it there on purpose so that I can easily cover it. I guess that's- thoughtful of him. I cover the hickey again and make my way out of the restroom.
I must have taken longer than I thought because I don't see anyone in the halls. Either everyone already left, or they're at their clubs. I slowly make my way to the entrance of the school so that I can leave. I'm about to turn a corner when I stop at the sound of someone yelling. They voice said, "What the f*ck did you say to Darryl, Holly!?"
I realize that that's Zak speaking, and he's talking to Holly? Then Holly says, "Oh, come on, does it really matter what I said? Don't act like you care. You're a player. You were going to leave him at some point, I just sped up the process."
Ah... they're just talking about how Zak was playing with me. I'm about to turn around to go a different path towards the entrance of the school. Then I stop when Zak says, "I WAS NEVER GOING TO BREAK UP WITH HIM! I'M TIRED OF EVERYONE SAYING THAT! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!? I LOVE HIM! I'm in love with him...! But you just HAD to come along and ruin everything, didn't you!?"
Wait- what? Zak spoke through choked sobs. Holly then says, "Please, you can't actually mean that. Just forget about him and come back to me! Obviously, destiny wants us to be together after I ended up moving to your school by chance."
Zak scoffs. He then says, "You can't just come in here and ruin my relationship with someone after you coincidentally moved to my school and expect me to date you. If this so-called destiny wants us together, then me and Darryl would've naturally drifted apart and broken up by ourselves. But that's not the case, is it? You meddled into my business and ruined things! Plus, after what happened to us in the past, you would be the last person I would ever want to date. You're lucky that Darryl only asked for a break and didn't completely break up with me, which means I may still have a chance, or I would beat the cr*p out of you."
"Please- you don't actually mean that. You wouldn't dare hit me when I didn't even hit you. Remember that a guy hitting a girl is disrespectful. Just give me a chance and completely break up with Darryl."
"Don't give me that bullsh*t! I'll hit whoever I f*cking want. I'll say this one more time, Holly. Stay. The. F*ck. Away. From. Me. And. DARRYL. Understood b*tch?"
I don't hear Holly say anything else. Zak then says, "Don't speak to me ever again. I'm going to talk to Darryl tomorrow, and there's nothing you can do to stop me."
I then hear footsteps fading away. Wait- so this means that... what Holly said isn't true!? Right!? According to what Zak said, he loves me and wants to be with me. I suddenly feel weight lifted upon me. That old fluttery feeling comes back to me. But then I also feel a wave of guilt. I accused Zak of things that aren't even true. I believed a total stranger over him just because they claimed to have known Zak and that they wanted to be together. I need to talk to Zak. I then quickly turn the corner in hopes of seeing Zak, but I find nobody there.
I sigh. Hopefully I get a chance to speak to him tomorrow. But I guess that's guaranteed to happen since Zak said that he wanted to speak to me tomorrow. I walk home with hope that things really will work out between me and Zak.
(In the next chapter we will get a blast from the past in Zak's perspective.)
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