Chapter 10: Confession Gone Wrong..?
Darryl's Pov:
It has now been a month since my first day of my new school. And so far, it has been amazing. I have great friends and good grades. Me and Zak are still very close. He makes me feel a certain way I can't describe. Not only is he handsome, but he is an amazing person. Even though he's a player, or used to be, since he still hasn't flirted or kissed anyone, others should still give him a chance to be his friend. But then again, some people probably wouldn't stand him because they would find his personality annoying from all his jokes, teasing, and his confidence. Anyone would ask me how I deal with him and how I'm not tired of him already.
Well, they wouldn't understand that even though Zak may be annoying at times, he is still a great person with good values. He is kind, thoughtful, caring, loyal (when he actually loves someone cough* cough*), funny, and so much more. Other people just don't see that. I love him very much- as a friend of course! (Boy, you can't just say that after making a whole speech of you literally fawning over him)
But for some reason, I still sometimes blush at his actions, and my heart flutters whenever he looks at me. I don't know why. (Bruh- you literally answered your own question like 5 seconds ago. Even Zak figured out his feelings before you, but just like how it seems irl, your in denial✨️)
Today is Thursday, and everything has been going like normal. Right now I have P.E with Zak. Today we're just running laps around the gym, so me and Zak chat while running/jogging. We actually finished class a bit early because the coach said that we did quite a good job- even though we just ran laps. But I'm not complaining. Everyone went to the locker rooms according to their gender.
When I got to the boy's locker room I got my clothes and changed into them in a private changing stall, so that I can get out of my gym clothes. I think I took a bit longer than usual because once I got out of the stall, everyone was gone. But I saw that Zak was the only one there. He was already changed, sitting down on a bench. It's like he was waiting for me.
Once he saw that I was done changing, he got up and said, "Hey Darryl, can I speak to you for a moment?"
"Sure, let me just put my gym clothes away in my locker."
Zak followed me to my locker, which was in the other side of the room behind a wall of lockers.
(This is basically what the locker room looks like, though it's bigger since it's a big campus/school.)
■‐ lockers
□‐ changing stall
__________________________{gym door}_____
■ ■|■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | □
■ ■|■ □
■ ■|■ □
■ ■|■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ □
■ □
■ ■|■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ □
■(zak■|■ □
■and■|■ □
■bad)■|■■■■■■■■■■ ■■| □
_____________________{school door}_______
(You guys can imagine where the benches are, and I wrote Bad instead of Darryl bc I didn't want to ruin the map.)
As I put my gym clothes away in my locker I say, "So what did you want to say Zak?"
Zak waits until I close my locker and turn around to face him until he speaks. He says, "Darryl, you are an amazing person and you are a great friend towards me and treat me well. I really cherish our friendship."
I flush up a bit at the compliment. I then say, "Thank you Zak. I appreciate you saying that. You're also a good friend."
Zak looks at me as if studying my face, as if looking for a certain reaction. He opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it. He looks nervous. I then say, "What's wrong Zak?"
"I'm just scared because what I say may affect our relationship badly, depending on how you take it."
I look at him with a soft expression. I grab his hands and say, "Zak, no matter what you have to say, I don't think it will change how I view you. I won't hate you."
I let go of his hands. He looks at my face, and gets some courage before saying, "Darryl, you are probably the person that has made me the most happy. Everything you do somehow brings a smile on my face. From hearing your laugh, hearing your voice, seeing your smile, or even just your presence is enough to make my day brighter."
My heart flutters from his words. He puts a hand on my waist, making me jump a bit from the sudden action, but I immediately relax. He walks towards me, making me walk backwards so that he has me against the wall. He then continues by saying, "I absolutely love everything about you. Your kind and cheerful personality, when you say language or call me a muffinhead, even when you scold me."
He then places his free hand on my cheek, making my heart skip a beat. He then says, "I love your appearance as well, you're very beautiful. Your lovely emerald green eyes, your slightly chubby cheeks, your freckles, your nose, your soft brown hair, your... pink lips."
He touches my hair when he talks about it and slightly lifts up my chin when he talks about my lips, making me slightly blush. He stares at them for a bit before saying, "Your smile could light up the room just like how you have lighted up my life. In summary you are beautiful inside and outside. A real piece of art."
He then stays silent, cups my cheek and just looks at my face, deep in thought. He then suddenly breaks the silence by saying, "I know I could be ruining our friendship right now, but I can't keep these secrets, feelings, locked up in my heart deep inside of me. I have to tell you how I feel."
He then leans closer to my face. He's so close I can feel his breath on me. He then says, "Darryl, I... I like you more than a friend... I- I'm in love with you."
Once he stops speaking, he closes the gap between us and places his lips upon mine, kissing me. His action makes me tense up. I just stand there with my eyes wide open from shock. He holds the kiss, being soft and gentle with it. After a moment he slowly breaks the kiss and looks at my face. But I just stay silent, without moving, in shock. My silence scares Zak, nervous again, as he moves away from me. He looks to the side and covers his mouth with his hand and says, "What have I done...?"
He looks at me again and then looks away and says, "I'm sorry."
He then starts running away from me. I'm then snapped back into reality, and my shocked trance was over. I immediately go to turn the corner from where I am and yell out, "Zak, wai-!"
But it's too late, Zak's already gone. I then stand there in silence for a bit and then lay against the wall. I think back to the kiss, trying to remember how it felt. As I do that, I lightly touch my lips with my hand. I really start to process everything Zak said and did. I then knock myself out of my thoughts and leave the room. I go to my next class and take my seat next to Zak. He ignores me and just looks down at his book. Throughout class I try to get his attention by whispering to him or trying to pass notes to him. But he ignores it all and just focuses on the lecture.
Once class is over he quickly gets his stuff and runs out of the room. I struggle to collect my things, and then I quickly leave the room only to see him nowhere in sight. I lost him. I frown and sadly walk home alone, thinking about today's events. When I'm home I lay in my bed and think about Zak's confession. I think about everything he said, and I think about my feelings while the moment was happening. Then I remember all the good memories we've had together. I subconsciously smile remembering it.
I remember the soft look he had on his face when looking at me, his smile, his laugh, everything. I remember how it made my heart flutter, and sometimes blush without realizing it. As I think about it all, a realization hits over me. I now know how I feel towards Zak. Tomorrow, I'm going to talk to him and fix the misunderstanding.
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