I remanber only blur of people they each had some colors but they had one that made them different . Like one who was next to Ballora was Purple , the one next to Baby was Brown , the one next to Freddy was yellow but there is one next to me as well it was red ...
What Chica said surprised me , so she didn't planed this ?
,,I'm s-sorry Foxy ! I-i'm s-so s-sorry !" She cryed , i came up to her and huged her she seemed surprised .
,,Why ? Y-you ..." I pulled away and steped away
,,As long you wont break this family , i will talk to you ok ? " Her eyes light up ,,I forgive you but i'm not sure if the rest will do ..."
,,I wouldn't be suprised if they don't ... " She looked at the ground
,,Mayne you can come and apologies , and maybe if they forgive you ... U can play video games with us ! "
,,T-that sounds n-nice " she smiled at me .
I do remanber thou that i felt friendship to that red person maybe even more ...
We arived to Babys room they all had a mad face on them self when they spoted Chica . She looked nervouse she was plying with her fingers .
,,U-um ... H-hi ?"
,,Chica came here to tell something to us " i said qnd put the food on the table .
,,Y-yeah ... U-um s-so i'm so sorry Baby ! I didn't mean to meke everyone against you !..." She was crying waterfals , oh boy this will be interesting .
,,And Freddy i'm sorry to regect you like that i wasn't just feeling the same way . Ballora i'm sorry for leying to you ... And Foxy sorry for breaking the family apart ... " She felt on her knees , she was crying and crying .
,,I forgive you Chica after all , i can see you feeling sorry truethfully " i said and everyone looked at me , Chica smiled with a sweet not face smile in her life .
,, I'm not sure why but i will for give you for leying to me , but i won't for breaking my lifetime friendship with Baby . " Said Ballora , Chica smiled at her .
,,I do for give you for rudly regeting me and i do understand u might been in strees or something ..." Said Freddy
,,And i will for give you for doing all thous bad things , but for making my best friend to hate is too much ..."
,,Thank you for the forgiveness , and for not forgived ones i do under stand why ... I did horrible things ..." She smiled as a single tear run down her face .
Before this all haped before we started to preform i know we met some people who came to us but one day just stoped and we never saw them again , it was heart breaking for me and not just for me but for the others too . I wonder what happened to thous people ...
After a mouth the things are like before Chica came only this time she is part of our family as well i hope its stays that way .
... end of the part one ...
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