Chapter 12: Doubts
It has been a week since Zak and I started dating in secret, so it's Friday. Honestly, it has been great. Even though we stop ourselves from doing couple things in front of others, you can still tell that we ate closer than ever. Sometimes, when we get a but of privacy, we sneak each other a little kiss on the cheek or head, which makes me blush a bit. We actually haven't been given enough time or privacy to kiss each other on the lips. So the last time we did that was when we officially became a couple.
Even though we're hiding our relationship, I couldn't be happier. Zak keeps giving me that look that he has had before when around me, but now I can tell that it is a look of pure love towards me. And he shamelessly stares at me for long periods of time, but luckily, few have noticed. All his actions bring me pure happiness, and my heart keeps fluttering when I'm with him. Once we have even sat together in our own table during lunch, which many found a bit weird, but we tried to ignore it.
Right now, I was in Algebra 2, but me and Eiza were there early, so we took the time to chat with each other. Then, out of nowhere, Eiza says, "Is it just me, or have you been super close with Zak recently? More than usual, at least."
I'm surprised that she even mentioned this. She never likes to talk about Zak, and if the topic comes up, all she ever says are bad things about him and how we should avoid him. I then say, "I don't know what you're talking about."
She stares at me for a bit, studying my expression. She then says, "The behavior you two have towards each other is almost as if you're dating."
I tense up a bit from shock of the statement. Eiza seems to not notice since she is looking away. I look down nervously, hoping she doesn't see right through me. But as soon as she looks at me, she knows something is up. Then her eyes widen as soon as she connects the dots. She gasps and says, "Wait, are you actually dating him!?"
My silence is enough of an answer to her. Even though she already knows, she says sternly, "Answer me, Darryl."
I just nod. As soon as I do, she does a facepalm. She then says, "Oh my god. Darryl, why? Don't you remember all the warnings I gave you to stay alert and to not let him swoon you?"
I bite my lip in frustration. I then say, "Yes, I remember. But I can't help it. Plus, it's not like we've shown it in public."
She sighs and says, "But what if that's just his plan? He tries his best to make you fall for him and trust him anyway possible, and then he breaks your heart. I think he's just playing with your heart."
I stop to think. I actually didn't stop to think about that possibility, despite knowing he's a player. I was too busy lovestruck, fixing the misunderstanding between me and Zak to even think about that. What if this really is just some game to Zak? No, it can't be. His hurt expression, his panic when he thought I didn't like him back, looked so genuine. So real. But then again, he's dated so many people, played with and broken so many hearts that he could be a good actor by now. Pretending to be in love when he's not. Eiza snaps me out of my thoughts by saying, "Look, I won't tell anyone about your relationship with Zak, and I won't force you to break up with him. But I do recommend to lock up those feelings of yours before you fall too deep in love and to end things with Zak."
We don't speak to each other for the rest of class. I think about Eiza's words. My mind can't help but have doubts of my relationship with Zak after what Eiza said. When class is over and I have to go my next one. I walk to Physics as slow as possible, making sure to take my time because I have that class with Zak. I don't want to talk to him right now with these thoughts that I'm having. Once I get to class, it has just started, so I'm on time. As I go to take my seat, I see Zak smile at me as I walk past him. To not make him think something is wrong, I give him back a shy smile. I sit down and don't speak to him for the rest of class.
Zak's Pov:
Once Physics ended, Darryl left pretty quickly. It was kind of weird, but I didn't let it bother me. He must have had something important to do. Plus, we had time to talk to each other in our first class. I walk to the cafeteria, and once I arrive, I go to sit down with my group. As I sit down, I am greeted by my friends. Today Nick is sitting with Karl it seems, so he isn't sitting with us. Clay then says, "So Zak, lately you and Darryl seem closer than before."
Oh, great. This again. I then say, "Yeah, we're best friends, (lies) we've always been close."
"Yeah, I know. But the past few days you guys seem to be closer than before."
Then Alex speaks up and says, "Yeah, and if I knew any better, I'd say that Darryl has a crush on you at this point."
Everyone but George starts laughing. Meanwhile I just roll my eyes. If only they knew. Vincent the nudges me and says, "You know, if you want to actually start messing with Darryl, now would be a good time to ask him out or something."
"Once again, I don't want to mess with Darryl."
"Whatever you say dude," Wilbur says with a grin.
I can't believe these guys. Even though I'm dating Darryl right now, at the start I genuinely just wanted to be his friend, nothing more. Until I started falling for him that is. Is it really that hard for them to believe that I just wanted a friend other than them? Was I not allowed to make friends or something? If that's the case, then it seems like the only exception is when I want to actually play with their feelings. I just sigh and ignore them. My lunch carries on as normal, but I ignore the guys when they make a comment about me and Darryl.
It only after Advisory that I realize that Darryl seems to be avoiding me. He didn't talk to me the whole class and left quite quickly without saying anything. In P.E class, he did the exercise away from me. When class ended, he quickly changed into his normal clothes and left the boy's locker room fast. I try to get his attention in Social Studies, but he tries to pretend that he doesn't notice. I can clearly tell that he does because every once in a while, his eyes quickly glance towards me in less than a second. It's so quick you would miss it if you weren't paying careful attention. But when I'm with Darryl, I always am paying close attention to him.
Why is he ignoring me? He looks nervous around me and looks to be constantly in deep thought. You could almost see a hint of regret on his face. Wait, don't tell me..... Is he having doubts about our relationship?
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