Chapter 36: Chaos Erupts at the Main Event
One week after Kenji brought his alter ego Shin for the first time on television, the NXT Champion is all focused for his apocalyptic showdown against Karrion Kross at the next Takeover.
Tonight is a good opportunity for Kenji to send another message to Kross as the Samurai teams up with his friend and North American Champion Kushida as they take on the Way's Johnny Gargano and Austin Theory.
At his locker room, Kenji was organizing his ring attire for tonight while his door open and someone was coming in. Then the Samurai felt arms wrapped around him and something rubbing against his body.
Kenji: Kairi
Kairi: aww, how did you know?
Kenji: the body rubbing was very obvious
The Samurai smirked as he gave his girlfriend a kiss.
Kenji: have you eaten already?
Kairi: hai, I already did, but I'm still hungry
Kenji: you're hungry, you just ate, so what do you have in mind?
Kairi went to the door and locked it as she walked up to Kenji while she licks her lips and gently pushes him down on the couch.
Kairi: I'm hungry for you
Kenji: wha- mmphh!
Before the Samurai could respond, Kairi lunged and kissed her love on his lips while she straddled his lap. The couple had a passionate make out session with Kairi keeping Kenji close with her hands behind his neck while the Samurai gently caressed her soft thighs, making the Pirate Princess melt and moan in comfort.
Kairi went down to kiss his neck, so she can lightly nibble on it, so she can leave a small mark, making Kenji moan.
Kenji: K-Kairi-san
Kairi giggled.
Kairi: relax, it's a small mark
Kenji: so, anything for you tonight?
Kairi: hai, Io-san and I will sign our contract, but to hype up the match, I put something in my treasure chest
Kenji assumed that inside the chest was the NXT Women's title, but he was wrong as the title is sitting on Kairi's bag.
Kenji: if it's not your title, then what is it?
Kairi: I won't spoil, but I will give you a hint: history
Kenji: history?
Kairi: hai, that is all you will know because I have to go now and the segment will start
Kenji: okay, I will watch from here
The two shared a kiss before Kairi left.
(In the ring)
General Manager William Regal was in the ring to facilitate the contract signing between the challenger Io Shirai and the current champion Kairi Sane.
The Genius of the Sky made her entrance while the crowd cheered for her. Io got in the ring and climbed the turnbuckle to do her signature pose.
Then a second later, Kairi's entrance music played and out came the Pirate Princess with the NXT Women's title around her waist while she brings along her treasure chest. Fans are also confused because they know Kairi always puts her title in the chest, but the real contents of the chest will surprise both the fans and Io herself.
Kairi got in the ring and set the chest on the table. The two women sat down and exchanged smiles.
William: alright Io, Kairi; the contract for your title match at Takeover: Chicago has been proofread and verified, so just sign your signatures and we can make the match official.
Io went on to put pen on paper first and then after that, she got on the mic.
Io: Kairi-san, you are one of my best friends and also one of my greatest competitions back in Japan, but at Chicago, that title is coming home with me
Kairi smirked and nodded at Io's remark. She then took the contract and signed her signature on the line.
Kairi: Io-san, you and I will have the best match in our careers. We go way back, and that is the reason why I brought my chest out here. Io-san, let's take a trip down memory lane.
Io tilted her head in confusion as Kairi opened her chest and pulled out two championship titles with the center plates in the shape of a star and the straps in blue and pink.
Kairi: remember these, Io-san?
Io was shocked to see that the two titles Kairi took out were the Artist of Stardom Championship, a six-woman tag team championship from Kairi and Io's old Japanese wrestling promotion, World Wonder Ring Stardom.
Io holds the record for most title reigns at six.
Kairi: you, me and Mayu-san
Io ran her hand on the star shaped title as memories came flooding back. Then she saw Kairi taking out another familiar title.
Kairi: I held this once, but you held it twice and for a very long time
The title Kairi referred to was one of the promotion's top titles, the World of Stardom Championship, a title in which Io held twice and for a combined total of 1,014 days.
Kairi: but this is the title I have held for nearly a year
The Pirate Princess took out the last title, the other top title of the promotion, the Wonder of Stardom Championship.
The crowd were in awe of the titles and the history of the two women associated with the titles. Io held the World of Stardom title for a long time while Kairi held the Wonder of Stardom title for a year.
The Artist of Stardom tag titles traces their history when they were once part of the faction Queen's Quest with their close friend and fellow wrestler, Mayu Iwatani.
The Pirate Princess got on the mic.
Kairi: these titles are part of our history, so at Chicago, let's continue making history together
Kairi took the Wonder of Stardom title and raised it along with her NXT Women's title; Io smirked and nodded as she took the World of Stardom title and Artist of Stardom title and raised it as well.
The segment ended with the crowd chanting "Yes!" before changing it by chanting "Stardom!"
Kenji was still at awe of the contract signing and the titles.
Kenji: wow, Stardom's titles and their history
Kairi came in and saw her boyfriend still in awe and knew he watched the segment.
Kairi: I take it you saw the segment?
Kenji: oh yeah I did, damn so much history between you two
Kairi: hai
She put down the chest and open it to let Kenji take a closer look at them. The Samurai took the Wonder of Stardom title and looked at it.
Kenji: wow
Kairi smiled as she lays on Kenji's shoulder while the Samurai posed with the star shaped title with his NXT title.
Kairi: oh, I see a perfect photo op
Kenji: nani?
Kairi: get your NXT title and pose for me with the Wonder title
Kenji: okay
Kenji got his NXT title and posed by raising the two titles above his head. Kairi smiled as she took photos of her love posing with his title and another title she held. The Samurai's other pose was with him holding both titles on his shoulders.
Kairi: kawaii
Kenji smiled as she put the Wonder title on Kairi as he finished her sentence.
Kenji: just like you
Kairi smiled as the two shared a kiss on their lips.
(An hour later)
It was time for the tag team main event as Kenji and Kushida team up to take on The Way. The entrances were made and the match started with Kushida locking up with Theory.
(Minutes later)
Kenji was in battle mode as he connected shots to both Theory and Gargano while sending a message to Karrion Kross.
Kenji was all over Theory as he connected right forearm shots, seemingly mocking Kross.
Kenji stood up and waited for Austin to get back on his feet. As Theory was on his feet, Kenji took the opportunity to lock in the Ghidorah Choke, but Gargano came in and landed shots on Kenji, making the match end in a DQ. Kushida came in to even the odds as he fought off Johnny. Kenji and Theory joined in the fight.
Then running down the ring was one of Kushida's challengers for his North American title, the Bruiserweight Pete Dunne.
Pete came in and helped Gargano by putting Kushida at a numbers disadvantage. Kenji managed to neutralize Theory, so he can help his friend by pulling Gargano out. However, more people came down as another one of Kushida's challengers came, and it was Adam Cole. The Undisputed Era turncoat fazed Kenji with a superkick as he stomped on Kushida.
One more man came running down, and it was none other than the man who Cole turned on, Kyle O'Reilly, who was also another one of Kushida's challengers. O'Reilly made a beeline to the ring as he goes after Cole. The former UE brothers rolled out of the ring while they still fought.
Theory got Gargano got out of the ring and The Way retreated out of the ring. Kushida managed to fight back as he continued to fight with Pete.
Kenji recovered from Cole's superkick and shook it off. Then he felt a presence and turned around to see Kross with his arms folded.
The two men stared each other while the others fought at ringside.
Kenji bravely stepped up to Kross and raised his title high as he muttered the words:
Kenji: tick... tock...
Kross gritted his teeth and the two men started to trade punches as NXT goes off the air with a massive brawl around ringside.
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