Chapter 3: An Old Tomadachi
(A week later)
Kenji had trained at the Performance Center to unleash some new moves for his arsenal. He was training in the ring until he saw a familiar figure walked in and his eyes widen as it was his old friend from Japan who recently signed to NXT, Kushida.
Kenji: Kushida!
Kushida: Kenji-kun!
The two friends bro hugged.
Kenji: tell me you're part of NXT
Kushida: I just signed my contract!
Kenji: oh sweet!
Kushida: I can't wait to make my debut
Kenji: and that was a great match with Hiroshi at New Beginning
Kushida: yes, I requested that I want my final match against the Ace
Kenji: wrestling against the Ace himself in your final match is a must
Kushida: yes, and I see you were training
Kenji: just practicing some new moves
Kushida: let's see what you got
Kenji: I don't think you're ready for these moves, my friend
Kushida: I can take it
The two friends went in the ring and trained their moveset. Kenji performed an over the top rope corkscrew barrel roll which he named the Rodan Roll. His submission finished is a modified rear naked choke which he passionately named the Ghidorah.
Kenji and Kushida finished training and they rested.
Kushida: I'll admit, those moves are really effective
Kenji: told you
Kushida: while I was in Japan, did you found any girl you like?
Kenji: wait, why the sudden question?
Kushida: I know you well, my friend
Kenji: as a matter of fact, I do have someone in mind
Kushida: who is it?
Before the Samurai could answer, Kairi came into the training facility with Io and Dakota. Kenji's eyes were glued to the Pirate Princess.
Kushida looked at Kenji's direction.
Kushida: I guess that's her?
Kenji: the Pirate Princess
Kushida: you should ask her out, man; she's beautiful
Kenji: beautiful and adorable
(With Kairi)
She saw that Kenji was training with Kushida, but the Pirate Princess couldn't hide her blushing cheeks. Io and Dakota saw their friend in a cute blushing mess. They saw the reason of Kairi's cute blushing.
Io: aww, Kenji is here
Dakota: I called it fate, Io
Kairi saw Kenji executing his new moves which amazed her.
Kairi: Kenji's new moves are so cool
Io: it seems he and his friend know each other well
Dakota: looks like they're finished; Kairi, this is your chance to go talk to him
Kairi could only blush heavily, but mustered up her courage to walk over to Kenji and Kushida.
Kushida: Kenji-kun, you have a visitor
Kenji turned around to see Kairi at ringside waving at him while her signature cute smile was on her face.
Kenji: hi Kairi
Kairi: hi Kenji
The two smiled at each other as their cheeks flushed red. Kushida had a teasing grin on his face before he said to Kenji.
Kushida: I'll leave you two alone; thanks for helping me train, my friend
Kenji: no problem
Kushida: I'll leave you with your girlfriend
Kenji: dude!
Kushida laughed as he left to the showers. Kenji got out of the ring to talk with Kairi.
Kairi: may I ask, who's your friend?
Kenji: that's Kushida, one of NJPW's top stars and my longtime friend
Kairi: I saw that you got some new moves
Kenji: yup, an aerial and a submission hold
Kairi: and they're named after Godzilla monsters?
Kenji: yup, Rodan and King Ghidorah
Kairi: what's the name of your moves?
Kenji: the corkscrew suicide dive is called the Rodan Roll and the rear naked choke is called the Ghidorah
Kairi: ooh, they sound so intimidating; are you done training?
Kenji: yes, but I'm gonna go work out at the equipment
Kairi: okay, because there's something I want to ask you
Kenji: you can tell me after my work out
Kairi: okay
He smiled and caressed her chin with his thumb and index finger, making Kairi blush heavily. Kenji smirked as Kairi gave her irresistible cute smile.
He went to the exercise equipment and started working out. Kairi went back to Io and Dakota while her cheeks were still red. The three female Superstars went to the ring and worked on to approve their moveset.
While they worked out, Kairi was checking out Kenji who was lifting some weights.
Dakota: hey Kairi!
The Pirate Princess jumped as she was startled.
Kairi: don't do that, Dakota!
Dakota: were you checking Kenji out?
Kairi: no I wasn't!
Io: you were definitely looking at him when he was lifting weights
Kairi: fine, you caught me
Io: question, when is the date?
Kairi: shh!
She quiet her friends down.
Kairi: to answer your question Io, I'm gonna ask him out today
Dakota and Io couldn't contain their excitement, but the Pirate Princess kept them quiet.
Kairi: I really like Kenji, and I'm starting to develop feelings for him
Dakota: you're in love
Kairi smiled and hid her face with his hands as Io hugged her.
Meanwhile, Kenji finished working out for a good hour and he went to wash up in the showers. Kushida had already left, so he can rest up.
(10 minutes later)
Kenji wore his casual clothes and saw that the girls were done as well.
Dakota: there's your chance, Kairi
Kairi: okay...
Kairi walked up to the Filipino Samurai.
Kairi: Kenji...
Kenji: oh hey, you said you have something to say?
Kairi: yes
Her cheeks immediately flushed red and her eyes were looking at the floor. Once again, her cute smile was shown and Kenji couldn't resist.
Kenji: I swear, no one can resist your cuteness, so what was it you wanted to say?
Kairi: K-Kenji?
Kenji: yes? I'm all ears, Kairi; say what you need to say
Kairi: I-I wanted to ask you out on a d-date
Kenji was surprised and his eyes widen.
Kenji: well Kairi, while I was working out, I was thinking to ask you out on a date as well
The Pirate Princess' face lit up with happiness as her crush wanted to ask her out.
Kenji: Kairi, you're cute, adorable, beautiful and athletic
Kairi: aww, you're so sweet
Kenji: let's have our first official date this Saturday, I'll treat you out for dinner
Kairi: it's a date
She smiled big and proceeded to hug Kenji, much to the surprise of the Filipino Samurai, but he gladly returned her hug by wrapping his arms around her body, making her melt into his arms.
As they pulled back, the two looked at each other while they smiled. Kenji caressed her chin again before he left the Performance Center.
Kairi went back to Io and Dakota.
Dakota: so, fill us in
Kairi: I have a date with Kenji this weekend!
The girls squealed as they hugged Kairi.
Io: you have a date with your crush
Kairi: I'm already excited!
Dakota: you're so in love in him
Kairi smiled, before confessing.
Kairi: yes, I'm in love with him!
The girls squealed and they left the Performance Center to grab some lunch.
(With Kenji)
Kenji was at his apartment, cooking his own lunch because he was on a strict low carb diet. As he ate, he thought about Kairi.
Kenji: oh Kairi, why are you so cute?
He thought of her irresistible cuteness along with her cute smile and her soft voice.
Kenji: I can't wait for our date this weekend
He continued to eat his low carb lunch while a smile plastered his face all the way to the night and he dreamed of Kairi.
(With Kairi)
She was all giddy and blushing as she can't get over that her crush asked her out on a date.
Kairi: I can't wait for this weekend
The Pirate Princess was in her hotel room in bed and she stared up at the ceiling with a dreamy smile on her face. As she fell asleep, she dreamed of Kenji.
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