Bonus 2: A New Chapter of Your Life
Darryl's Pov:
It has now been 5 years since senior year. This means that me and Zak have been together for 6 years. After we graduated from high school, we got into the same college and got our own apartment, which got rented out by Zak's dad. Soon after we graduated from the 4 years of college, Zak proposed to me. I obviously said yes. A year later, which is the present time, we are happily married and living in a house we bought together.
Right now, I just got out of work and am walking home. It isn't too far from where I work so when I have to go to work, I always walk. Zak also has a job, but he works on fewer days than me and normally gets out of work, like 30 minutes to an hour before me. This means that he's always waiting for me at home once I get off from work. Today, though, Zak had to wait a bit longer for me because today we were understaffed, so I was asked to work overtime today.
As I'm walking home, all I can think about is Zak, desperately wanting to get home to him. Then suddenly, I stop in my tracks as I hear something. It sounds like... crying? More like wailing. I turn to hear the sound down an alleyway. I hesitate for a moment, deciding what to do. I start cautiously walking down the alleyway, hearing the sound get louder as I get closer. Thankfully, I don't have to walk too much as I soon find what is making the noise. Before me, I see a rectangular cardboard box with a lid and a hole at each side of it.
I bend down and carefully open the lid to see what is inside. Once I do, I widen my eyes in shock at the sight of a baby inside the box. The baby is wrapped neatly in a pink blanket with a pink beanie on. There are a few strands of blonde hair sticking out from under the beanie. Its face is all red from the crying and frustration. Poor thing, who knows how long its been here. I look around to see if anyone is around, but I don't see anybody. I look back inside the box and notice a piece of paper at the side. I take it out and read it. It says, "To whoever finds this, the baby's name is Alice. She was born on June 14."
That was about 2 months ago. I look at the baby girl, Alice. She's still crying. I gently pick her up and cradle her in my arms. I gently rock her, trying to get her to calm down. I say, "Shh... it's okay, Alice. You're going to be okay now."
Somehow, this ends up working as Alice starts to settle down a bit. Her cries become quieter, and her face gets less red. Soon enough, she calms down and ends up falling asleep after I hum a lullaby. Once she's asleep, I start thinking to myself. Should I just take her to an orphanage? I then look down at the sleeping baby's face. I smile at how peaceful she looks. Then a thought crosses my mind. Should I... adopt Alice? I mean, me and Zak have started talking about possibly getting a kid together one day. But is this too soon?
I continue looking at Alice as I'm deep in thought. Now that I think about it... somehow, having Alice in my arms feels... right. Plus, she calmed down quite quickly, considering I've never carried a baby before. And what is the coincidence that I, out of all people, find her in an alleyway soon after me and Zak start talking about kids? Maybe, just maybe, this is what destiny wants to happen. The more that I think about it, I wouldn't mind adopting a kid right now, even if it would be considered too soon. But I'm sure me and Zak could handle it, right?
I think... I'm going to take Alice home and see what Zak thinks. If he thinks it's too soon to raise a kid right now, then we'll bring her to an orphanage. But I have a feeling that Zak wouldn't really mind this idea. I smile as I make up my decision. I whisper out, "Well, Alice, I think you'll have a bright, happy future ahead of you. I'll make sure of it."
I gently walk out of the alleyway and get home to Zak. The more that I think about it, the more I hope that Zak agrees to adopt Alice. I look down at Alice's sleeping face and say, "I hope I become your Dad, and that you become my official daughter, Alice. Though, it's starting to feel as if you're my daughter already."
That is how a new chapter of my life began, along with Zak. That is how I met my daughter.
(Hope you guys enjoyed this wholesome little bonus 😊)
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