Chapter 14: Relaxation Workout With Teasing
With their title showdowns against Adam Cole and Shayna Baszler looming around the corner, the couple of Kenji and Kairi felt all nervousness. For Kenji, this was his first championship opportunity after he pinned the NXT Champion in the WarGames match, and after getting some encouragement and advice from Tommaso, pressure was on the Pinoy Samurai to put an end to the Undisputed Era's tyrannical prophecy over the black and gold brand.
As for Kairi, the Pirate Princess recalled losing her title to the Queen of Spades at WWE's all women pay-per-view event, Evolution, which kick started Shayna's iron fist reign over NXT's women's division along with breaking her friend Asuka's record for longest reigning NXT Women's Champion.
Kairi knew that Kenji was as nervous as she was, so she came up with a plan to calm her Samurai boyfriend, and since it was the weekend, today was the perfect time to increase his confidence and motivation while having fun with him.
The next morning, the couple were sleeping together in their hotel room until the sun woke the Pirate Princess up. She saw Kenji's arms wrapped around her in the spoon position which brought a cute smile on her face. Then she turned around to face him while stroking her cheek with her hand as she thought to herself.
Kairi: Kenji-kun, I know you will be nervous for your title match, but don't worry I will make you feel calm and better
She giggled and smiled mischievously to herself before kissing his nose before going to his lips. The Pirate Princess repeatedly kissed the Samurai's lips which made him smile as he woke up to the cute and beautiful Pirate Princess.
Kairi: ohayogozaimasu
Kenji smiled and kissed his girlfriend. Then as he was about to get up, the Pirate Princess held him down.
Kenji: Kairi-san, what are you doing?
Then Kairi got on top and straddled him as the Samurai could do nothing but blush madly.
Kairi: aww Kenji-kun, you're blushing; that's so kawaii!
She giggled and then placed her hands on his cheeks while her cute smile was still planted on her face. Then Kairi leaned in and gave him a good morning kiss for his wake up call. Kenji kissed his girlfriend back with his hands on her back.
Then their make out session got heated as the Pirate Princess held his hands and placed them on her butt while she went down to his neck, causing shivers to go down his spine while his hands firmly and lightly grip her bottom.
Kenji: K-Kairi-san...
The Pirate Princess knew she got her boyfriend where she wants him; she continued to kiss his neck before gently nibbling on it, making him gasp. After a minute, Kairi pulled back and giggled while she wiped her lips as she on Kenji's neck, a souvenir from the Pirate Princess herself.
Kairi: aww kawaii!
Kenji: what did you do?
Kairi giggled as she tried to put her words together.
Kairi: nothing babe
Kenji: what... did... you... do?
He said as he began to tickle Kairi's hips, causing the Pirate Princess to laugh uncontrollably.
Kairi: check... the... mirror!
Kairi said in between her laugh. Then Kenji stopped tickling his girlfriend and went to check the mirror to see that the Pirate Princess has left a piece of her treasure on his neck, in the form of a hickey. Kenji blushed at the sight of the mark as he turned back to face Kairi. The Pirate Princess walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Kairi: aww, don't be embarrassed my love, don't look at it as a hickey, look at it as a treasure of my love for you
Kenji: just hope Kushida-kun or any of our friends make fun of this
Kairi giggled and kissed him on the lips. Then the two dressed up in their gym clothes for their morning work out at the hotel gym. As they rode the elevator down to the gym, the Pirate Princess opened up a conversation.
Kairi: Kenji-kun, are you feeling nervous for your title match against Adam?
Kenji: yeah, this is my first championship match since I debut on NXT, and it's for the brand's top title, this is a big challenge that would define my career
Kairi: aww, I know you can win
Kenji: coming from my cute girlfriend, I can agree
He smiled and kissed her cheek, making Kairi smile. Then the two walked into the hotel gym to see Kushida and Io working out.
Kairi: I will be with Io babe...
Then she got closer and whispered in his ear.
Kairi: try to focus on your work out and not get distracted
The breath of the Pirate Princess brushed against Kenji's ear, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
Kenji: w-why would I be d-distracted? There's only the four of us here
Kairi smiled and walked away leaving a confused Kenji. The Pinoy Samurai saw she was strutting her hips, putting the Samurai in a trance, however he was brought back into reality when Kushida put his hand on his shoulders.
Kushida: Kenji, ready to work out?
Kenji: huh? Oh yeah, let's do it
The two friends started their workout with sets on the weightlifting machines.
(Meanwhile with Io and Kairi)
Io: so how are you two doing?
Kairi: Kenji-kun is so cute
Io: I see he was blushing, did you do something to him?
Kairi: maybe...
Io: Kairi-san, tell me what did you do to him?
Kairi: I left him a treasure of love
Io: a treasure of love?
Kairi smiled and nodded. It only took a few seconds for Io to realize what her best friend meant as her eyes widen.
Io: did you?
Kairi: shh!
Then they whispered to themselves.
Io: you marked Kenji-kun?
Kairi: yes, so I can calm him down for his match
Io: oh you marked him for good luck
Kairi: you can say that
Io: same thing what I do to my Vasil-kun
The two friends shared a laugh.
Io: so what are you doing to him?
Kairi: I'm just gonna mess and tease him
Io: oh he'll not be focused on his work out
(With Kenji and Kushida)
As the guys went to the punching bags, the Time Splitter noticed something on the Samurai's neck.
Kushida: Kenji?
Kenji: yes?
Kushida: what is that mark on your neck there?
Kenji: nani?
The Pinoy Samurai was confused until he remembered the treasure mark left by his girlfriend. Kenji immediately covered it up in embarrassment.
Kenji: it's nothing, dude
Kushida: come on Kenji, you're talking to your long time friend, you can tell me anything
Kenji: okay fine
The Samurai removed his hand to show the hickey.
Kushida: looks like your girlfriend has marked you
Kenji: she went after my neck again, man
Kushida: I'm not gonna make fun of you man, just look at it as mark of her love for you
Kenji: that's what she told me
Kushida: so there's nothing to be embarrassed about
Kenji: you're right man; come on, let's continue
The two friends went to unleash shots on the punching bag.
(Back with Kairi and Io)
The two girls were moving on to the dumbbells as Kairi saw Kenji unleashing on the punching bag.
Kairi: ooh, he's so good with his combos
Io: can't stop looking at your boyfriend?
Kairi: he is so kawaii and handsome
Io: well now you can tease him
Kairi: that I'll do
The Pirate Princess smirked and went to proceed to do her set.
(Back with Kenji and Kushida)
While Kenji was unleashing punches and kicks on the bag, his peripheral vision shifted to Kairi lifting some dumbbells. After she finished, the Pirate Princess was wiping her sweat while Kenji was in a trance.
Kushida: Kenji, look out!
Kenji: huh?
Reality came back to the Pinoy Samurai as the punching bag hit him. Kushida stopped the bag from swinging as he went to his friend.
Kushida: you alright?
Kenji: uh yeah
Kushida: by your face, you were distracted
Kenji: uh yeah
Io was laughing which brought the attention of Kairi.
Kairi: Io-san, what's so funny?
Io: Kenji-kun got distracted by you and the punching bag hit him.
Kairi: looks like he was checking me out
Kairi giggled as she turned to see her boyfriend leaning while he breathed.
Kairi: I love to tease him
Io: what's your next move?
Kairi: watch and learn
The Pirate Princess went over to Kenji.
Kushida: Kenji, you have company
The Samurai turned around to see Kairi coming over to him with her cute and seductive smile on her face.
Kenji: you need something, babe?
Kairi: can I ask you something?
Kenji: yes?
The Pirate Princess went closer and ran her hand from his cheek to his neck to his arm and to his hand, making Kenji tense up. Then she whispered in his ear.
Kairi: Kenji-kun, were you checking me out?
Kenji: w-what makes you think I was checking you out?
Kairi: Io saw that you got hit by the punching bag because you were looking at me
Kenji: u-uhh...
The Samurai tensed up with nervousness while Kairi went to kiss his cheek and neck while Kushida and Io tried to hold their laugh. Kairi pulled back and whispered to him.
Kairi: I won't stop this until you tell the truth
Kairi said as she went back to kissing his cheek and neck repeatedly until Kenji broke.
Kenji: okay okay I was checking you out!
The Pirate Princess pulled back and giggled.
Kairi: Kenji-kun kawaii!
She playfully pinched his nose before going back to the barbells.
Kairi and Kenji went back up to their hotel room. Then the Pirate Princess went to shower in the bathroom.
After she showered, Kairi came out with her towel wrapped around her.
Kairi: Kenji-kun, you can shower now
Kenji: okay babe whoa!
As Kenji turned around, he blushed at the sight of Kairi in her towel. The Samurai took a deep breath while he got his towel. Kairi smiled and giggled at her boyfriend's discomfort as she watched him go into the bathroom.
(Minutes later)
Kenji finished showering and went to wear his new clothes. Then he went to join Kairi on the couch after he cooked lunch to continue their Godzilla marathon with the 1991 classic, Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah.
Kairi laid her head on his shoulder and snuggled in his arm while she smiled. The Pirate Princess felt a bit cold and Kenji felt her shivering.
Kenji: what's wrong babe, you feel cold?
Kairi: yes love, can you put your hand here please?
The Pirate Princess said as she patted her bare leg.
Kenji: of course
Kenji placed his hand on her leg and gently stroked it, making Kairi comfortable and warm from his touch. Kairi smiled and kissed his cheek.
Kairi: arigato, Kenji-kun
Kenji: it's no problem
They continued to watch the final battle between the radioactive lizard and the three headed space dragon.
Kenji: here we go, the battle of these two rivals
(A few minutes later)
After the movie finished, Kenji saw Kairi was asleep on his shoulder. He didn't want to move her, so he decided for them to take a nap on the couch. The Samurai turned off the TV and gently laid down on the couch, so Kairi is on top of him. He put the blanket over their bodies as he gently rubbed Kairi's back.
Kenji kissed Kairi's head as fell asleep while cuddling the Pirate Princess in his arms.
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