Chapter 11: Christmas Present
A few days after their win in their mixed tag team match on NXT, Kairi noticed that it was almost Christmas and the NXT locker room were given the week off to go home and celebrate the Holidays with their loved ones. The Pirate Princess saw her Samurai sleeping happily.
Kairi blushed and playfully poke his cheeks while a cute smile was on her face. Kenji smiled and opened his eyes to see his cute and beautiful Pirate girlfriend. She stopped poking his cheeks, and instead kissed him repeatedly on the cheek.
Kenji: now that's a wake up call
Kairi: come on, let's go have breakfast
She said while she threw a pillow to Kenji's face. Kairi dashed out of the room before Kenji could do anything.
Kenji: oh what am I gonna do with her?
He chuckled and shook his head before going down stairs. The Samurai noticed his Pirate Princess girlfriend getting into the spirit of the holidays.
Kairi: Kenji, just sit down and relax while I cook
Kenji: I want to help
Kairi: okay, you can help marinate and cook the steak
Kenji: sure
He stood up and grabbed the steak from the fridge and he seasoned it with the ingredients. He then placed the meat in melted butter and let the steak cooked for a while.
Kairi was rolling some sushi, and to the surprise of the Pirate Princes, she felt her boyfriend grabbed her bottom making her squeal.
Kairi: ooh, someone is getting cheeky
Kenji: I hope I won't end up on your naughty list for this
Kairi giggled and as she finished rolling the last sushi, she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Kairi: how about I give you a sneak peek of your Christmas gift from me?
Kenji: yes please
Kairi had a seductive smirk on her face. She brought her face close and then attacked Kenji's neck with her lips.
Kenji: oh my god!
The Samurai shivered as he took in all of Kairi's kisses, licks and bites to his neck. After two minutes, she pulled back all giggling and blushing.
Kenji: damn, that was nice
Kairi: oh babe, you better focus on your steak
Kenji: right right
He flipped the meat over to let it sear evenly.
As he cooked the steak, he felt Kairi rubbing up against him again. The Samurai tried to focus on cooking to prevent the steak from burning. He managed to cook the steak in the perfect medium rare while the cute Pirate Princess rubbed her body against his.
Kenji: s-steak is done
Kairi: oh that looks good
Her hands roam over the Samurai's body.
Kenji: you're getting handsy
Kairi: just prepare yourself because I'm giving you a Christmas you'll never forget
She got closer to his face and gave a seductive grin.
Kenji: l-let's eat before the food gets cold
The Samurai set the table while the grin on Kairi's face was still plastered. The two sat down next to each other and ate. Their breakfast time was full of teasing and playing around as they couldn't get their hands off each other. The Samurai's hand were all over Kairi's hips and legs which made her giggle.
Kairi: baby, it tickles
They fed each other slices of steak and sushi until all of the food is gone.
Kairi: now, it's time for dessert
Kenji: dessert during breakfast?
Kairi: but this one you can have for any meal
Before Kenji could do anything, Kairi jumped and sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Kairi: now, enjoy your dessert
Kenji: umph!
The Pirate Princess gave the Samurai a passionate kiss. Kenji kissed her back with equal passion. Kairi pulled back and whispered into his ear.
Kairi: carry me to the couch
Kenji: aye aye
He carried the cute Pirate Princess to the couch, and before he set her down, she told him.
Kairi: let me be on top
Kenji: as you wish
The couple positioned themselves on the couch with the Pirate Princess on top and straddling the Pinoy Samurai.
Kairi: now where were we?
Kenji: I believe we both know
Kairi: oh yes
The two went back to their steamy make out session. The Samurai's hands pulled up Kairi's shorts and felt her toned legs. Kairi moaned as she went down to Kenji's neck. After half an hour, they pulled back.
Kairi: now that's just a sneak peek of what's to come
She giggled and booped his nose.
Kenji: you're getting me excited
Kairi: but you have to wait for Christmas tomorrow
Kenji: I can wait
They shared a laugh and proceeded to watch a movie.
(Time skip, December 24 10:55 p.m.)
The couple invited their friends to a Christmas party at their room and everyone was having a fun time.
Kairi, Io and Dakota were talking with each other while Kenji, Kushida, Johnny and Tommaso were hanging out outside at the balcony.
Kushida: it seems you and Kairi are still going strong
Kenji: the Pirate Princess is all over me
Kushida: but you enjoy it, right?
Johnny and Tommaso had teasing smirks on their faces.
Kenji: you're not wrong on that, man
The guys shared a laugh as the Time Splitter patted the Samurai's back.
(With the girls)
Io: so how are you and Kenji doing?
Kairi: we're doing really well
Dakota: have you done some "things" to him?
Kairi blushed at Dakota's question.
Kairi: I may teased him a lot
Dakota: you naughty Pirate Princess
Kairi: I have a Christmas present for him later, and it will be the present he will never forget
Io: you two are seriously adorable
The party went on and the group decided to set up the couple with the classic Christmas tradition, the mistletoe.
Dakota: Kushida, call Kenji
Kushida: got it
Tommaso: Io, go get the pirate Princess
Io: yup
The group split up to commence their plan with Kushida going over to Kenji.
Kushida: dude, can you come help me with something?
Kenji: oh sure what is it?
Kushida: it's over here
(With Io)
Io: Kairi-san, I need your help with something
Kairi: what is it?
Io: come on
Kushida and Io led the two to the same spot in the middle of the room.
Kenji: so what is it you guys need?
Kairi: I'm confused right now
Io: can you two look up please?
Kenji and Kairi looked up to see a mistletoe hanging above their heads which was held by Dakota.
Dakota: oh look, you two are under the mistletoe; you know what that means
Kenji and Kairi looked at each other while their cheeks flushed red. Knowing the meaning and tradition of the mistletoe, Kairi placed her hands on his cheeks and gave him a loving kiss. Then she pulled back.
Kairi: Merry Christmas, my love
Kenji: Merry Christmas to you too, babe
Meanwhile, Io, Dakota, Tommaso and Kushida gave each other high fives as their plan was successful.
An hour later, everyone left leaving the couple alone.
Kenji: that was a great party
Kairi: I agree
Then Kairi thought of her surprise and loving present for her Samurai.
Kairi: oh baby, I have my Christmas present for you
Kenji: oh what is it?
Kairi: go wait in the room, it will be a surprise
Kenji: alright
Kenji went in the room and laid down in the bed to wait for Kairi's present for him.
(In the bathroom)
Kairi wore a big hair bow on her head as she wore her kimono. Underneath, she was wearing nothing but her bra and underwear. She looked at the mirror as she wrapped her kimono while she blushed.
Kairi: Merry Christmas Kenji
Meanwhile, in the room Kenji occupied himself with his phone to see that at the next NXT will be a number one contender's triple threat to face Adam Cole for the NXT title. The participants were Kenji, Keith Lee and returning to NXT after poor booking on the main roster, Finn Balor.
Kenji: now this is what I call working for an opportunity
He was interrupted by the door opening with Kairi peeking her head.
Kairi: こんばんは、あなた (Good evening, my love)
Kenji: hello
The Pirate Princess came in wearing the kimono and the hair bow on her head.
Kenji: so what's the present?
Kairi: you're looking at it
Kenji: is it something I have to unwrap?
Kairi: maybe...
Kenji sat up on the edge of the bed as Kairi strutted over seductively and sat on his lap. Kairi removed the bow, so it won't get in the way.
Kairi: I want to say that you've been so sweet, caring and loving to me
Kenji: well babe, you are so cute and I can't resist your adorableness
He kissed her cheek repeatedly making her giggle.
Kairi: now, it's time to open your present
The Pirate Princess sat down beside him on the bed. She then grabbed his hands and placed it on the hem of her kimono.
Kairi: go on babe
Kenji pulled back the dress slowly as he savored the moment until he pulled back the last layer of the dress to reveal her toned, soft and smooth legs.
Kairi took his hands and placed them on her legs to let him feel the softness of her skin. He lightly stroked her thighs before going back to finish unwrapping his present. He pulled back more of the kimono until he saw her bra and undergarments. Kairi smiled and blushed as she sensed his discomfort. She removed the kimono from her body and crawled on top of him.
Kairi: Merry Christmas
She gave Kenji a loving and heated kiss which immediately turned into a make out session. Their hands roamed each other's body. Kenji's hand felt Kairi's bra and went to unhooked it. The Pirate Princess removed her bra to show her bare chest "buns" to the Samurai. They went back to kissing while the Samurai's hands was on the Pirate Princess' "buns." Then the Samurai took out his clothes and removed her undergarments and the couple went down.
(30 minutes later)
They laid in bed with the covers over their bodies as they sweated and breathed heavily.
Kenji: greatest Christmas present ever
Kairi: I'm glad you loved it
Kenji: but I love you more
Kairi: I love you too
They kissed each other before they fell asleep in each other's arms.
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