chapter 14
26th September 2016
Johns POV:
"Shit." Alex whispers. I groggily open my eyes, cursing myself for being such a light sleeper. Alex, who would usually still be asleep next to me at this point, is standing by his desk holding a key. Immediately I recognise it by the two keychains on it. One is an American flag, the other is a French flag.
"Oh crap, have we had that here since Friday? And what time is it, Lex?"
For a moment I see him blush and I know it's because he likes my voice in the morning. He shakes it off quickly, trying to remain cool.
"Yeah I think so. And it's just past 6, I woke up early to finish my homework for today since I didn't do it at the weekend."
Fuck. It's Monday.
"Okay, now that I'm awake I might as well get ready. We can drop it off at a reasonable time for them to be awake."
He laughs a bit at my sarcasm so I shoot him an angry glare before picking up a towel from the floor and trudging into the bathroom, dragging the towel behind me.
I decided to take a long shower, washing my hair twice. After all, I had enough time. During this time I remember what happened last night and smile. Although it may seem early to some people, I genuinely meant it when I told Alex that I love him. It wasn't some meaningless heat of the moment bullshit. It was, and still is the truth. He means everything to me.
Alex's POV:
When John came out of the bathroom 25 minutes later, I expected him to still be faking holding a grudge against me. Instead, I was greeted by him slinking out with a huge grin on his face.
"Why are you so happy, sweetie?"
He looped his hands through my arms and traced circles onto my back with his fingers, sending shivers up my spine.
"Because, baby, I love you. I really do."
A smile grew on my face as I remembered last night, just before we went to sleep. I looked up to him with wide eyes and a red blush grew on his face as I trailed my hands around his waist so they rested on his lower back.
"I love you too, honey."
We shared a long, soft kiss, which lead to my hands unintentionally falling slightly to the edge of his towel. Quickly, I withdrew my hands and pulled away from the kiss.
"Sorry, I didn't mean-"
"It's fine, Alex, I should get dressed anyway." He winked and smiled as he grabbed some clothes and sauntered back into the bathroom.
I buried my face in my hands and groaned in embarrassment. Whatever, if he uses this against me I can bring up when he told me suck his dick.
A few minutes later he emerges from the room and walks back to me, checking his watch.
"Damn, only half past six, I wonder what we can do until we go to Laf and Herc at.. seven?" He smirked as he gripped the collar of my hoodie. I feel a blush rise to my cheeks.
"Um, well I just need a few minutes to finish my homew-"
Just as I opened my mouth to speak again, I was cut off by John shoving our lips together, and my gasp of shock gave him an opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. At first I tried to resist but quickly gave in and kissed back with just as much lust and passion.
Before we knew it, it was 6:50 and John's alarm for when he would usually wake up was beeping. We both groaned, as we always do when something interrupts us.
Suddenly we were both very aware of the position we were in. I was lying down on my bed with John leaning over me and my legs were wrapped around his waist. My hoodie had been pushed up so that my whole torso was exposed and his hands were resting with one on my side and one on my back. My hands were resting on his neck, with one crawling up to his hair. Needless to say, from someone looking in, it would've looked like we were about to shoot a porno.
We scrambled off of each other and straightened out our clothes, John also adjusting his hair, tying it up into a messy bun.
As we walked out of the door together, I put Laf's key into my pocket and locked ours after we'd both walked out. John linked our hands, reassuring me that there was no awkwardness from earlier.
"I wonder if anything happened after that kiss between Herc and Laf? It was pretty saucy." He said, which made me laugh.
"I hope so, they'd make a really cute couple."
"Not as cute as us though." He stated with a serious expression on his face.
"Of course." I assured him. "But they probably haven't done anything anyway, I mean, did you see Hercules' face? He was so panicked, I'm not surprised Laf did that honestly."
"Yeah, I guess."
We stood outside Herc and Laf's door and decided to scare them by letting ourselves in rather than knocking. After I heard the click, I signalled to John to peek inside to see if they're awake. He creaked open the door and looked inside only to immediately retracted from it.
"Oh ho ho, this. This is gold."
Immediately my mind was racing. What are they doing? I look through myself to see Laf and Herc in a very similar position to how we were about five minutes ago. I stifle a laugh and whip my head back around to face John.
"Oh my, this is awfully good payback for them spying on us."
"Alex, I didn't know you were so sneaky. But yes, I agree. It would be amazing payback."
We creak the door open slightly more and slide inside, thanking the gods that they hadn't noticed us in their room yet. John winked at me and took his phone from his pocket and took a photo to send to our squad group chat, captioning it 'They have no clue we're here.'
3rd Person POV:
After he sent it, a loud alert sounded from Alex, Laf and Herc's phones. Alex and John watched as Laf and Herc's eyes shot open and their heads turned to face them, and then their attention turned to John's hands, which were still holding his phone.
Alex and John sent each other a worried look before nodding to each other in understanding before they sprinted back out the door, throwing the key behind them.
"SEE YOU IN CLASS!" John shouted.
Laf went to leap off of Hercules and chase them down the hallway but Herc grabbed him before he ran off and tried to calm.
"Hey, hey, Laffy, babe. They'd have found out eventually. It's fine."
He took a deep breath to calm down a bit.
"How'd they get in here anyway?"
"Well." Herc started as he stood up from the bed and walked to the middle of the room. "I'm guessing that they were bringing back this."
He leant over and picked up Laf's key.
"Oh, I've been looking for that, I must have left it there on Friday."
"Yeah. Now, we should get ready for class."
John's POV:
Our whole group arranged to hang out at the Schuyler dorm room, which is crazy big. Since their family is ridiculously rich they've had three rooms made into one huge one.
I think that we might play never have I ever when we're there since we never played it last time we were all together. It was really nice to actually have the whole gang together again last Friday, I never actually realised that I'd missed them until I saw them all again.
3rd Person POV:
It had been about half an hour since everyone had arrived at the Schuyler dorm, so after catching up from over the weekend and the day at school, they were finally ready to start the game.
"Alright guys, who's ready to start never have I ever?"
A collective yes was heard amongst the group so they decided that they'd start.
"Wait! We don't have snacks!" Lafayette stated, tilting his head.
The other three guys groaned as the Angelica and Eliza shared a glance.
"Peggy, can you quickly go down to 7-Eleven and grab some for us? I'll pay if you want." Angie said, waving a note from her wallet at Peggy.
"No. It's fine. I'll just go get some."
She stood up and strolled over to the door, closing it behind her and rolling her eyes as she did so.
Peggy's POV:
I can't help but roll my eyes at that. Of course Angie would pick on me to go down to get the snacks. I'm just, 'And Peggy' to everyone, nobody here sees me as a Schuyler sister, just Angelica and Eliza's sister. It doesn't make sense. Just because I'm a year below them doesn't make me any less of a Schuyler. People practically worship my sisters, but never spare me a second glance, heck, sometimes I don't even get a first.
I get in my car and drive the short distance to the convenience store. I didn't really need to drive there, I just see no reason to walk when this is so much easier.
After parking, I swing open the door to reveal the familiar store. It reminds me of the road trips across the US that my sisters and I would take before they left for college. Each store is the same from Las Vegas to Boston. I scan the linoleum aisles that I used to love to get lost in until I find the main snack aisle. I grab a basket and start to fill it with various types of chips, chocolate and candy. I decide to get everyone a slush rather than soda, since I was going to get myself one anyway.
Someone familiar is standing by the slush machines. At first, I'm confused because I think it's Hercules but I quickly realise that it's actually James Madison. Huh, I never thought they looked that similar. I plod over to him, weighed down by my now very heavy basket. I'm a little nervous actually, I actually have a little crush on James, although I'd never admit it.
I've spoken to him before, he's actually really nice. He's nothing like Thomas, I have no clue why he hangs out with a dickhead like him.
"Oh, hey Peggy." He says with a warm smile, waving a little.
"Hey James, how're you?" My heart pounds a little as I place my basket on the floor.
"I'm great, I've been sent on slush duty by Thomas, I'm guessing you've been sent on a mission for snacks?" He laughs, signalling to my basket and taking a sip of the slush he's holding.
"Yeah. So, why do you actually hang out with Thomas? He's a real douche and you're a really nice guy."
He shifts his weight to the other foot as he thinks.
"Well, you see, Thomas and I were assigned as roommates last year, for both of us it was our first year at Columbia and he was actually really nice to me. I guess he had a reputation to keep up from his high school, apparently quite a few people came here from there, but since we were room mates I got a free pass from his bullying. So I guess that's why I hang out with him. But since I'm pretty quiet in classes and Thomas is quite loud, a lot of people just view me as 'Thomas' friend' rather than 'James'. There's good parts and bad parts about being friends with the popular people."
"I hear you loud and clear, James. I mean, imagine having the two most popular girls at school as your sisters, and you're the forgotten one. It isn't exactly the easiest thing in the world. But hey, I have friends. That's all I really need."
We share an understanding look, showing that we're in the same boat and that we aren't alone in this.
After the comfortable silence I spoke again.
"So, what flavours should I get?" I said, nodding towards the machines. "I need seven, but I know that Alex needs strawberry or else he'll scream."
James chuckled and thought about it.
"I'd say to get blue raspberry or strawberry for everyone else, they're the safest."
"Good shout, do you have any recommendations for me? I want to change it up a bit."
"How about watermelon lime? What do you think of that one?"
"Never had it, what's it like?"
"Here, try mine."
He handed his cup to me and I took a sip, it was amazing. It was sweet of him to let me have a sip and it made my heart thump out of my chest, but I think I played it cool.
"Wow that's really good, here you go, thanks for that." I smiled at him.
"No problem, Peg. Here, before I go, take this."
He pulled a slip of paper out of his wallet and handed it to me. From scanning it I could tell it was his phone number. His. Phone. Number. I resisted the urge to scream and instead thanked him and slid it into my phone case for safe keeping.
"Bye James, thanks for the company and cheering me up."
"Bye Peggy."
He walked off and I stood for a moment, day dreaming...
I snapped myself out of my daydream and quickly started to dispense the slushes into the cups. Before they all melted, I payed for all the food and went back to my car, trying not to drop the trays of drinks. (Yeah idk if you can get those but I'm thinking like the cup holders they give you at McDonalds? Pretend she had one of those, thanks.)
Finally, I got back to the dorm, my head still fuzzy from my daydream about James and my heart still beating hard. I threw the bag of food down on the floor and started handing out the slushes, making sure Alex got his strawberry one.
"Pegs, what's got you so happy?" John said, leaning in.
"Nothing. Everything. Life." I responded, sipping my drink and thinking about James.
"Whatever, let's get started!" Alex shouted, causing everyone to cheer.
13th August 2017
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