Names and Pronunciation
This is not part of the story, this is just a list of names that you can refer back to as you read. The story begins with the next chapter.
Aiter- (Ay-Ter) A peaceful species of robotic artificial intelligence. The third gift of the Holy Roulten. They are characterized by their round bowl-like transparent heads, and stout bodies that move across the ground using an intricate form of convey tread. Very well liked across the Penteverse for their compassion and helpfulness.
Allonp- (A-Lawn-p) A war loving species of robotic artificial intelligence. The second gift of the Holy Roulten. They are characterized by their organic looking eye and thin, metallic half circle of a head which supports it, a convex lower half and four robotic, thick, long legs that maneuver it across the ground. Their species is so despised of the Pentaverse that a planet in the Otacke universe was established for them and maintained as a planetary prison.
Byralnus- (Barrel-Nus) Captain of the Conservation of Species Committee's team seven. He is of the Ferionus species.
Bai- (Bay) See EkirBai.
Capozeeri- (Cap-Oh-Zeer-Eee) A species of alien from the Unnon universe. Known for their peaceful nature. They are characterized by their blue hued skin, a large, single eye that sprouts from a long and thick fleshy tube like neck, stubby three fingered hands, and tick, cylindrical wrinkled legs and feet. Not incredibly intelligent or sociable by nature but friendly and peace loving.
Cito- (Sigh-Toe) A species of alien from the Otacke universe. Known for their intelligence. They are characterized by their short humanoid bodies, small bald rat-like heads, disproportionately long thin fingers, and long thin yellowish bones that protrude from their brow line over the ears and past the back of the head.
Dohaydo- (Doe-Hay-Doe) A species of alien from the Gallidon universe. Recognizable by their squat stature and known famously by the second to largest space armada in the Pentaverse, which they own. They are characterized by their round lumpy bodies and thin protruding arms and legs. Not known for their intelligence. Humans derogatorily refer to the Dohaydo species as 'potatoes' due to appearance and coincidental name similarities.
Droni- (Der-oh-nee) A species of alien from the Gallidon universe. They are characterized by their stout bodies and seemingly mis-matched long spindly necks.
EkirBai or Bai- (Eek-Er-Bay, Bay) A member of the Conservation of Species committee's team seven. She is of the Quibeek species.
Ferionus- (Ferry-On-Us) A species of alien from the Unnon universe. They are characterized by their thin transparent crystal bodies, their crystal sprouting heads and hands, and their many spider-like eyes. Due to a lack of respiratory system and being composed of a strong mineral like material, the species survives very well in almost any climate. Speaks using a vibration of sorts that emanates from the crystals atop their heads. Very intelligent and has produced some of the greatest war masterminds the Pentaverse has ever seen. Usually a milky clear transparent color, but it is not uncommon for a Ferionus to be blue, redish-pink, dark purple, or yellow.
Gallidon- (Gal-Lid-Dawn) The second universe of the Pentaverse.
Gaunth- (Gone-Th) Hud's supervisor and friend. He is of the Rhaa species.
Gonos- (Go-Noes) A species of alien from the Gallidon universe. They are characterized by their sharp, polygonal textured bodies with incredibly thick, hard, red-hued skin. Humanoid in appearance, though generally more stocky.
Gnumus- (Ga-New-Mus) A small tidally locked planet in the Gallidon universe where the Short Circuit was marooned.
Heva Belnag- (Heave-Ah, Bell-Nag) The species specialist of the Conservation of Species Committee's team seven. She is of the Terilli species.
Hizejak- (Highs-Jack) The Conservation of Species Committee's leading team sergeant. He is of the Kaptoy species.
Holy Ruolten- (Holy Roo-Ohl-Tin) A mythological species of alien that supposedly organized the Pentaverse. Surprisingly little is known about the Holy Ruolten. When organizing the Pentiverse, they worked though various third party species in an attempt to remain anonymous. Incredibly intelligent and advanced, they were the creators of the three holy gifts (the Circuit, the Allonp, the Aiter, and the Zara Mast) and many other technologies such as material resintegration (making instant material transporting easily accessible and safe) and unbound signal (instantaneous communications despite distance), all of which was shared freely with all intelligent life in the Pentaverse. Legends claim that the Holy Ruolten are timeless and can never be killed, and many Pentaversal religions were formed worshiping the species as deities. Soon after the formation of the Pentaverse, the Holy Ruolten mysteriously disappeared for unknown reasons and were never heard from again.
Hud, Hudaryous- (Hud, Huh-Dare-Ree-Us) A hitman owned by the Rhaa. He is of the Pardos species.
Jirabi Malba- (Jeer-Rabby, Mal-Baa) The first mate of the Conservation of Species Committee' team seven. He is of the Kelpar species.
Junit- (June-It) A beautiful garden planet in the Gallidon universe. Many beings believe that Junit was created by powerful corporations to be a 'perfect' planet.
Kaptoy- (Cap-Toy) A species of Alien from the Otacke universe. Known for their cunning and recognized by their relatively bloated brains. They are characterized by their pale green skin, large balloon-like skulls and humanoid posture.
Kazirabi- (Ka-Zeer-Abby) A species of alien from the Unnon universe. Known for their worthless and cheep technologies. They are characterized by their long flexible scaly necks and reptile-like heads with multiple large fangs protruding from upper and lower mouth. Do to a lack of tail, in order to maintain balance they evolved to move in a constant hunched over position, keeping their bodies and heads close to the ground.
Kelpar- (Kell-Par) A species of alien from the Retriplis universe. They are characterized by their pale purple skin and thin cat like faces, with long, thin, razor-like, skin covered horn protruding out the back on each side of the rounded triangular head. Two more thicker and much more stouter horns protrude from the upper back, and a short, thick, inversely tapered tail protrudes from the lower back.
Laugémas- (Laoo-Jee-Mas) A species of alien from the Gallidon universe. Known for constantly being high on natural narcotics and rarely sober. They are characterized by their blue, large, egg shaped bodies with numerous large, naturally growing transparent liquid pouches that cover the skin. Their legs are stubby with relatively small feet, and their hands are curiously attached to their bodies by non-connecting neurowaves, rather than by a material arm.
Lertrel- (Lur-Tr-El) A cold, neutral planet in the Gallidon universe, unofficially owned by the Stram species.
Natilliea- (Nat-Ih-Lea) A mechanism created by the Rhaa and used by Hud. Rhaa technology is incredibly advanced and highly coveted; this particular piece of technology has the ability to connect with Hud mentally and reform its components into any firearm of Hud's desire.
Officer Lliui luill Lliui- (Lee-Oo-Ee, Loo-Ill, Lee-Oo-Ee) An officer of the Pentaverse Police Force, put in charge of investigating the recent Aiter epidemic. He is of the Stram species.
Oidian- (Oh-idian) An extinct species that once originated from the planet Gnumus, Gallidon universe. The species went extinct shortly after the five universes were united to form the Pentaverse. It was their extinction that spurred the establishment of the Conservation of Species Committee (CSC).
Olten- (Ole-Ten) The universal language of the Pentaverse. A simplified version of the Holy Ruolten's original dialect.
Operious- (Oh-Peer-Ee-Us) A cruel leader over Hud, he has significant power among the Rhaa. He is of the Rhaa species.
Otacke- (Oh-Take) The third universe to be organized in the Pentaverse.
Pardos- (Par-Dose) A species of alien from the Retriplis universe. They are characterized by their tall, hairless, muscular humanoid bodies with dark green skin and a thick fleshy, gilled respiration tube that hangs down around the base of the neck from the sides of their head. Although very similar to humans in many ways, they are noseless and their hands and feet have only three digits and a thumb, the middle digit being wider than the other two. The Pardos are natural fighters, although this is not very well known throughout the Penteaverse due to a natural, more prevalent despise of violence.
Pareyline- (Par-Ee-Line) A planet in the Gallidon universe, the planet of residence for the Aiter species.
Pentaverse- (Pent-Ah-Verse) An organized and self recognized group of five universes, brought together by the mythical beings called the Holy Roulten. The five universes (in order of organization) are Unnon, Gallidon, Otacke, Retriplis, and Seroah.
Quibeek- (Kwib-Beak) A species of alien from the Otacke universe. They are characterized by their large, four armed, lizard-like bodies, with four eyes and several blade-like bones protruding from the head and down the spine. A large serpentine tail protrudes from the lower back to help maintain their balance. Some Quibeek have bioluminescent spots that run down their backs and are only visible in the dark.
Rapiki- (Rap-Pee-Key) A species of alien from the Otacke universe. They are characterized by their four armed, upright rocky bodies. Their bodies are susceptible to higher temperatures. At a lower temperature their bodies are solidified and resemble a being constructed from stacked rocks, at higher temperatures their bodies liquify into a heap of gelatinous sludge.
Retriplis- (Ret-Trip-Plis) The fourth universe to be organized in the Pentaverse.
Rhaa- (Raw) A species of Alien from the Gallidon universe. They are characterized by their white, fleshy, three segmented bodies, all round and with tapered sizes, the bottom being the largest and the top being the smallest. The Rhaa have small black eyes deeply inset into the top segment, with no nose and thick curling horns protruding from the head's sides. A large mouth with small teeth is situated on the lowest segment of the body, with arms protruding from the sides of the middle segment, and legs from under the bottom segment. Known for their powerful technologies (mainly weapons) and their knack for organized crime. The Rhaa have an interesting network between their species that exists nowhere else among known intelligent organics. Their entire species operates as its own unit to accomplish its desires, similar to a gang. Incredibly intelligent, known to expedite legal loopholes in order to gain normally illegal benefits. Owners of the third largest space armada in the Pentaverse.
Ruolt, Ruo, Ruolten, Ruoltism- (Roo-Ohlt, Roo-Oh, Roo-Ohl-Tin, Roo-Ohl-Ti-Sim) Referring to the Holy Ruolten, a ancient and extinct species of alien that is legend to have unified the five universes, creating the Pentaverse. The word 'Ruolt' or 'Ruo' is often used as a universal curse word, used as an exclamation or at times to refer to someone or something that is awful, idiotic, or naive. Ruoltism is the name of the universal religion worshiping the Holy Ruolten as deities.
Seroah- (Ser-Oh-Ah) The fifth universe to be organized in the Pentaverse. This is the Universe where the Human species originates. The name Seroah was given to the universe by the ****, or better known by the Humans as the 'Greys'.
Stram, Stramarts- (Ss-Tram, Ss-Tram-Arts) A species of alien from the Gallidon universe. They are characterized by their shark-like heads, humanoid bodies, six eyes, and three fingered hands. Before the Pentaverse was created, their home world was discovered by the Rhaa and the entire species was exploited as slaves. Eventually, with the formation of the Pentaverse, their period of slavery to the Rhaa ended soon after it started and the species used new technology modeled after the Rhaa fleets to expand across their galaxy, and eventually the Gallidon universe. Most of the species has a bad reputation for being vagabonds, scavengers, nomadic, and pirates. A large portion of the Stram species resides on the unowned planet of Lertrel, in the Gallidon universe.
Terilli- (Ter-EL-Ee) A species of Alien from the Gallidon universe. They are characterized by their small, blue, round bodies with short, stub like arms and legs and thin, hair like tendrils for fingers. A large, feather like appendage protrudes from the head that gives them an added sense of feeling: they are capable of discerning very minute changes to air pressure, air movements, and sound waves. When the Pentaverse was organized, the Terilli as a species was still in its infancy and had to be brought into the Pentaverse incrementally over a series of several decades.
Unnon- (Un-Non) The first universe to be organized in the Pentaverse.
Yuoiddis- (You-Oh-Id-iss) A planet in the Gallidon universe, the home world of the Lougémas species. Home also of some of the strongest stimulants and hallucinogens the Pentaverse can offer.
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